Market Status: Closed
  Wednesday, 26 Mar '25
   11:23:19 (BST)



The best way to raise fund for your company

In the era of free economy and democracy, stock market provided an effective linkage between large pool of investors and entrepreneurs. Investors on their free will want to take risk and invest directly with the project and like to possess share of ownership and profit.

Reduced reliance on debt finance

Borrowing and their prescheduled compulsory debt servicing could be avoided if company is listed.

Enhancement of efficiency

The management of a public company must be accountable to their shareholders, which in turn play a role in ensuring that the company operates in an efficient manner. Shareholders will benefit from the enhancement of the company's operational efficiency.

Outreach to investors for future finance need

Once listed access to additional long-term capital is often easier. You can issue right shares or capitalize profit by issuing bonus share.

Tax Benefit

If your company is listed it pays less tax. At the current rate, listed companies pay at 7.50% less corporate tax than those who are not listed.

Increased visibility

Your company's name in the newspapers and other media will also help marketing of company product and service. It has been found that shareholders are often loyal to their own company's brand.


Listing on the Exchange generally increases the liquidity of the listed securities. Entrepreneurs may love to develop one project successfully , run it in a transparent way and then change into cash it when needed for the sake of developing another one.


Being listed in the stock exchange raises the prestige of a company immeasurably. A listed company presents a positive public image. This image plays an important role in boosting the company's credibility.

Attract Foreign Investment

Being a listed company can help attract foreign investment in the firm, opening up opportunities for business expansion and modernization.



Trading from many cities: outreach to vast investors

CSE is the first bourse to automate the nationwide trading system on June, 1998. The Exchange uses the latest in communication technology to give instant access from every location of the country. Currently there are 129 Members of the Exchange and all are corporate body ready to serving a wide base of investors.


Online real time trade matching system ensures accountability and transparency in the market that helps to enhances investors’ confidence.

Internet Trading System

CSE extended its network to the abroad by introducing Internet Trading System. Internet Trading System enables an investor from abroad to have an access to our Market through the System.


CSE trading system provides trade and post-trade information to the investors. The investor knows the depth of the market on real time basis. The system shows the best 5 buy and sell orders and also the total number of securities available for buying and selling in the market.

Short settlement period

The settlement period for good category of companies is shorter and the Exchange as a counter party of the executed trade successfully completes the settlements though the trading network is vast.

Facility to the listed companies to broadcast their corporate announcements

The CSE network disseminates the corporate disclosure such as financial report, announcements of book closure dividend, bonus, rights, takeover, mergers etc. are disseminated across the country thus minimizing scope for price manipulation or insider trading.

Very competitive low Listing Fees

Listing fees at Chittagong Stock Exchange are very competitive and reasonable.

Market analysis and investors' relations

Chittagong Stock Exchange has a research cell for continuous market status apperception an understanding investors' general behavior. This profits listed company's.