Market Status: Closed
  Wednesday, 26 Mar '25
   10:59:50 (BST)

Inside CSE


The Chittagong Stock Exchange (CSE) began its journey in 10th October of 1995 from Chittagong City through the cry-out trading system with the promise to create a state-of-the art bourse in the country.

Founder members of the proposed Chittagong Stock Exchange approached the Bangladesh Government in January 1995 and obtained the permission of the Securities and Exchange Commission on February 12, 1995 for establishing the country's second stock exchange. The Exchange comprised of twelve Board members, presided by Mr. Amir Khosru Mahmud Chowdhury (MP) and run by an independent secretariat from the very first day of its inception.

CSE was formally opened by then Hon'ble Prime Minister of Bangladesh on November 4, 1995.


  • Emerge as a globally recognized, credible and enhanced securities exchange, distinguished regionally and globally in delivering innovative products and services
  • Prospect Bangladesh's economy by creating a platform for investors, through which they can trade fairly and efficiently
  • Maintain diversity by providing a transparent and accessible platform and by rising to the latest international standards in the field of financial markets to provide an attractive investment environment to a wide range of stakeholders
  • Enable individuals to continue their professional development and assist companies to develop their human capital and grow their relevant skills base
  • Foster market confidence and wealth maximization for investors, issuers and every stakeholder.


  • To position as a crucial domestic and regional capital market, with a global reputation of confidence for issuers to raise capital and for investors to trade securities and derivative products.
  • Provide infrastructures that enable fair, organized, transparent and efficient securities trading that is accessible to a wide range of stakeholders.
  • Offer a diversified range of investment and trading opportunities for investors and members.
  • Enable easier fundraising for enterprises, ensuring safer investments for the public, fairer trading mechanisms, more diversified financial products while introducing innovative products, expanding market scale and providing more transparent corporate information.
  • Drive sustainable economic growth by providing a gateway for raising capital and accessing investment opportunities, mobilizing domestic savings, allocating capital proficiency, reducing risk by diversifying, and facilitating the exchange of goods and services
  • Comply with international standard of practices in the securities industry by focusing on keeping pace with the dynamic financial and regulatory benchmarks and targeted training methodologies.
  • Provide domestic and international investors with access to listed companies.

Core values

  • Value for people
  • Transparency
  • Excellence
  • Harmony
  • Integrity
  • Commitment


  • Increase business turnover
  • Modernize trading system
  • Ensure effective relationship management
  • Achieve high level of confidence & professionalism
  • Engage in product and market diversification
  • Contribute to capital market policy development
  • Ensure exchange related quality services


12th Feb 1995 Bangladesh Government approved CSE
1st April, 1995 Incorporated as a limited company
10th October 1995 Floor Trading Started
1st January 1996 Became corresponding member of WFE
2nd June 1998 CSE becomes the First Bourse to Introduce Automated and Online Trading System in Bangladesh
16th January 2000 Convened SAFE
26th January, 2004 Central Depository Bangladesh Ltd. (CDBL) opens- CSE plays a key role
30th May, 2004 Introduction of real time Internet Trading Service- first time in Bangladesh
26th September CSE introduced Trade Settlement through EFTN
20th October, 2011 Introduction of Next Generation Trading System (NGTS)
21st November, 2013 CSE became a demutualized Exchange


After demutualization the Chittagong Stock Exchange Ltd (CSE) is registered as a Public Limited company under Companies Act, 1994. The Board, headed by elected Chairman from the Independent Directors, consist of 13 members comprising 7 Independent Directors, 5 Shareholder Directors including 1 Strategic Investor and the Managing Director.

CSE activities are regulated by its own Memorandum & Articles of Association, regulations and by laws along with the rules, order and notifications of the Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission (BSEC).