Market Status: Closed
  Wednesday, 26 Mar '25
   11:03:19 (BST)

Managing Director's Message

A warm welcome to Chittagong Stock Exchange PLC. (CSE) Chittagong Stock Exchange PLC. is a fully automated bourse and the first bourse to introduce online trading system in Bangladesh. Chittagong Stock Exchange began its journey on 10th October, 1995 from the port city Chittagong through the cry-out trading system with the promise to create a state-of-the art bourse in the country. Now CSE has state of the art modern trading, surveillance and clearing & settlement system. We bring together companies and other issuers with the investors. We provide fast and efficient trading system for our secondary market. CSE became a demutualized Exchange on November 21, 2013. CSE activities are regulated by its own Memorandum & Articles of Association, Regulations and by laws along with the rules, regulations and notifications of Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission under Ministry of Finance. CSE is playing a pioneer role for the development of the capital market in Bangladesh. We are working to enrich our capital market by introducing new products and services.