CSE news on DBH
2024-10-20: Un-audited Financial Statements
DBH: (Quarter 3) As per un-audited financial statements of the Company, EPS was Tk. 1.68 for July-September 2024 as against Tk. 1.20 for July-September 2023; EPS was Tk. 3.73 for January-September 2024 as against Tk. 3.66 for January-September 2023. NOCFPS was Tk. (7.45) for January-September 2024 as against Tk. 43.18 for January-September 2023. NAV per share was Tk. 45.86 as on September 30, 2024 and Tk. 43.63 as on December 31, 2023. NOCFPS decreased due to significant increase in loans & repayment to respective clients and banks during this period.
2024-10-09: Board Meeting
DBH: The Company has informed that a Board Meeting will be held on October 17, 2024 at 3:30 PM to consider, among others, un-audited financial statements of the Company for the Third Quarter (Q3) period ended September 30, 2024.
2024-07-29: Un-audited HY A/Cs (revised)
DBH: (Quarter 2) Refer to the earlier news regarding Un-audited HY A/Cs, published by CSE today, the Company has further informed that EPS for the period for April-June 2024 was Tk. 1.19 instead of 0.78 which was published earlier. Other information will remain unchanged.
2024-07-29: Cont-Un-audited HY A/Cs
DBH(cont):This results in less profit after tax for the period ended June 30, 2024 in comparison to the preceding year. NOCFPS has been decreased due to loan disbursement increased by BDT 76.4 crore after the period ended June 30, 2024 in comparison to the preceding period and deposits decreased by BDT 57 crore after the period ended June 30, 2024 in comparison to the preceding period.(end)
2024-07-29: Un-audited HY A/Cs
DBH: (Quarter 2) As per un-audited half yearly accounts of the Company, EPS was Tk. 0.78 for April-June 2024 as against Tk. 1.15 for April-June 2023; EPS was Tk. 2.05 for January-June 2024 as against Tk. 2.46 for January-June 2023. NOCFPS was Tk. (3.66) for January-June 2024 as against Tk. 26.93 for January-June 2023. NAV per share was Tk. 44.19 as on June 30, 2024 and Tk. 43.63 (restated) as on December 31, 2023. Reasons for deviation in EPS and NOCFPS: EPS has been decreased due to lifting of floor price as the company kept a provision of BDT 13.6 crore for capital market investments which is 14.74% of investment in listed securities. (Cont)
2024-07-24: Board Meeting
DBH: The Company has informed that a Board Meeting will be held on July 28, 2024 at 2:30 PM to consider, among others, un-audited financial statements of the Company for Second Quarter (Q2) period ended June 30, 2024.
2024-06-26: Cash Dividend Disbursement
DBH: The Company has informed that it has disbursed the Cash Dividend for the year ended December 31, 2023 to the respective shareholders.
2024-06-05: Credit Rating
DBH: Emerging Credit Rating Limited (ECRL) has affirmed the surveillance-6 credit rating of the Company as "AAA" in the long term and "ST-1" in the short term along with Stable outlook based on audited financial statements up to December 31, FY2023, and other relevant quantitative as well as qualitative information up to the date of rating.
2024-05-06: Cont-Un-audited Financial Statements
DBH: (Quarter 1) (Cont) This results in less profit after tax & the EPS has been decreased for Q1-2024 in comparison to the preceding year. Loan disbursement increases by 50 crores in Q1-2024 in comparison to the preceding period. Deposits are decreased by 155 crores in Q1-2024 in comparison to Q1-2023 due to increase of deposit rates from the end of 2023 causes the deviation in NOCFPS.(end)
2024-05-06: Un-audited Financial Statements
DBH: (Quarter 1) As per un-audited financial statements of the Company, EPS was Tk. 0.87 for January-March 2024 as against Tk. 1.31 (restated) for January-March 2023. NOCFPS was Tk. (1.86) for January-March 2024 as against Tk. 7.93 (restated) for January-March 2023. NAV per share was Tk. 44.50 as on March 31, 2024 and Tk. 43.63 (restated) as on December 31, 2023. Reasons for deviation in EPS and NOCFPS: Due to lifting of floor price, share price of some blue chips shares has come down significantly, and accordingly, the company has to keep a provision of BDT 8.64 crore against its capital market investments which is 9.4% of investment in listed securities. (Cont)
2024-04-29: Board Meeting
DBH: The Company has informed that the Board Meeting will be held on May 05, 2024 at 4:45 PM to consider, among others, un-audited financial statements of the Company for the First Quarter (Q1) period ended March 31, 2024.
2024-04-25: Change of mode for holding AGM of the company
DBH: Refer to the earlier news of the company disseminated by CSE on 12.03.2024, the company has further informed that the 28th AGM of the company will now be held virtually by using digital platform instead of earlier declaration of Hybrid mode through the following link: https://dbh28.agm.watch .
2024-04-08: Record Date tomorrow (09.04.2024)
DBH: Trading of the shares of the Company will remain suspended on its record date i.e., 09.04.2024. Trading of the shares of the Company will resume on 15.04.2024.
2024-04-03: Spot trade from tomorrow (04.04.2024)
DBH: Trading of the shares of the Company will be allowed only in the Spot Market from 04.04.2024 to 08.04.2024 as the record date of the Company is on 09.04.2024.
2024-03-12: CB Free
DBH: Please note that there will be no price limit today 12.03.2024 on the trading of the shares of the Company following its corporate declaration.
2024-03-12: Recommendation of Dividend
DBH: The Board of Directors has recommended 15% Cash Dividend for the year ended December 31, 2023. Date of AGM: 16.05.2024, Time: 11:00 AM, Venue: Using Hybrid System (Venue and Link to be notified through the AGM notice), Record date: 09.04.2024. The Company has reported EPS of Tk. 4.95, NAV per share of Tk. 43.63 and NOCFPS of Tk. 43.18 for the year ended December 31, 2023 as against Tk. 5.11 (restated), Tk. 40.16 (restated) and Tk. (19.26) (restated) respectively for the year ended December 31, 2022.
2024-03-04: Board Meeting
DBH: The Company has informed that the Board Meeting of the Company will be held on March 11, 2024 at 4:45 PM to consider, among others, audited financial statements of the Company for the year ended December 31, 2023.
2024-01-01: BSEC Consent to issue Non-Convertible Redeemable Fixed Coupon Senior Bond
DBH: Refer to their earlier news disseminated by CSE on 18.09.2023 regarding board approval to issue Non-Convertible Redeemable Fixed Coupon Senior Bond, the Company has further informed that Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission has accorded its consent to DBH Finance PLC for issuance of Non-Convertible Redeemable Fixed Coupon Senior Bond through private placement solely to be subscribed by International Finance Corporation (IFC) under the following key features: Type of Issuance: Non-Convertible Redeemable Fixed Coupon Senior Bond, Issue Size: Up to BDT 3.50 Billion (in face value), Tenure: Up to 5 years from the issue date, Purpose: To provide affordable housing financing facility to lower and middle income households.
2023-10-31: Un-audited Financial Statements
DBH: (Quarter 3) As per un-audited financial statements of the Company, EPS was Tk. 1.20 for July-September, 2023 as against Tk. 1.20 (restated) for July-September, 2022; EPS was Tk. 3.66 for January-September, 2023 as against Tk. 3.96 (restated) for January-September, 2022. NOCFPS was Tk. 43.18 for January-September, 2023 as against Tk. (29.34) (restated) for January-September, 2022. NAV per share was Tk. 42.39 as on September 30, 2023 and Tk. 40.20 (restated) as on December 31, 2022. NOCFPS increased due to significant increase of deposits and prepayment of loans from respective clients during this period.
2023-10-22: Board Meeting
DBH: DBH Finance PLC has informed that the Board Meeting of the Company will be held on October 30, 2023 at 4:00 PM to consider, among others, un-audited financial statements of the Company for the Third Quarter (Q3) period ended September 30, 2023.
2023-09-18: Board approval to issue Non-Convertible Redeemable Fixed Coupon Senior Bond
DBH: DBH Finance PLC has informed that the Board of Directors of the company has approved the proposal for issuance of Non-Convertible Redeemable Fixed Coupon Senior Bond to provide affordable housing finance amounting up to BDT 5.50 Billion (in face value) only through private placement, subject to the approval of regulatory authorities, under following key features: Type of issuance: Non-Convertible Redeemable Fixed Coupon Senior Bond, Issue Size: Up to BDT 5.50 Billion (in face value, in single or multiple tranches), Tenure: Up to 5 years from the issue date.
2023-07-31: Un-audited HY A/Cs
DBH: (Quarter 2) As per un-audited half yearly accounts of the Company, EPS was Tk. 1.15 for April-June 2023 as against Tk. 1.20 for April-June 2022; EPS was Tk. 2.46 for January-June 2023 as against Tk. 2.76 for January-June 2022. NOCFPS was Tk. 26.93 for January-June 2023 as against Tk. (19.53) for January-June 2022. NAV per share was Tk. 41.19 as on June 30, 2023 and Tk. 40.20 as on December 31, 2022.
2023-07-25: Board Meeting
DBH: DBH Finance PLC has informed that the Board Meeting of the Company will be held on July 30, 2023 at 4:30 PM to consider, among others, un-audited financial statements of the Company for the Second Quarter (Q2) period ended June 30, 2023.
2023-06-06: Cash Dividend Disbursement
DBH: DBH finance PLC has informed that it has disbursed the cash dividend for the year ended on December 31, 2022 to the respective bank accounts of the shareholders through BEFTN on June 05, 2023. The Dividend warrants of the Margin Accountholders and the shareholders whose Bank details were incomplete will be distributed by hand at the head office of the company from June 14 to June 15, 2023 and after hand delivery, the remaining warrants will be sent to the addresses of the shareholders on June 18, 2023 through courier services.
2023-06-05: Credit Rating
DBH: Emerging Credit Rating Limited (ECRL) has assigned Surveillance rating of DBH Finance PLC as "AAA" in the long term and "ST-1" in the short term along with Stable outlook which will be valid from July 01, 2023 to June 30, 2024.
2023-05-28: Bonus Share Credited
DBH: DBH Finance PLC has informed that the Bonus Shares of the Company for the year ended on December 31, 2022 have already been credited through CDBL to the respective shareholders' BO Accounts.
2023-05-15: Commencement of operations of DBH Islamic Financing Wing
DBH: DBH Finance PLC has informed that as per the final approval of the Department of Financial Institutions and Markets (DFIM) of Bangladesh Bank, the company has started the operations of DBH Islamic Financing Wing on May 07, 2023 from all of its existing 14 (fourteen) branches.
2023-05-11: Cont-Un-audited Financial Statements
DBH: (Quarter 1) (cont) On the other hand, deposits amounting to Taka 1,826.00 million were withdrawn in the comparable quarter of 2022. Additionally, the net loan portfolio paid off by the customers was Taka 345.00 million during this quarter as against the disbursement of Taka 259 million in the previous quarter. These are the main reasons behind the significant variation in NOCFPS.(end)
2023-05-11: Un-audited Financial Statements
DBH: (Quarter 1) As per un-audited financial statements of DBH Finance PLC, EPS was Tk. 1.34 for January-March 2023 as against Tk. 1.59 for January-March 2022; NOCFPS was Tk. 8.09 for January-March 2023 as against Tk. (11.19) for January-March 2022. NAV per share was Tk. 42.34 as on March 31, 2023 and Tk. 41.00 as on December 31, 2022. Reason for deviation in NOCFPS: In Q1, 2023 DBH managed to raise Taka 1,111.00 million against new deposits. (cont)
2023-05-07: Board Meeting
DBH: DBH Finance PLC has informed that the Board Meeting of the Company will be held on May 10, 2023 at 4:30 PM to consider, among others, un-audited financial statements of the Company for the First Quarter (Q1) period ended March 31, 2023.
2023-04-17: Record Date tomorrow (18.04.2023)
DBH: Trading of the shares of DBH Finance PLC will remain suspended on its record date i.e., 18.04.2023. Trading of the shares of the Company will resume on 24.04.2023.
2023-04-13: Spot trade from 16.04.2023
DBH: Trading of the shares of DBH Finance PLC will be allowed only in the Spot Market from 16.04.2023 to 17.04.2023 as the record date of the Company is on 18.04.2023.
2023-03-29: Cont-Updating information
DBH: (cont) The concerned brokerage houses are requested to provide with a statement with the details (shareholders name, BO ID number, e-TlN number, gross dividend receivable, applicable tax rate, and net dividend receivable) of their margin loan holders who hold shares of the Company as on the Record Date, along with the name of the contact person in this connection. The brokerage houses are also requested to provide their bank account name, number routing number, etc. on or before May 08, 2023.(end)
2023-03-29: Updating information
DBH: DBH Finance PLC has requested the concerned Trustee Board of the approved superannuation fund, pension fund, gratuity fund, recognize provident fund, and workers profit participation fund to provide updated tax rebate certificate on or before May 08, 2023 through mail/courier. (cont)
2023-03-29: CB free
DBH: Please note that there will be no price limit today 29.03.2023 on the trading of the shares of the Company following its corporate declaration, however, as per the BSEC Order No. BSEC/CMRRCD/2001-07/39 dated July 28, 2022, the floor price shall be applicable accordingly.
2023-03-29: Cont-Recommendation of Dividend
DBH: (cont) ii) Stock dividend is declared out of accumulated profit. iii) Stock dividend is not declared from capital reserve or revaluation reserve or any unrealized gain or out of profit earned prior to incorporation of the Company or through reducing paid up capital or through doing anything so that the post-dividend retained earnings become negative or a debit balance. The Company has also informed the reason for changes in Operating cash flows per share (NOCFPS): Net operating cash flow per share (NOCFPS) has been decreased significantly due to higher encashment of deposits during the year with net cash outflow of Tk. 3,918.00 million.(end)
2023-03-29: Recommendation of Dividend
DBH: The Board of Directors has recommended 15% cash and 2% stock dividend for the year ended on December 31, 2022. Date of AGM: 18.05.2023, Time: 11:30 AM, Venue: Digital Platform. Record date: 18.04.2023. The Company has reported EPS of Tk. 5.21, NAV per share of Tk. 41.00 and NOCFPS of Tk. (19.64) for the year ended on December 31, 2022 as against Tk. 5.35, Tk. 37.15 and Tk. (0.04) respectively for the same period of the previous year. The Company has also informed that disclosure on recommendation of stock dividend: i) Stock dividend has been recommended in view to utilize its retained amount as paid-up capital for improving the capital adequacy and thereby facilitate future business expansion of the Company. (cont)
2023-03-21: Board Meeting
DBH: DBH Finance PLC has informed that the Board Meeting of the Company will be held on March 28, 2023 at 2:00 PM to consider, among others, audited financial statements of the company for the year ended December 31, 2022.
2023-01-15: Name Change of the Company
DBH: Chittagong Stock Exchange PLC (CSE) has approved the proposed name change of the Company. Accordingly, the name of the Company will be 'DBH Finance PLC' instead of 'Delta Brac Housing Finance Corporation Limited' with effect from January 15, 2023. Other things (except name) will remain unchanged.
2023-01-12: Name Change of the Company
DBH: Chittagong Stock Exchange PLC (CSE) has approved the proposed name change of the Company. Accordingly, the name of the Company will be ''DBH Finance PLC'' instead of 'Delta Brac Housing Finance Corporation Limited' with effect from January 15, 2023. Other things (except name) will remain unchanged.
2022-10-27: Un-audited Financial Statements
DBH: (Quarter 3) As per un-audited financial statements of Delta Brac Housing Finance Corporation Ltd., EPS was Tk. 1.22 for July-September, 2022 as against Tk. 1.61 for July-September, 2021; EPS was Tk. 4.03 for January-September, 2022 as against Tk. 4.16 for January-September, 2021. NOCFPS was Tk. (29.93) for January-September, 2022 as against Tk. 12.96 for January-September, 2021. NAV per share was Tk. 39.82 as on September 30, 2022 and Tk. 35.96 as on September 30, 2021.
2022-10-24: Board Meeting
DBH: Delta Brac Housing Finance Corporation Ltd. has informed that the Board Meeting of the Company will be held on October 26, 2022 at 4:00 PM to consider, among others, un-audited financial statements of the Company for the Third Quarter (Q3) period ended September 30, 2022.
2022-10-02: EGM Date for amendment of Articles of Association
DBH: Refer to their earlier news disseminated by CSE on 28.07.2022 regarding Decision to hold an EGM for amendment of Articles of Association, Delta Brac Housing Finance Corporation Ltd. has further informed that the EGM of the Company will be held on October 26, 2022 at 12:00 PM virtually by using Digital Platform through the following link: https://dbh-egm.bdvirtual.com and other information will remain unchanged.
2022-08-30: Record Date tomorrow (31.08.2022)
DBH: Trading of the shares of Delta Brac Housing Finance Corporation Ltd. will remain suspended on its record date i.e., 31.08.2022 for EGM. Trading of the shares of the Company will resume on 01.09.2022.
2022-08-28: Spot trade from tomorrow (29.08.2022)
DBH: Trading of the shares of Delta Brac Housing Finance Corporation Ltd. will be allowed only in the Spot Market from 29.08.2022 to 30.08.2022 as the record date of the Company is on 31.08.2022 for EGM.
2022-07-28: Decision to hold an EGM for amendment of Articles of Association
DBH: Delta Brac Housing Finance Corporation Ltd. has informed that the Board of Directors has decided to hold an EGM for insertion of an Object Clause in the Memorandum and insertion of a new article in the Articles of Association of the company will be placed before the shareholders subject to prior approval from Bangladesh Bank. Record Date of the 1st EGM is on August 31, 2022 and date and time of the 1st EGM will be notified later on.
2022-07-28: Un-audited HY A/Cs
DBH: (Quarter 2) As per un-audited half yearly accounts of Delta Brac Housing Finance Corporation Ltd., EPS was Tk. 1.23 for April-June 2022 as against Tk. 0.96 for April-June 2021; EPS was Tk. 2.81 for January-June 2022 as against Tk. 2.55 for January-June 2021. NOCFPS was Tk. (19.92) for January-June 2022 as against Tk. 10.38 for January-June 2021. NAV per share was Tk. 38.60 as on June 30, 2022 and Tk. 34.35 as on June 30, 2021.
2022-07-20: Board Meeting
DBH: Delta Brac Housing Finance Corporation Ltd. has informed that the Board Meeting of the Company will be held on July 27, 2022 at 4:00 PM to consider, among others, un-audited financial statements of the Company for the Second Quarter (Q2) period ended June 30, 2022.
2022-06-13: Credit Rating
DBH: Emerging Credit Rating Limited (ECRL) has assigned the credit rating of Delta Brac Housing Finance Corporation Ltd. as ''AAA'' in the long term and ''ST-1'' in the short term along with a stable outlook based on audited financial statements of the Company up to December 31, 2021 and other relevant quantitative as well as qualitative information up to the date of rating.
2022-05-17: Cash Dividend Disbursement
DBH: Delta Brac Housing Finance Corporation Ltd. has informed that it has disbursed the cash dividend for the year ended on December 31, 2021 to the respective shareholders through BEFTN on May 11, 2022. Besides Dividend warrants of the Sponsors, NRB Shareholders, Margin Accountholders and the shareholders whose Bank details were incomplete have been distributed by hand/courier services on May 12, 2022.
2022-05-05: Bonus Share Credited
DBH: Delta Brac Housing Finance Corporation Ltd. has informed that the Bonus Shares of the Company for the year ended on December 31, 2021 have already been credited through CDBL to the respective shareholders' BO Accounts.
2022-04-18: Un-audited Financial Statements (Additional Information)
DBH: (Quarter 1) Reason for Significant deviation in NOCFPS: It is to be noted that the Company has prepare their financial statement on the basis of Bangladesh Bank prescribed guideline for Banks and NBFIs. This quarter the Company shown the net receipt from Term Loan and Zero Coupon bond under financing activities which was previously shown under operating activities. As a result, the NOCFPS in comparative figure of last quarter March 31, 2021 has changed from 23.22 to (3.41).
2022-04-18: Un-audited Financial Statements
DBH: (Quarter 1) As per un-audited financial statements of Delta Brac Housing Finance Corporation Ltd., EPS was Tk. 1.75 for January-March 2022 as against Tk. 1.75 for January-March 2021. NOCFPS was Tk. (12.31) for January-March 2022 as against Tk. (3.41) for January-March 2021. NAV per share was Tk. 42.61 as on March 31, 2022 and Tk. 40.87 as on December 31, 2021. Reason for Significant deviation in NOCFPS: The main reason behind this variance in NOCFPS is the negative cash flow from Deposit during the period. In Q1, 2022 net deposit cash outflow is Tk. 1,826.00 million whereas there was a net cash inflow of Tk. 151.00 million in Q1,2021.
2022-04-10: Board Meeting
DBH: Delta Brac Housing Finance Corporation Ltd. has informed that the Board Meeting of the Company will be held on April 17, 2022 at 2:30 PM to consider, among others, un-audited financial statements of the Company for the First Quarter (Q1) period ended on March 31, 2022.
2022-03-21: Record Date tomorrow (22.03.2022)
DBH: Trading of the shares of Delta Brac Housing Finance Corporation Ltd. will remain suspended on its record date i.e., 22.03.2022. Trading of the shares of the Company will resume on 23.03.2022.
2022-03-16: Spot trade from 20.03.2022
DBH: Trading of the shares of Delta Brac Housing Finance Corporation Ltd. will be allowed only in the Spot Market from 20.03.2022 to 21.03.2022 as the record date of the Company is on 22.03.2022.
2022-03-01: Cont-Updating information
DBH(cont): (shareholders name, BO ID number, e-TIN Number, gross dividend receivable, applicable tax rate and net dividend receivable) of their margin loan holders who hold shares of the Company as on the record date, along with the name of the contact person in this connection. The brokerage houses are also requested to provide their bank account name, number, routing number etc. on or before April 7, 2022.(end)
2022-03-01: Updating information
DBH: Delta Brac Housing Finance Corporation Ltd. has informed that the concerned Trustee Board of approved superannuation fund, pension fund, gratuity fund, recognize provident fund and workers profit participation fund are requested to provide updated tax rebate certificate on or before April 7, 2022 through mail/courier. The Company has also requested the brokerage houses to provide a statement with the details(cont)
2022-03-01: Recommendation of Dividend (Additional Information)
DBH: (Additional Information) The Company has also informed the reason for changes in Operating cash flows per share (NOCFPS): Net operating cash flow per share (NOCFPS) has been decreased significantly due to high growth of disbursement during the year with net cash outflow of Tk.1,082 million.
2022-03-01: CB Free
DBH: Please note that there will be no price limit today 01.03.2022 on the trading of the shares of the Company following its corporate declaration.
2022-03-01: Cont-Recommendation of Dividend
DBH(cont): i) Stock dividend has been recommended in view to utilize its retained amount as paid-up capital for improving the capital adequacy and thereby facilitate future business expansion of the Company. ii) Stock dividend is declared out of accumulated profit. iii) Stock dividend is not declared from capital reserve or revaluation reserve or any unrealized gain or out of profit earned prior to incorporation of the Company or through reducing paid up capital or through doing anything so that the post-dividend retained earnings become negative or a debit balance.(end)
2022-03-01: Recommendation of Dividend
DBH: The Board of Directors has recommended 15% cash and 10% stock dividend for the year ended on December 31, 2021. Date of AGM: 17.04.2022, Time: 11:30 AM, Venue: Digital Platform. Record date: 22.03.2022. The Company has reported EPS of Tk. 5.89, NAV per share of Tk. 40.87 and NOCFPS of Tk. (0.04) for the year ended on December 31, 2021 as against Tk. 5.03, Tk. 36.28 and Tk. 15.67 respectively for the same period of the previous year. The Company has also informed that disclosure on recommendation of stock dividend:(cont)
2022-02-20: Board Meeting
DBH: Delta Brac Housing Finance Corporation Ltd. has informed that the Board Meeting of the Company will be held on February 28, 2022 at 4:00 PM to consider, among others, audited financial statements of the Company for the year ended December 31, 2021.
2021-10-31: Increased of Authorized Capital and Name Change.
DBH: The Board of Delta Brac Housing Finance Corporation Ltd. approved the proposal for enhancement of Authorized Capital from the existing Tk. 200 crore to Tk. 400 crore and related amendment of the capital clause of the Memorandum and Articles of Association of the Company, subject to prior approval from Bangladesh Bank and subsequent approval from the shareholders. The Board also approved the proposal for changing the registered name of the Company, ''Delta Brac Housing Finance Corporation Limited'' with the new name ''DBH Finance PLC'', subject to prior approval from Bangladesh Bank and subsequent approval from the shareholders.
2021-10-31: cont-2 Un-audited Financial Statement
DBH: (Quarter 3) (cont-2) Reason for Changes in NOCFPS: NOCFPS of DBH for the period ended 30 Sept. 2021 is Tk. 14.25, which was Tk. 10.78 during the same period of last year. Cash inflow from operating activities increased 32% during the first 9 months of 2021 over same period of 2020. Significant cash inflow from deposits from banks & other customers is the main reasons for such increment.(end)
2021-10-31: cont-1Un-audited Financial Statement
DBH: (Quarter 3) (cont-1) The Company has recorded 49% growth in EPS. Significant decline of Cost of fund and gain from capital market investment have contributed most for such upsurge of EPS during the period. Net interest income increased by 16% (Tk. 230.66 million) due to decrease of Cost of Fund, mainly. The Company's investment income was Tk. 102.21 million up to September 2021 as against Tk. 5.9 million of September 2020.The Company also earned Tk. 40.75 million (43%) more from fees and charges during the first nine months of the current year over the same period of the last year. (cont-2)
2021-10-31: Un-audited Financial Statement
DBH: (Quarter 3) As per un-audited financial statements of Delta Brac Housing Finance Corporation Ltd., EPS was Tk. 1.77 for July-September, 2021 as against Tk. 1.55 for July-September, 2020; EPS was Tk. 4.58 for January-September, 2021 as against Tk. 3.08 for January-September, 2020. NOCFPS was Tk. 14.25 for January-September, 2021 as against Tk. 10.78 for January-September, 2020. NAV per share was Tk. 39.55 as on September 30, 2021 and Tk. 41.72 as on September 30, 2020. Reason for Changes in EPS: EPS of DBH for the period ended Sept. 30, 2021 is Tk. 4.58, which was Tk. 3.08 during the same period of previous year. (cont-1)
2021-10-24: Board Meeting
DBH: Delta Brac Housing Finance Corporation Ltd. has informed that the Board Meeting of the Company will be held on October 28, 2021 at 4:00 PM to consider, among others, un-audited financial statements of the Company for the Third Quarter (Q3) period ended on September 30, 2021.
2021-10-21: BSEC's Consent for issuance of Non-Convertible Zero Coupon Bonds
DBH: Refer to their earlier news disseminated by CSE on 16.06.2021 regarding Issuance of Non-Convertible Zero Coupon Bonds (Unsecured), Delta Brac Housing Finance Corporation Ltd. has further informed that BSEC has accorded consent for issuance of Non-Convertible Zero Coupon Bonds through private placement under following key features: i) Type of Issuance: Non-Convertible Zero Coupon Bonds (Unsecured), ii) Issue Size: Up to BDT 3.0 Billion (in face value, in single or multiple tranches), Tenure: up to 4 years from the issue date and Purpose: To meet on-going financial requirements.
2021-07-29: Un-audited HY A/Cs
DBH: (Quarter 2) As per un-audited half yearly accounts of Delta Brac Housing Finance Corporation Ltd., EPS was Tk. 1.05 for April-June 2021 as against Tk. 0.07 for April-June 2020; EPS was Tk. 2.80 for January-June 2021 as against Tk. 1.53 for January-June 2020. NOCFPS was Tk. 11.42 for January-June 2021 as against Tk. 4.54 for January-June 2020. NAV per share was Tk. 37.78 as on June 30, 2021 and Tk. 37.73 as on June 30, 2020.
2021-07-18: Board Meeting
DBH: Delta Brac Housing Finance Corporation Ltd. has informed that the Board Meeting of the Company will be held on July 28, 2021 at 4:30 PM to consider, among others, un-audited financial statements of the Company for the Second Quarter (Q2) period ended on June 30, 2021.
2021-06-16: Issuance of Non-Convertible Zero Coupon Bonds (Unsecured)
DBH: Delta Brac Housing Finance Corporation Ltd. has informed that the Board of Directors has decided to raise BDT 3.0 Billion only through private placement. Types of issuance: Non-Convertible Zero Coupon Bonds (Unsecured), Issue Size: BDT 3.0 Billion (in face value, in single or multiple tranches), Tenure: up to 4 years from the issue date subject to approval of regulatory authorities.
2021-06-13: Dividend Disbursement
DBH: Delta Brac Housing Finance Corporation Ltd. has informed that it has disbursed the cash dividend for the year ended on December 31, 2020 to the respective shareholders.
2021-06-10: Credit Rating
DBH: Emerging Credit Rating Limited (ECRL) has assigned the surveillance credit rating of Delta Brac Housing Finance Corporation Ltd. as "AAA" in the long term and "ST-1" in the short term along with a stable outlook based on audited financial statements of the Company up to December 31, 2020 and other relevant quantitative as well as qualitative information up to the date of rating.
2021-06-03: Cash Dividend Disbursement
DBH: Delta Brac Housing Finance Corporation Ltd. has informed that it has disbursed the cash dividend for the year ended on December 31, 2020 to the respective shareholders' Bank Accounts directly through BEFTN System on May 31, 2021. Besides, the dividend warrants of NRB Shareholders and the Shareholders whose Bank details were incomplete have been distributed by hand/courier services.
2021-05-17: Bonus Share Credited
DBH: Delta Brac Housing Finance Corporation Ltd. has informed that the Bonus Shares of the Company for the year ended on December 31, 2020 have already been credited through CDBL to the respective shareholders' BO Accounts. The payment of sale proceeds of fractional bonus shares will be paid in due course.
2021-05-09: Cont-Un-audited Financial Statements
DBH: (Quarter 1) (cont) In contrary, provision for loans and investments and income tax during the period increased by 43.01 million and 35.54 million respectively over the last quarter. Combined effect of all above registered 20% net growth in profit after tax and EPS. NOCFPS increased significantly due to cash generation from loan and deposits from banks and other customers and cash outflow for Loans and advances to customers are the main reason for such increment.(end)
2021-05-09: Un-audited Financial Statements
DBH: (Quarter 1) As per un-audited financial statements of Delta Brac Housing Finance Corporation Ltd., EPS was Tk. 2.01 for January-March 2021 as against Tk. 1.68 for January-March 2020. NOCFPS was Tk. 23.22 for January-March 2021 as against Tk. (5.62) for January-March 2020. NAV per share was Tk. 43.74 as on March 31, 2021 and Tk. 41.72 as on December 31, 2020. Reason for Significant deviation in EPS and NOCFPS: EPS increased due to decrease of cost of fund. In addition, the Company gained significant income from its investment in capital market and earned higher fees and charges during the period compared to the same of previous period. (cont)
2021-04-12: Record Date tomorrow (13.04.2021)
DBH: Trading of the shares of Delta Brac Housing Finance Corporation Ltd. will remain suspended on its record date i.e., 13.04.2021. Trading of the shares of the Company will resume on 15.04.2021.
2021-04-08: Spot trade from 11.04.2021
DBH: Trading of the shares of Delta Brac Housing Finance Corporation Ltd. will be allowed only in the Spot Market from 11.04.2021 to 12.04.2021 as the record date of the Company is on 13.04.2021.
2021-03-23: Cont-2 Auditor' Opinion
DBH: (Cont-2) ''Employee Benefits''. Following benefits are payable on retirement, death or leaving service: Less than 5 year of confirmed service - Nil Confirmed service between 5 and 10 years - One month's last drawn basic pay for every completed year of service. On completion of 10 years confirmed service and above - Two month's last drawn basic pay for every completed year of service. Maximum benefits - 50 times basic pay. ''(end)
2021-03-23: Cont-1 Auditor' Opinion
DBH: (Cont-1) Required amount of gratuity is calculated on the basis of last basic pay depending on the length of service for every completed year as well as proportionate to the fraction period of service as of the respective financial year. This scheme is approved by the National Board of Revenue (NBR) and administered by an independent Board of Trustees. Actuarial valuation of the gratuity scheme was made in 2015 to assess the adequacy of the liability for the scheme as per International Accounting Standard-19 (Cont-2)
2021-03-23: Auditor' Opinion
DBH: The auditor of the Delta Brac Housing Finance Corporation Ltd. has given the ''Emphasis of Matter'' paragraphs in the Auditor's Report for the period ended on 31 December 2020. Emphasis of Matter: ''Without qualifying our opinion, we are drawing attention to the following matter: In note # 2.19(i) to the financial statements, the Company disclosed the basis of computation for estimating the amount of Gratuity obligations. Notes to the Financial Statements: 2,19 (i) Gratuity scheme: The Company has a funded gratuity scheme for all eligible employees who complete minimum 5 years of confirmed service with the Company. (Cont-1)
2021-03-23: Cont-Updating information
DBH: (Cont) The Company has also requested the brokerage houses to provide a statement with the details (shareholders name, BO ID number, e-TIN Number, gross dividend receivable, applicable tax rate and net dividend receivable) of their margin loan holders who hold shares of the Company as on the record date, along with the name of the contact person in this connection. The brokerage houses are also requested to provide their bank account name, number, routing number etc. on or before 22.04.2021.(end)
2021-03-23: Updating information
DBH: Delta Brac Housing Finance Corporation Ltd. has requested the shareholders to update their 12 digits e-Tin Numbers, Bank Accounts, Address, Mobile No. etc. in the BO Account through their respective DPs before the record date. The concerned Trustee Board of approved superannuation fund, pension fund, gratuity fund, recognize provident fund and workers profit participation fund are requested to provide updated tax rebate certificate on or before April 22, 2021 through mail/courier. (Cont)
2021-03-23: CB Free
DBH: Please note that there will be no price limit today 23.03.2021 on the trading of the shares of the Company following its corporate declaration, however, as per the BSEC Order No. BSEC/CMRRCD/2001-07/04 dated March 19, 2020, the floor price shall be applicable accordingly.
2021-03-23: Cont-Recommendation of Dividend
DBH:(Cont) The Company has also informed that disclosure on recommendation of stock dividend: i) Stock dividend has been recommended in view to utilize its retained amount as paid-up capital for improving the capital adequacy and thereby facilitate future business expansion of the Company. ii) Stock dividend is declared out of accumulated profit. iii) Stock dividend is not declared from capital reserve or revaluation reserve or any unrealized gain or out of profit earned prior to incorporation of the Company or through reducing paid up capital or through doing anything so that the post-dividend retained earnings become negative or a debit balance.(end)
2021-03-23: Recommendation of Dividend
DBH: The Board of Directors has recommended 15% cash and 15% stock dividend for the year ended on December 31, 2020. Date of AGM: 06.05.2021, Time: 11:00 AM, Venue: Hybrid System: Link of the virtual meeting and venue for physical presence will be notified later on. Record date: 13.04.2021. The Company has reported EPS of Tk. 5.78, NAV per share of Tk. 41.72 and NOCFPS of Tk. 9.39 for the year ended on December 31, 2020 as against Tk. 6.96 (restated), Tk. 37.68 (restated) and Tk. 12.52 (restated) respectively for the same period of the previous year.(Cont)
2021-03-15: Board Meeting
DBH: Delta Brac Housing Finance Corporation Ltd. has informed that the Board Meeting of the Company will be held on March 22, 2021 at 4:30 PM to consider, among others, audited financial statements of the Company for the year ended on December 31, 2020.
2020-10-27: Un-audited Financial Statements
DBH: (Quarter 3) As per un-audited financial statements of Delta Brac Housing Finance Corporation Ltd., EPS was Tk. 1.79 for July-September, 2020 as against Tk. 1.53 for July-September, 2019; EPS was Tk. 3.55 for January-September, 2020 as against Tk. 5.32 for January-September, 2019. NOCFPS was Tk. 10.78 for January-September, 2020 as against Tk. 21.25 for January-September, 2019. NAV per share was Tk. 39.52 as on September 30, 2020 and Tk. 41.45 as on September 30, 2019.
2020-10-20: Board Meeting
DBH: Delta Brac Housing Finance Corporation Ltd. has informed that the Board Meeting of the Company will be held on October 25, 2020 at 3:30 PM to consider, among others, un-audited financial statements of the Company for the Third Quarter (Q3) period ended on September 30, 2020.
2020-07-30: Un-audited HY A/Cs
DBH: (Quarter 2) As per un-audited half yearly accounts of Delta Brac Housing Finance Corporation Ltd., EPS was Tk. 0.08 for April-June 2020 as against Tk. 1.08 for April-June 2019; EPS was Tk. 1.77 for January-June 2020 as against Tk. 3.79 for January-June 2019. NOCFPS was Tk. (12.77) for January-June 2020 as against Tk. 9.72 for January-June 2019. NAV per share was Tk. 37.73 as on June 30, 2020 and Tk. 39.69 as on June 30, 2019. The Company has also informed that main reason for increase in cash outflow from operating activities during June quarter for loan and deposits from banks and other customers. As a result, NOCFPS for June 30, 2020 was decreased.
2020-07-23: Board Meeting
DBH: Delta Brac Housing Finance Corporation Ltd. has informed that the Board Meeting of the Company will be held on July 29, 2020 at 2:35 PM to consider, among others, un-audited financial statements of the Company for the Second Quarter (Q2) period ended on June 30, 2020.
2020-07-13: Cash Dividend Disbursement
DBH: Delta Brac Housing Finance Corporation Ltd. has informed that it has disbursed the cash dividend for the year ended on December 31, 2019 to the respective shareholders' Bank Accounts through BEFTN System on July 08, 2020. The dividend warrants have also been distributed by hand/courier services.
2020-06-29: Bonus Share Credited
DBH: Delta Brac Housing Finance Corporation Ltd. has informed that the Bonus Shares of the Company for the year ended on December 31, 2019 have already been credited through CDBL to the respective shareholders' BO Accounts.
2020-06-18: Un-audited Financial Statements
DBH: (Quarter 1) As per un-audited financial statements of Delta Brac Housing Finance Corporation Ltd., EPS was Tk. 1.93 for January-March 2020 as against Tk. 3.12 for January-March 2019. NOCFPS was Tk. (6.46) for January-March 2020 as against Tk. (0.58) for January-March 2019. NAV per share was Tk. 45.30 as on March 31, 2020 and Tk. 42.29 as on March 31, 2019.
2020-06-10: Board Meeting
DBH: Delta Brac Housing Finance Corporation Ltd. has informed that the Board Meeting of the Company will be held on June 17, 2020 at 1:30 PM to consider, among others, un-audited financial statements of the Company for the First Quarter (Q1) period ended on March 31, 2020.
2020-06-03: Reschedule Date of the AGM
DBH: Delta Brac Housing Finance Corporation Ltd. has further informed that the 24th AGM will now be held on June 17, 2020 at 11:30 AM. The AGM will be held virtually by using Digital Platform.
2020-03-24: Postponement of AGM
DBH: Delta Brac Housing Finance Corporation Ltd. has further informed that due to unavoidable circumstances, the 24th AGM of the Company, scheduled to be held on March 29, 2020 has been postponed. The new date and time of the AGM will be notified later.
2020-03-15: Credit Rating
DBH: Emerging Credit Rating Limited (ECRL) has assigned the surveillance rating to Delta Brac Housing Finance Corporation Ltd as "AAA" in the long term and "ST-1" in the short term along with a stable outlook based on audited financial statements of the Company up to December 31, 2019 and other relevant quantitative as well as qualitative information up to the date of rating.
2020-03-12: Ex-benefit Price Adjustments
DBH: Please note that the price of the shares of DBH is adjusted today following its ex-benefits date to the extent of its corporate benefits; hence the price limit on the scrip will remain as it is today. Therefore, adjusted price of DBH =Tk 101.30.
2020-03-10: Record Date tomorrow (11.03.2020)
DBH: Trading of the shares of Delta Brac Housing Finance Corporation Ltd. will remain suspended on its record date i.e., 11.03.2020. Trading of the shares of the Company will resume on 12.03.2020.
2020-03-08: Spot trade from tomorrow (09.03.2020)
DBH: Trading of the shares of Delta Brac Housing Finance Corporation Ltd. will be allowed only in the Spot Market from 09.03.2020 to 10.03.2020 as the record date of the Company is on 11.03.2020.
2020-03-02: Cont-Updating information
DBH(cont): The Company has also requested the brokerage houses to provide a statement with the details (shareholders name, BO ID number, e-TIN Number, gross dividend receivable, applicable tax rate and net dividend receivable) of their margin loan holders who hold shares of the Company as on the record date, along with the name of the contact person in this connection. The brokerage houses are also requested to provide their bank account name, number, routing number etc. on or before March 25, 2020.(end)
2020-03-02: Updating information
DBH: Delta Brac Housing Finance Corporation Ltd. has requested the shareholders to update their 12 digits e-Tin Numbers, Bank Accounts, Address, Mobile No. etc. in the BO Account through their respective DPs before the record date (March 11, 2020). If anyone fails to update their e-TIN before the Record Date, disbursement of respective cash dividend will be subject to deduction of AIT @ 15% instead of 10% as per regulation.(cont)
2020-02-20: Recommendation of Dividend (Additional Information)
DBH: The Company has also informed that Net Operating Cash Flow per Share (NOCFPS) has been increased significantly due to less outflow for Loans/Advances and increase in cash outflow for interest payment.
2020-02-20: CB free
DBH: Please note that there will be no price limit today 20 February 2020 on the trading of the shares of the Company following its corporate disclosure.
2020-02-20: Cont-Recommendation of Dividend
DBH(cont): The Company also informed that i) Stock dividend has been recommended in view to utilize its retained amount as paid-up capital for improving the capital adequacy and thereby facilitate future business expansion of the Company. ii) Stock dividend is declared out of accumulated profit. iii) Stock dividend is not declared from capital reserve or revaluation reserve or any unrealized gain or out of profit earned prior to incorporation of the Company or through reducing paid up capital or through doing anything so that the post-dividend retained earnings become negative or a debit balance.(end)
2020-02-20: Recommendation of Dividend
DBH: The Board of Directors has recommended 20% cash and 15% stock dividend for the year ended on December 31, 2019. Date of AGM: 29.03.2020, Time: 11:00 AM, Venue: 'Delta Life Conference Hall', Delta Life Tower (13th Floor), Plot # 37, Road# 90, Gulshan Circle # 2, Dhaka-1212. Record date: 11.03.2020. The Company has also reported EPS of Tk. 8.04, NAV per share of Tk. 43.36 and NOCFPS of Tk. 14.40 for the year ended on December 31, 2019 as against Tk. 7.82 (restated), Tk. 41.36 and Tk. 10.90 respectively for the same period of the previous year.(cont)
2020-02-12: Board Meeting
DBH: Delta Brac Housing Finance Corporation Ltd. has informed that the Board Meeting of the Company will be held on February 19, 2020 at 4:30 PM to consider, among others, audited financial statements of the Company for the year ended on December 31, 2019.
2019-10-28: Un-audited Financial Statement
DBH: (Quarter 3) As per un-audited financial statements of Delta Brac Housing Finance Corporation Ltd., EPS was Tk. 1.76 for July-September, 2019 as against Tk. 1.66 for July-September, 2018; EPS was Tk. 6.12 for January-September, 2019 as against Tk. 6.05 for January-September, 2018. NOCFPS was Tk. 21.25 for January-September, 2019 as against Tk. 22.91 for January-September, 2018. NAV per share was Tk. 41.45 as on September 30, 2019 and Tk. 39.41 as on December 31, 2018.
2019-10-22: Board Meeting
DBH: Delta Brac Housing Finance Corporation Ltd. has informed that the Board Meeting of the Company will be held on October 27, 2019 at 4:30 PM to consider, among others, un-audited financial statements of the Company for the Third Quarter (Q3) period ended on September 30, 2019.
2019-07-30: Correction-Un-audited HY A/Cs
DBH(correction): (Quarter 2) As per un-audited half yearly accounts of Delta Brac Housing Finance Corporation Ltd., EPS was Tk. 1.24 for April-June 2019 as against Tk. 1.32 for April-June 2018; EPS was Tk. 4.36 for January-June 2019 as against Tk. 4.39 January-June 2018. NOCFPS was Tk. 9.72 for January-June 2019 as against Tk. 12.87 for January-June 2018. NAV per share was Tk. 39.69 as on June 30, 2019 and Tk. 37.59 as on June 30, 2018.
2019-07-30: Un-audited HY A/Cs
DBH: (Quarter 2) As per un-audited half yearly accounts of Delta Brac Housing Finance Corporation Ltd., EPS was Tk. 1.24 for April-June 2019 as against Tk. 1.32 for April-June 2018; EPS was Tk. 4.36 for January-June 2019 as against Tk. 4.39 January-June 2018. NOCFPS was Tk. 9.72 for January-June 2019 as against Tk. 12.87 for January-June 2018. NAV per share was Tk. 39.69 as on June 30, 2019 and Tk. 37.59 as on December 31, 2018.
2019-07-24: Board Meeting
DBH: Delta Brac Housing Finance Corporation Ltd. has informed that the Board Meeting of the Company will be held on July 29, 2019 at 2:35 PM to consider, among others, un-audited financial statements of the Company for the Second Quarter (Q2) period ended on June 30, 2019.
2019-05-07: (Quarter 1) Additional information (Reason for Deviation in NOCFPS)
DBH: Delta Brac Housing Finance Corporation Ltd. has further informed that main reason for Decrease in cash inflow from operating activities during March quarter 2019 was due to decrease in cash inflow from Loans and deposits from banks and other customers. Cash inflow from Loans and deposits from banks and other customers decreased by Tk. 472.26 million in March quarter 2019 over March quarter 2018. As a result, net operating cash flow per share at the end of 31 March, 2019 is (0.58) as against 3.43 at the end of 31 March, 2018.
2019-05-07: Un-audited Financial Statements
DBH: (Quarter 1) As per un-audited financial statements of Delta Brac Housing Finance Corporation Ltd., EPS was Tk. 3.43 for January-March 2019 as against Tk. 3.38 for January-March 2018. NOCFPS was Tk. (0.58) for January-March 2019 as against Tk. 3.43 for January-March 2018. NAV per share was Tk. 42.29 as on March 31, 2019 and Tk. 39.14 as on March 31, 2018.
2019-01-30: Board Meeting
DBH: Delta Brac Housing Finance Corporation Ltd. has informed that the Board Meeting of the Company will be held on February 07, 2019 at 4:30 PM to consider, among others, audited financial statements of the Company for the year ended on December 31, 2018.
2018-11-26: Purchase an Additional Office Space
DBH: Delta Brac Housing Finance Corporation Ltd. has informed that the Board of Directors has authorized the management of the Company to negotiate and complete the process for signing of the purchase agreement of the following property on November 26, 2018: Additional office space measuring 2,025 sft. (incl. common space of 506.15 sft.) at Sanmar Avenue Tower, 1850/3319, CDA Avenue, East Nasirabad, Chattogram at a total cost of Tk. 3,17,82,500.00 only with a car parking (excluding registration expenses).
2018-11-01: Un-audited Financial Statement
DBH: (Quarter 3) As per the un-audited financial statements of Delta Brac Housing Finance Corporation Ltd., EPS was Tk. 1.82 for July-September, 2018 as against Tk. 1.83 for July-September, 2017; EPS was Tk. 6.65 for January-September, 2018 as against Tk. 6.59 for January-September, 2017. NOCFPS was Tk. 22.91 for January-September, 2018 as against Tk. 28.94 for January-September, 2017. NAV per share was Tk. 39.41 as on September 30, 2018 and Tk. 34.56 as on December 31, 2017.
2018-10-25: Board Meeting
DBH: Delta Brac Housing Finance Corporation Ltd. has informed that the Board Meeting of the Company will be held on October 31, 2018 at 2:35 PM to consider, among others, un-audited financial statements of the Company for the Third Quarter (Q3) period ended on September 30, 2018.
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