Market Status: Closed
  Wednesday, 26 Mar '25
   11:23:19 (BST)


Grounds for explicit de-listing/cancellation of listing criteria are as follows:

  • Fails to comply with the requirements of any of CSE listing regulations;
  • Where the Exchange considers it necessary for the protection of investors;
  • Fails to pay penalty or any other dues payable to the exchange for a period of two years;
  • Fails to declare dividend or bonus:
    • for five years from the date of declaration of last dividend or bonus; or
    • in the case of manufacturing companies, for five years from the date of commencement on commercial production; or
    • for five years from the date of commencement of business in all other cases
  • Fails to hold its AGM for a continuous period of three years;
  • Gone into liquidation either voluntarily or under court order;
  • Fails to pay the annual list fees for a period of 2 years;
  • If securities are quoted below 50 per cent of face value for a continuous period of three calendar years.

No company will be de-listed from CSE unless the company has been given an adequate opportunity of being heard. Neither stock exchange nor BSEC got any guidelines or rules relating to procedure for de-listing.


A new phase for the listing facility in the Capital Market. OTC is designed for two segments of companies

  • The companies who are delisted from trading
  • Where the Exchange considers it necessary for the protection of investors;

CSE established Over the Counter facilities with a specific facilitate small