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Dr. Mahmud Hassan

Independent Director

Dr. Mahmud Hassan is an Associate Professor at the Department of Marketing & International Business at North South University (NSU). Currently, he is serving as the Honorary Research Fellow at INTI International University, Malaysia. He is also the Editorial Board Member of the Journal of Innovations in Digital Marketing. Dr. Mahmud assumed his current role at NSU after completing his PhD in Branding and Innovation from the University of Queensland, Australia. In his PhD thesis he specialized on experimental research design and used new product preannouncement & product innovation as a context. He has received his Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) degree from Southern Cross University, Australia. In his DBA thesis he worked on customer value co-creation of virtual brand communities involving netnography methods. He was also a Lecturer at the University of Southern Queensland and Southern Cross University, Australia before joining NSU.


Dr. Mahmud is the recipient of several internal and external research grant projects where he works as the Principle Investigator. These research grants are awarded by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Bangladesh; Ministry of Social Welfare, Bangladesh; Dhaka Metropolitan Police and North South University. In total, these grants value more than 4.50 Crore Bangladeshi Taka. For all these research grant projects he had developed the conceptual models, measurement of the variables, developed the research instrument, collected data (typically through experiments and surveys) and tested these conceptual models by using statistical analysis (typically regression and or ANOVA) and use PLS SEM or Hayes Process Model to analyze the data.


Dr. Mahmud is currently working in several research projects and has built an extensive network with researchers and academicians from Australia, Canada, Malaysia, Spain, UK and USA. He has also published journal papers with researchers from Australia and Europe. His research has been published in the Journal of Consumer Behavior, Internet Research and Spanish Journal of Marketing. He was also invited to present papers at the American Marketing Association (AMA) Conference, INFORMS Marketing Science Conference, Academy of Marketing Science Conference, Australia & New Zealand Marketing Academy (ANZMAC) Conference, Society for Marketing Advances (SMA) Conference and Spanish Marketing Association Conference. He was also invited to serve as a Track Chair for many of these well-reputed conferences. He has also served as a reviewer of journals, such as Journal of Consumer Behavior, Journal of Strategic Marketing, Journal of Product and Brand Management, Internet research, Marketing Intelligence and Planning, Journal of Consumer Marketing, Journal of Brand Management and Spanish Journal of Marketing etc.


Dr Mahmud has developed a detailed teaching pedagogy model where undergraduate students conduct and write a thesis in one semester. These students’ papers are accepted and were presented in top tier conferences (AMA, ANZMAC, INFORMS and SMA) and are currently undergoing review process in Top Tier Journals (Scopus Q1; ABDC B).


He was an Associate Professor and BBA Program Coordinator at the School of Business, Chittagong Independent University (CIU). He served as the Director of the Centre of Excellence for Teaching and Learning (CETL) at CIU. He was also the Head of the Marketing Department of the School of Business, CIU. Previously he also served as a Lecturer in the School of Business at the Independent University, Bangladesh (IUB). He was a member of American Marketing Association, Academy of Marketing Science, Marketing Science Institute, Academy of International Business, Society for Marketing Advances and Australia and New Zealand Marketing Academy (ANZMAC).