Market Status: Closed
  Wednesday, 03 Jul '24
   07:30:46 (BST)


Mr. Asif Ibrahim


Mr. Asif Ibrahim is the former President (2011-2012) of Dhaka Chamber of Commerce and Industry (DCCI), the largest SME Trade Body of Bangladesh. He is the Former Founder Chairman (2012-2015) of Business Initiative Leading Development (BUILD), a Public Private Dialogue platform to expedite the policy reforms to enable private sector led economic growth of Bangladesh. Mr. Ibrahim served as a board member of Federation of Bangladesh Chamber of Commerce and Industry (2012-2015) and was the Chairman of the Privatization Standing Committee of FBCCI.

He was also a member of the Executive Committee of Bangladesh Employers’ Federation (BEF) and a Director of Bangladesh Philippines Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BPCCI)). He has previously been in the Board of France Bangladesh Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCIFB).

He was also the President (2016-2018) of Bangladesh Professional Golfer’s Association (BPGA).