2024-12-24: Regarding not to carry out the amalgamation of Padma Bank PLC.
EXIMBANK: Refer to the earlier news disseminated by CSE on 18.03.2024 regarding Amalgamation of Padma Bank PLC. with the company, the company has further informed that the Board of Directors of the company in its meeting held on December 23, 2024 has decided not to carry out the amalgamation/merger of Padma Bank PLC. with the company.
2024-12-01: Cont-BSEC's consent regarding issuance of 6th Subordinated Bond
EXIMBANK: (cont) The consent has been accorded subject to compliance of relevant laws and regulatory requirements as per BSEC (Debt Securities) Rules, 2021 and adherence to the conditions imposed by BSEC under Section- 2CC of the Securities and Exchange Ordinance, 1969. The purpose of the issue is to strengthen the capital base of the Bank.(end)
2024-12-01: BSEC's consent regarding issuance of 6th Subordinated Bond
EXIMBANK: Refer to the earlier news disseminated by CSE on 19.06.2024, the company has further informed that Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission (BSEC), vide their letter dated November 28, 2024 has accorded its approval to the company for issuance of Unsecured, Non-Convertible, Redeemable, Floating Rate EXIM 6th Subordinated Bond of BDT 250,00,00,000 (Two hundred fifty crore) only through private placement in cash consideration. Face value and issue price of the Bond shall be BDT 5,00,000 (Five lac) Per Bond. (cont)
2024-10-28: Cont-Un-audited Financial Statements
EXIMBANK(cont): Reasons for significant deviation in EPS, NOCFPS and NAVPS: EPS decreased mainly due to increase in provision for investments. NOCFPS decreased mainly due to increase in investment to customer and decrease in deposits compared to the previous period. NAVPS decreased mainly due to decrease in retained earnings compared to the previous period.(end)
2024-10-28: Un-audited Financial Statements
EXIMBANK: (Quarter 3) As per un-audited financial statements of the Company, Consolidated EPS was Tk. (3.91) for July-September 2024 as against Tk. 0.37 for July-September 2023; Consolidated EPS was Tk. (2.77) for January-September 2024 as against Tk. 1.58 for January-September 2023. Consolidated NOCFPS was Tk. (16.62) for January-September 2024 as against Tk. (1.46) for January-September 2023. Consolidated NAV per share was Tk. 19.24 as on September 30, 2024 and Tk. 22.44 as on September 30, 2023.(cont)
2024-10-22: Board Meeting
EXIMBANK: The Company has informed that the Board Meeting of the Company will be held on October 27, 2024 at 3:30 PM to consider, among others, un-audited financial statements of the Company for the Third Quarter (Q3) period ended September 30, 2024.
2024-09-22: Sale Confirmation
EXIMBANK: Mr. Zubayer Kabir, one of the Sponsors of the Company, has further informed that he has completed his sale of 5,00,000 shares of the company at prevailing market price through Dhaka Stock Exchange PLC. as per declaration disseminated on 15.08.2024.
2024-09-17: Regarding NOC for EXIM 6th Subordinated Bond of Tk. 250 crore
EXIMBANK: Refer to their earlier news disseminated by CSE on 19.06.2024 regarding decision to issue Subordinated Bond, the company has further informed that Bangladesh Bank has given No Objection Certificate (NOC) for EXIM 6th Subordinated Bond for Tk. 250.00 crore (Taka two hundred fifty crore) only instead of Tk. 300.00 crore (Taka three hundred crore). Other things in the previously disseminated news in this regard will remain unchanged.
2024-09-01: Reconstitution of the Board of Directors of the company
EXIMBANK: The company has informed that Bangladesh Bank, on August 29, 2024, dissolved the previous Board of the Bank and reconstructed the Board comprising of five Directors including two new Independent Directors. This reconstructed Board unanimously elected Mr. Md. Nazrul Islam Swapan, Director as the Chairman of the Board of Directors. The list of Directors of the company is as under: 1. Mr. Md. Nazrul Islam Swapan, Chairman, 2. Mr. Md. Nurul Amin, Director, 3. Mr. Anjan Kuman Saha, Director, 4. Mr. S M Rezaul Karim, Independent Director and 5. Mr. Khandaker Mamun, FCA, Independent Director.
2024-08-15: Sale Intention
EXIMBANK: Mr. Zubayer Kabir, one of the Sponsors of the Company, has reported his intention to sell 5,00,000 shares out of his holding of 55,32,600 shares of the company at prevailing market price (in the Public/Block Market) through Dhaka Stock Exchange PLC. (DSE) within next 30 working days.
2024-08-11: Cash Dividend Disbursement
EXIMBANK: The Company has informed that it has disbursed the Cash Dividend for the year ended December 31, 2023 to the respective shareholders.
2024-07-30: Un-audited HY A/Cs
EXIMBANK: (Quarter 2) As per un-audited half yearly accounts of the Company, Consolidated EPS was Tk. 0.90 for April-June 2024 as against Tk. 1.07 for April-June 2023; Consolidated EPS was Tk. 1.14 for January-June 2024 as against Tk. 1.21 for January-June 2023. Consolidated NOCFPS was Tk. (0.005) for January-June 2024 as against Tk. 4.61 for January-June 2023. Consolidated NAV per share was Tk. 24.14 as on June 30, 2024 and Tk. 23.07 as on June 30, 2023. Reasons for deviation in EPS and NOCFPS: EPS has been decreased due to increase in Provision for Investments and Provision for Diminution in value of investment in shares and securities. NOCFPS has been decreased due to increase in investment to customers compared to the previous period.
2024-07-25: Board Meeting
EXIMBANK: The Company has informed that the Board Meeting of the Company will be held on July 29, 2024 at 03:00 PM to consider, among others, un-audited financial statements of the Company for the Second Quarter (Q2) period ended June 30, 2024.
2024-06-20: Change of AGM date
EXIMBANK: Refer to their earlier news disseminated by CSE on 23.04.2024 regarding recommendation of dividend, the company has further informed that the Board of Directors has taken the decision to shift the date of AGM from June 24, 2024 to June 27, 2024 due to unavoidable circumstances. Other information related to dividend declaration will remain unchanged.
2024-06-19: Decision to issue of Subordinated Bond
EXIMBANK: The company has informed that the Board of Directors has accorded its approval for issuance of EXIM 6th Subordinated Bond for Tk. 300.00 (Three Hundred) Crore only as a process of inclusion in Tier-II capital for a period of 7 (seven) years through private placement subject to the approval of the Regulatory Authorities and compliance of all formalities in this respect.
2024-06-12: Name Change of the Company
EXIMBANK: Chittagong Stock Exchange PLC (CSE) has approved the proposed name change of the Company. Accordingly, the name of the Company will be 'Export Import Bank of Bangladesh PLC.' instead of 'Export Import Bank of Bangladesh Limited' with effect from June 13, 2024. Other things (except name) will remain unchanged.
2024-06-02: Credit Rating
EXIMBANK: Credit Rating Information and Services Limited (CRISL) has rated the company as ''AA'' in the long term and ''ST-2'' in the short term along with a Stable outlook based on audited financial statements of the Company up to December 31, 2023, also unaudited financials up to March 31, 2024 and other relevant quantitative as well as qualitative information up to the date of rating declaration.
2024-05-23: Record Date on 26.05.2024
EXIMBANK: Trading of the shares of the company will remain suspended on its record date i.e., 26.05.2024. Trading of the shares of the Company will resume on 27.05.2024.
2024-05-20: Spot trade from tomorrow (21.05.2024)
EXIMBANK: Trading of the shares of the Company will be allowed only in the Spot Market from 21.05.2024 to 23.05.2024 as the record date of the Company is on 26.05.2024.
2024-05-12: Cont-Un-audited Financial Statement
EXIMBANK: (Quarter 1) (cont) Reasons for significant deviation in EPS and NOCFPS in the quarterly unaudited Financial Statements for the period ended on 31 March 2024 compared to the previous corresponding period are as under: i. EPS increased mainly due to increase in investment income. ii. NOCFPS decreased mainly due to increase in investment to customers compared to the previous period.(end)
2024-05-12: Un-audited Financial Statement
EXIMBANK: (Quarter 1) As per un-audited financial statements of the Company, Consolidated EPS was Tk. 0.24 for Jan 2024-Mar 2024 as against Consolidated Tk. 0.14 for Jan 2023-Mar 2023. Consolidated NOCFPS was Tk. (6.72) for Jan 2024-Mar 2024 as against Consolidated Tk. 0.30 for Jan 2023-Mar 2023. Consolidated NAV per share was Tk. 23.24 as on Mar 31, 2024 and Consolidated NAV per share was Tk. 22.13 as on Mar 31, 2023. (cont)
2024-05-06: Board Meeting
EXIMBANK: The Company has informed that the Board Meeting of the Company will be held on May 09, 2024 at 03:30 PM to consider, among others, un-audited financial statements of the Company for the First Quarter (Q1) period ended March 31, 2024.
2024-04-23: CB Free
EXIMBANK: Please note that there will be no price limit today 23.04.2024 on the trading of the shares of the Company following its corporate declaration.
2024-04-23: Cont-Recommendation of Dividend
EXIMBANK(cont):as against Consolidated Tk. 2.57, Consolidated Tk. 22.02 and Consolidated Tk. (13.20) respectively for the year ended December 31, 2022. Reasons for significant deviation in EPS and NOCFPS: EPS decreased mainly due to increase in provision for investments. NOCFPS increased mainly due to increase in ''Deposits from Customers'' and ''Trading liabilities (borrowings)'' compared to the previous period.(end)
2024-04-23: Recommendation of Dividend
EXIMBANK: The Board of Directors has recommended 10% cash dividend for all shareholders for the year ended on December 31, 2023. Date of AGM: 24.06.2024, Time: 11:00 AM, Venue: Digital Platform. Record Date: 26.05.2024. The Company has also reported Consolidated EPS of Tk. 2.33, Consolidated NAV per share of Tk. 23.00 and Consolidated NOCFPS of Tk. 5.94 for the year ended on December 31, 2023 (cont)
2024-04-09: Board Meeting
EXIMBANK: The Company has informed that the Board Meeting will be held on April 22, 2024 at 3:30 PM to consider, among others, audited financial statements of the Company for the year ended December 31, 2023.
2024-04-08: Consent of Bangladesh Bank to declare dividend
EXIMBANK: The company has informed that Bangladesh Bank has given consent for declaring dividend for the year ended 31 December 2023 in accordance with DOS Circular no. 01 dated 07 February 2021 of Bangladesh Bank.
2024-03-18: Amalgamation of Padma Bank PLC. with Export Import Bank
EXIMBANK: The company has informed that the Board of Directors of the company has decided to carry out the amalgamation of Padma Bank PLC. with Export Import Bank of Bangladesh Limited through merger subject to compliance of all formalities and approval of regulatory authorities.
2024-01-28: Record Date tomorrow (29.01.2024)
EXIMBANK: Trading of the shares the Company will remain suspended on its record date i.e., 29.01.2024. Trading of the shares of the Company will resume on 30.01.2024.
2024-01-24: Spot trade from tomorrow (25.01.2024)
EXIMBANK: Trading of the shares the Company will be allowed only in the Spot Market from 25.01.2024 to 28.01.2024 as the record date of the Company is on 29.01.2024 for EGM.
2024-01-09: EGM Notice to change name of the company
EXIMBANK: The company has informed that the Board of Directors of the Company has decided to hold an Extra-Ordinary General Meeting (EGM) of the Company to consider the following: ''To change the name of the company from 'Export Import Bank of Bangladesh Limited' to 'Export Import Bank of Bangladesh PLC.' and to amend the relevant clauses of the Memorandum and Articles of Association of the company subject to approval from the shareholders of the company in the Eleventh Extra-Ordinary General Meeting and regulatory authorities''. Date of EGM: 20.02.2024, Time: 11:00 AM, Venue: Digital Platform, Record date: 29.01.2024.
2023-11-14: BSEC Consent for issuance of Subordinated Bond
EXIMBANK: EXIM Bank Limited has informed that Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission (BSEC) vide its letter dated November 13, 2023 has accorded its approval to the Bank for issuance of non-convertible fully redeemable floating rate EXIM 5th Subordinated Bond amounting to BDT 4,000 (Four Thousand) Million only [face value BDT 1,000,000 (One million), Lot-01] for the period of 7 (seven) years as a process of inclusion in Tier-II capital through private placement as per provision of the Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission (Debt securities) Rules, 2021.
2023-11-05: Sale Confirmation
EXIMBANK: Mr. Mazakat Harun, one of the Sponsors of EXIM Bank Limited, has further reported that he has completed his sale of 4,80,000 shares of the Company at prevailing market price through Stock Exchange (DSE) as per declaration disseminated by CSE on 26.10.2023.
2023-10-30: Un-audited Financial Statement
EXIMBANK: (Quarter 3) As per the un-audited financial statements of the Company, Consolidated EPS was Tk. 0.37 for July-September 2023 as against Tk. 0.43 for July-September 2022; Consolidated EPS was Tk. 1.58 for January-September 2023 as against Tk. 1.57 for January-September 2022. Consolidated NOCFPS was Tk. (1.46) for January-September 2023 as against Tk. (20.32) for January-September 2022. Consolidated NAV per share was Tk. 22.44 as on September 30, 2023 and Tk. 22.32 as on September 30, 2022. Reasons for significant deviation in EPS and NOCFPS: EPS increased mainly due to increase in investment income. NOCFPS increased mainly due to decrease in investment and increase in deposits compared to the corresponding previous period.
2023-10-26: Time extension for selling declared shares of a sponsor
EXIMBANK: Refer to their earlier news disseminated by CSE on 04.06.2023 regarding sale intention of Mr. Mazakat Harun, one of the Sponsors of EXIM Bank Limited, who reported his intention to sell 4,80,000 shares of the Company. In this respect BSEC has allowed time extension including restricted period for selling the declared 4,80,000 shares of the above sponsor of the company till January 31, 2024. As such, time has been extended up to January 31, 2024 for selling the mentioned shares (in Public/Block Market).
2023-10-25: Sale Confirmation
EXIMBANK: Mr. Zubayer Kabir, one of the Sponsors of EXIM Bank Limited, has further reported that he has completed his sale of 7,50,000 shares of the Company at prevailing market price through Stock Exchange (DSE) as per declaration disseminated by CSE on 04.10.2023.
2023-10-23: Board Meeting
EXIMBANK: Exim Bank Limited has informed that the Board Meeting of the Company will be held on October 29, 2023 at 3:30 PM to consider, among others, un-audited financial statements of the Company for the Third Quarter (Q3) period ended September 30, 2023.
2023-10-22: Cont-Adoption of half-yearly audited financial statements
EXIMBANK: (Cont) The company has also informed that EPS has been increased mainly due to increase in investment income. NOCFPS has been increased due to decrease in investment and increase in deposits compared to the corresponding previous period. (end)
2023-10-22: Adoption of half-yearly audited financial statements
EXIMBANK: Exim Bank Limited has informed that the Board of Directors has adopted/considered the half yearly audited financial statements of the company for the period ended June 30, 2023 in connection with formalities for issuance of Fully Redeemable Non-Convertible Floating Rate EXIM 5th Subordinated Bond of BDT 4,000.00 Million. The comparative information relating to aforesaid financial statements is as follows: Consolidated EPS of Tk. 1.21, Consolidated NAV per share of Tk. 23.06 and Consolidated NOCFPS of Tk. 4.61 for the period ended June 30, 2023 as against Tk. 1.14, Tk. 22.89 and Tk. (21.42) respectively for the period ended June 30, 2022. (Cont)
2023-10-16: Board Meeting for adoption of half-yearly audited financial statements
EXIMBANK: Exim Bank Limited has informed that the Board Meeting of the Company will be held on October 19, 2023 at 3:30 PM where, among others, the half-yearly audited financial statements for the period ended on June 30, 2023 will be placed for consideration/adoption in connection with formalities for issuance of Fully Redeemable Non-Convertible Floating Rate EXIM 5th Subordinated Bond of BDT 4,000.00 million.
2023-10-04: Sale Intention
EXIMBANK: Mr. Zubayer Kabir, one of the Sponsors of EXIM Bank Limited, has reported his intention to sell 7,50,000 shares out of his holding of 62,82,600 shares of the company at prevailing market price (in the Public/Block Market) through Dhaka Stock Exchange Limited (DSE) within October 31, 2023.
2023-09-21: Sale Confirmation
EXIMBANK: Mr. Zubayer Kabir, one of the Sponsors of EXIM Bank Limited, has further reported that he has completed his sale of 7,50,000 shares of the Company at prevailing market price through Stock Exchange as per declaration disseminated on 24.08.2023.
2023-08-24: Sale Intention
EXIMBANK: Mr. Zubayer Kabir, one of the Sponsors of EXIM Bank Limited, has reported his intention to sell 7,50,000 shares out of his holding of 70,32,600 shares of the company at prevailing market price (in the Public/Block Market) through Dhaka Stock Exchange Limited (DSE) within next 30 working days.
2023-08-03: Cash Dividend Disbursement
EXIMBANK: EXIM Bank Limited has informed that it has disbursed the cash dividend for the year ended December 31, 2022 to the respective shareholders.
2023-07-30: Un-audited HY A/Cs
EXIMBANK:(Quarter 2) As per un-audited half yearly accounts of EXIM Bank Ltd., Consolidated EPS was Tk. 1.07 for April-June 2023 as against Tk. 0.89 (restated) for April-June 2022; Consolidated EPS was Tk. 1.21 for January-June 2023 as against Tk. 1.14 (restated) for January-June 2022. Consolidated NOCFPS was Tk. 4.61 for January-June 2023 as against Tk. (21.42) for January-June 2022. Consolidated NAV per share was Tk. 23.07 as on June 30, 2023 and Tk. 22.89 as on June 30, 2022. Reasons for deviation in EPS and NOCFPS: EPS has been increased due to increase in investment income. NOCFPS has been increased due to decrease in investment and increase in deposits.
2023-07-24: Board Meeting
EXIMBANK: Exim Bank Limited has informed that the Board Meeting of the Company will be held on July 27, 2023 at 3:30 PM to consider, among others, un-audited financial statements of the Company for the Second Quarter (Q2) period ended June 30, 2023.
2023-07-03: Approval from regulatory authority for investment (overdrawn) facility
EXIMBANK: EXIM Bank Limited has informed that it has got the permission from regulatory authority for investment (overdrawn) facility equivalent to GBP 5.00 (five) lac to EXIM Exchange Company (UK) Ltd., a fully owned subsidiary of the Company. The investment (overdrawn) facility will facilitate execution of inward remittance in time.
2023-06-04: Sale Intention
EXIMBANK: Mr. Mazakat Harun, one of the Sponsors of EXIM Bank Limited, has reported his intention to sell 4,80,000 shares out of his holding of 1,02,29,618 shares of the Company at prevailing market price (In the Public Market) through Dhaka Stock Exchange Ltd. within next 30 working days.
2023-05-29: Credit Rating
EXIMBANK: Credit Rating Information and Services Limited (CRISL) has rated EXIM Bank Limited as ''AA'' in the long term and ''ST-2'' in the short term along with a Stable outlook based on audited financial statements of the Company up to December 31, 2022, also unaudited financials up to March 31, 2023 and other relevant quantitative as well as qualitative information up to the date of rating declaration.
2023-05-25: Issuance of 5th Mudaraba Subordinated Bond
EXIMBANK: EXIM Bank Limited has informed that the Board of Directors of the Company has accorded its approval for issuance of Mudaraba Subordinated Bond (5th Issue) for Tk. 600,00,00,000.00 (Taka six hundred crore only) as a process of inclusion in Tier-II capital as "Subordinated debt", for a period of 7 (seven) years through private placement subject to the approval of the Regulatory Authorities and compliance of all formalities in this respect.
2023-05-15: Record Date tomorrow (16.05.2023)
EXIMBANK: Trading of the shares of EXIM Bank Limited will remain suspended on its record date i.e., 16.05.2023. Trading of the shares of the Company will resume on 17.05.2023.
2023-05-11: Spot trade from 14.05.2023
EXIMBANK: Trading of the shares of EXIM Bank Limited will be allowed only in the Spot Market from 14.05.2023 to 15.05.2023 as the record date of the Company is on 16.05.2023.
2023-05-10: Un-audited Financial Statement
EXIMBANK: (Quarter 1) As per the un-audited financial statements of Exim Bank Limited, Consolidated EPS was Tk. 0.14 for January-March 2023 as against Tk. 0.25 for January-March 2022; Consolidated NOCFPS was Tk. 0.30 for January-March 2023 as against Tk. (15.82) for January-March 2022. Consolidated NAV per share was Tk. 22.13 as on March 31, 2023 and Tk. 21.97 as on March 31, 2022. The company further informed that EPS has been decreased due to increase in provision for investments and other assets. NOCFPS has been increased due to increase in deposits and decrease in investments.
2023-05-03: Board Meeting
EXIMBANK: Exim Bank Limited has informed that the Board Meeting of the Company will be held on May 09, 2023 at 3:00 PM to consider, among others, un-audited financial statements of the Company for the First Quarter (Q1) period ended March 31, 2023.
2023-04-24: CB free
EXIMBANK: Please note that there will be no price limit today 24.04.2023 on the trading of the shares of the Company following its corporate declaration, however, as per the BSEC Order No. BSEC/CMRRCD/2001-07/39 dated July 28, 2022, the floor price shall be applicable accordingly.
2023-04-24: Recommendation of Dividend
EXIMBANK: The Board of Directors has recommended 10% cash dividend for the year ended December 31, 2022. Date of AGM: 19.06.2023, Time: 11:00 AM, Venue: Digital Platform. Record date: 16.05.2023. The Company has also reported Consolidated EPS of Tk. 2.57, Consolidated NAV per share of Tk. 22.02 and Consolidated NOCFPS of Tk. (13.20) for the year ended December 31, 2022 as against Tk. 1.49, Tk. 21.72 and Tk. 9.37 respectively for the year ended December 31, 2021. Reasons for significant deviation in EPS and NOCFPS: EPS increased mainly due to decrease in provision for investments. NOCFPS decreased mainly due to decrease in trading liabilities (borrowings) and decrease in deposits compared to the previous period.
2023-04-10: Board Meeting
EXIMBANK: Exim Bank Limited has informed that the Board Meeting of the Company will be held on April 18, 2023 at 2:30 PM to consider, among others, audited financial statements of the company for the year ended December 31, 2022.
2023-04-10: Consent of Bangladesh Bank to declare dividend
EXIMBANK: Exim Bank Limited has informed that Bangladesh Bank has given consent for declaring dividend for the year ended 31 December 2022 in accordance with DOS Circular no. 01 dated 07 February 2021 of Bangladesh Bank.
2022-12-08: Change of Head Office Address
EXIMBANK: Exim Bank Limited has informed that the Head Office of the Bank has been shifted to its new address on December 07, 2022 at EXIM Bank Tower, Plot#15, Road # 15, Blosck # CWS (C), Bir Uttom A. K. Khondokar Road, Gulshan-1, Dhaka-1212. Contact: Tel: 09666716246 and email: info@eximbankbd.com.
2022-11-29: Revaluation of immovable fixed assets
EXIMBANK: Exim Bank Limited has informed that the Board of Directors has accepted the revaluation of immovable fixed assets of the company have been revaluated by MRH Dey and Co., Chartered Accountants based on book value as of October 19, 2022. The Book Value of Land decreased from Tk. 3,544,460,503.00 to Tk. 2,841,439,000.00, Building and Construction decreased from Tk. 1,824,198,843.00 to Tk. 1,082,962,150.00 and Leasehold Properties decreased from Tk. 212,910,762.00 to Tk. 204,480,000.00. Overall immovable fixed assets decreased from Tk. 5,581,570,108.00 to Tk. 4,128,881,150.00 i.e. Tk. 1,452,688,958.00 will be accounted for in the Books of the Bank subject to observing applicable formalities.
2022-11-09: Transfer Confirmation
EXIMBANK: Ms. Nasreen Islam, one of the Sponsor Directors of EXIM Bank Limited, has further informed she has completed her transfer of 2,10,60,500 shares of the Company to her son Walid Ibne Islam, General Shareholder of the Company (1,29,03,000 shares) and to her daughter Anika Islam, General Shareholder of the Company (81,57,500 shares), by way of gift outside the trading system of Dhaka Stock Exchange as per declaration disseminated on 04.10.2022.
2022-11-08: Transfer Confirmation
EXIMBANK: Mr. Md. Nazrul Islam Mazumder, one of the Sponsor Directors of EXIM Bank Limited, has further informed he has completed his transfer of 78,75,000 shares of the Company to his daughter Anika Islam, General Shareholder of the Company, by way of gift outside the trading system of Dhaka Stock Exchange as per declaration disseminated on 04.10.2022.
2022-11-08: Sale Confirmation
EXIMBANK: Mr. Zubayer Kabir, one of the Sponsors of EXIM Bank Limited, has further reported that it has completed its sale of 5,00,000 shares of the Company at prevailing market price through Dhaka Stock Exchange as per declaration disseminated on 27.10.2022.
2022-10-30: Un-audited Financial Statement
EXIMBANK: (Quarter 3) As per the un-audited financial statements of Exim Bank Limited, Consolidated EPS was Tk. 0.43 for July-September 2022 as against Tk. 0.32 for July-September 2021; Consolidated EPS was Tk. 1.57 for January-September 2022 as against Tk. 1.18 for January-September 2021. Consolidated NOCFPS was Tk. (20.32) for January-September 2022 as against Tk. (10.75) for January-September 2021. Consolidated NAV per share was Tk. 22.32 as on September 30, 2022 and Tk. 21.57 as on September 30, 2021. The Company also informed that the EPS increased mainly due to decrease in investment provision and NOCFPS decreased mainly due to decrease in trading liabilities (borrowings) compared to the previous period.
2022-10-27: Sale Intention
EXIMBANK: Mr. Zubayer Kabir, one of the Sponsors of EXIM Bank Limited, has reported his intention to sell 5,00,000 shares out of his holding 75,32,600 shares of the company at prevailing market price (in the Public Market) through Dhaka Stock Exchange within October 31, 2022.
2022-10-24: Board Meeting
EXIMBANK: Exim Bank Limited has informed that the Board Meeting of the Company will be held on October 27, 2022 at 3:00 PM to consider, among others, un-audited financial statements of the Company for the Third Quarter (Q3) period ended September 30, 2022.
2022-10-04: Transfer intention
EXIMBANK: Mr. Md. Nazrul Islam Mazumder, one of the Sponsor Directors of EXIM Bank Limited, has reported his intention to transfer 78,75,000 shares out of his holdings 6,37,26,913 shares of the Company to his daughter Anika Islam, General Shareholder of the Company, by way of gift outside the trading system of the Exchange (DSE) within October 31, 2022.
2022-10-04: Transfer intention
EXIMBANK: Ms. Nasreen Islam, one of the Sponsor Directors of EXIM Bank Limited, has reported her intention to transfer 2,10,60,500 shares out of her holding 5,20,60,720 shares of the Company; 1,29,03,000 shares to her son Walid Ibne Islam, General Shareholder of the Company and 81,57,500 shares to her daughter Anika Islam, General Shareholder of the Company respectively, by way of gift outside the trading system of the Exchange (DSE) within October 31, 2022.
2022-09-18: Appointment of the Managing Director and CEO
EXIMBANK: Exim Bank Limited has informed that Mr. Mohammad Feroz Hossain has assumed the post of Managing Director & CEO of the Bank with effect from 16 September 2022.
2022-08-03: Cash Dividend Disbursement
EXIMBANK: EXIM Bank Limited has informed that it has disbursed the cash dividend for the year ended December 31, 2021 to the respective shareholders.
2022-07-31: Un-audited HY A/Cs
EXIMBANK:(Quarter 2) As per un-audited half yearly accounts of EXIM Bank Ltd., Consolidated EPS was Tk. 0.89 for April-June 2022 as against Tk. 0.82 for April-June 2021; Consolidated EPS was Tk. 1.14 for January-June 2022 as against Tk. 0.87 for January-June 2021. Consolidated NOCFPS was Tk. (21.42) for January-June 2022 as against Tk. (7.28) for January-June 2021. Consolidated NAV per share was Tk. 22.89 as on June 30, 2022 and Tk. 22.00 as on June 30, 2021. Reasons for significant deviation in EPS and NOCFPS: EPS increased mainly due to decrease in Provision for investments. NOCFPS decrease mainly due to decrease in trading liabilities(borrowings) and decrease in deposits compared to the previous period.
2022-07-25: Board Meeting
EXIMBANK: Exim Bank Limited has informed that the Board Meeting of the Company will be held on July 28, 2022 at 3:30 PM to consider, among others, un-audited financial statements of the Company for the Second Quarter (Q2) period ended June 30, 2022.
2022-06-26: Share Transmission of Deceased Sponsor Director among his successors
EXIMBANK: EXIM Bank Limited has informed that Mr. Md. Abdul Mannan, one of the Sponsor Directors of the Company passed away on 18.01.2020. His total holding 79,77,144 shares will be transmitted among his successors according to the Succession Certificate issued by the Honorable Court.
2022-05-31: Credit Rating
EXIMBANK: Credit Rating Information and Services Limited (CRISL) has rated EXIM Bank Limited as ''AA'' in the long term and ''ST-2'' in the short term along with a Stable outlook based on audited financial statements of the Company up to December 31, 2021, also unaudited financials up to March 31, 2022 and other relevant quantitative as well as qualitative information up to the date of rating declaration.
2022-05-30: Sale Confirmation
EXIMBANK: Mr. Zubayer Kabir, one of the Sponsors of EXIM Bank Limited, has further informed that he has completed his sale of 6,50,000 shares of the company at prevailing market price through Dhaka Stock Exchange as per declaration disseminated on 24.05.2022.
2022-05-25: Record Date tomorrow 26.05.2022
EXIMBANK: Trading of the shares of EXIM Bank Limited will remain suspended on its record date i.e., 26.05.2022. Trading of the shares of the Company will resume on 29.05.2022.
2022-05-24: Sale Intention
EXIMBANK: Mr. Zubayer Kabir, one of the Sponsors of EXIM Bank Limited, has reportd his intention to sell 6,50,000 shares out of his holding 81,82,600 shares of the company at prevailing market price (in the Public Market) through Dhaka Stock Exchange within next 30 working days.
2022-05-23: Spot trade from tomorrow (24.05.2022)
EXIMBANK: Trading of the shares of EXIM Bank Limited will be allowed only in the Spot Market from 24.05.2022 to 25.05.2022 as the record date of the Company is on 26.05.2022.
2022-05-12: Un-audited Financial Statements
EXIMBANK: (Quarter 1) As per the un-audited financial statements of Exim Bank Limited, Consolidated EPS was Tk. 0.25 for January-March 2022 as against Tk. 0.05 for January-March 2021. Consolidated NOCFPS was Tk. (15.82) for January-March 2022 as against Tk. (1.16) for January-March 2021. Consolidated NAV per share was Tk. 21.97 as on March 31, 2022 and Tk. 21.18 as on March 31, 2021. The Company also informed that i) EPS increased mainly due to decrease in provision for investments. ii) NOCFPS decreased mainly due to decrease in trading liabilities (borrowings) and decrease in deposits compared to the previous period.
2022-05-08: Board Meeting
EXIMBANK: Exim Bank Limited has informed that the Board Meeting of the Company will be held on May 11, 2022 at 3:30 PM to consider, among others, un-audited financial statements of the Company for the First Quarter (Q1) period ended on March 31, 2022.
2022-04-28: CB Free
EXIMBANK: Please note that there will be no price limit today 28.04.2022 on the trading of the shares of the Company following its corporate declaration.
2022-04-28: Recommendation of Dividend
EXIMBANK: The Board of Directors has recommended 10% cash dividend for the year ended December 31, 2021. Date of AGM: 26.06.2022, Time: 11:00 AM, Venue: Digital Platform. Record date: 26.05.2022. The Company has also reported Consolidated EPS of Tk. 1.49, Consolidated NAV per share of Tk. 21.72 and Consolidated NOCFPS of Tk. 9.37 for the year ended December 31, 2021 as against Tk. 1.94 (restated), Tk. 21.13 (restated) and Tk. 3.44 (restated) respectively for the same period of the previous year.
2022-04-17: Board Meeting
EXIMBANK: Exim Bank Limited has informed that the Board Meeting of the Company will be held on April 27, 2022 at 2:30 PM to consider, among others, audited financial statements of the Company for the year ended December 31, 2021.
2021-12-12: Purchase of Floor Space
EXIMBANK: EXIM Bank Limited has informed that the Board of Directors of the Company has decided to purchase floor space as office premises measuring 8,889 sft. (approx.) including common space at 1st, 2nd and Ground Floor at ''Airbell Helianthus'', Jamal Khan Road, Kotowali, Chattogram, amounting Tk. 16,00,00,000.00 (Taka sixteen crore only) subject to approval of Bangladesh Bank.
2021-11-01: Sale Confirmation
EXIMBANK: Mr. Khandakar Mohammed Saiful Alam, one of the Independent Directors of Export Import Bank of Bangladesh Limited, has further reported that he has completed sell of his entire holdings of 5,00,000 shares of the Company at prevailing market price through Stock Exchange as per declaration disseminated on 27.10.2021.
2021-11-01: Sale Confirmation
EXIMBANK: Mr. Ranjan Chowdhury, one of the Independent Directors of Export Import Bank of Bangladesh Limited, has further reported that he has completed sell of his entire holdings of 5,00,000 shares of the Company at prevailing market price through Stock Exchange as per declaration disseminated on 27.10.2021.
2021-10-27: Sale Confirmation
EXIMBANK: Mr. Mazakat Harun, one of the Sponsors of EXIM Bank Limited, has further reported that he has completed his sale of 11,43,900 shares of the Company at prevailing market price through Stock Exchange as per declaration disseminated on 23.09.2021.
2021-10-27: Sale Intention
EXIMBANK: Mr. Khandakar Mohammed Saiful Alam, one of the Independent Directors of Export Import Bank of Bangladesh Limited, has reported his intentions to sell his entire holdings of 5,00,000 shares of the Company at prevailing market price (In the Public market) through Stock Exchange (DSE) within October 31, 2021.
2021-10-27: Sale Intention
EXIMBANK: Mr. Ranjan Chowdhury, one of the Independent Directors of Export Import Bank of Bangladesh Limited, has reported his intentions to sell his entire holdings of 5,00,000 shares of the Company at prevailing market price (In the Public market) through Stock Exchange (DSE) within October 31, 2021.
2021-10-27: Cont-Un-audited Financial Statement
EXIMBANK(cont): Consolidated NAV per share was Tk. 21.57 as of September 30, 2021 and Tk. 20.59 as on September 30, 2020. The Company has also informed that the EPS decreased mainly due to increase in investment provision and NOCFPS decreased mainly due to decrease in cash flows from operating assets and liabilities compared to the previous period. (end)
2021-10-27: Un-audited Financial Statement
EXIMBANK: (Quarter 3) As per the un-audited financial statements of EXIM Bank of Bangladesh Limited, Consolidated EPS was Tk. 0.32 for July-September 2021 as against Tk. 0.42 (restated) for July-September, 2020; Consolidated EPS was Tk. 1.18 for January-September 2021 as against Tk. 1.40 for January-September 2020. Consolidated NOCFPS was Tk. (10.75) for January-September 2021 as against Tk. (9.60) for January-September 2020.(cont)
2021-10-21: Board Meeting
EXIMBANK: Exim Bank Limited has informed that the Board Meeting of the Company will be held on October 26, 2021 at 3:30 PM to consider, among others, un-audited financial statements of the Company for the Third Quarter (Q3) period ended on September 30, 2021.
2021-10-06: Sale Confirmation
EXIMBANK: Mr. Ranjan Chowdhury, one of the Independent Directors of EXIM Bank Limited, has further reported that he has completed his sale of 4,00,975 shares of the Company at prevailing market price through Stock Exchange as per declaration disseminated on 26.09.2021.
2021-10-06: Sale Confirmation
EXIMBANK: Mr. Khandakar Mohammed Saiful Alam, one of the Independent Directors of EXIM Bank Limited, has further reported that he has completed his sale of 3,88,739 shares of the Company at prevailing market price through Stock Exchange as per declaration disseminated on 26.09.2021.
2021-09-26: Sale Intention
EXIMBANK: Mr. Khandakar Mohammed Saiful Alam, one of the Independent Directors of EXIM Bank Limited, has reported his intention to sell 3,88,739 (3,58,709 + 30,030) shares out of his total holding of 8,88,739 shares of the Company at prevailing market price (in the Public Market) through Stock Exchange (DSE) within October 31, 2021.
2021-09-26: Sale Intention
EXIMBANK: Mr. Ranjan Chowdhury, one of the Independent Directors of EXIM Bank Limited, has reported his intention to sell 4,00,975 (3,58,074+ 42,901) shares out of his total holding of 9,00,975 shares of the Company at prevailing market price (in the Public Market) through Stock Exchange (DSE) within October 31, 2021.
2021-09-23: Sale Intention
EXIMBANK: Mr. Mazakat Harun, one of the Sponsors of EXIM Bank Limited, has reported his intention to sell 11,43,900 shares out of his total holding of 1,13,73,518 shares of the Company at prevailing market price (in the Public Market) through Stock Exchange (DSE) within October 31, 2021.
2021-08-25: Sale Confirmation
EXIMBANK: Lt. Col. (Retd.) Serajul Islam, one of the Independent Directors of Exim Bank Limited, has further reported that he has completed his sale of 20,029 shares of the Company at prevailing market price through Stock Exchange as per declaration disseminated on 12.08.2021.
2021-08-23: Dividend Disbursement
EXIMBANK: EXIM Bank Limited has informed that it has credited the Bonus shares for the year ended on December 31, 2020 to the respective shareholders' BO Accounts and it has also disbursed the cash dividend to the respective shareholders. Sale proceeds of fractional bonus shares has been disbursed through BEFTN, Bank Transfer and issuance of payment order.
2021-08-12: Sale Intention
EXIMBANK: Lt. Col. (Retd.) Serajul Islam, one of the Independent Directors of Exim Bank Limited, has reported his intention to sell his remaining 20,029 shares (Bonus Shares) of the Company at prevailing market price through Stock Exchange (DSE) within next 30 working days.
2021-08-05: Transfer Confirmation
EXIMBANK: Lt. Col. (Retd) Serajul Islam, one of the Independent Directors of EXIM Bank Limited, has further reported that he has completed his transfer of entire holding of 8,01,209 shares to his Daughter Miss Nafesa Islam, by way of gift outside the trading system of the Exchange as per declaration disseminated on 15.07.2021.
2021-07-29: Cont-Un-audited HY A/Cs
EXIMBANK:(Quarter 2)(cont) Reasons for significant deviation in EPS and NOCFPS: at un-audited Financial Statements for the period ended on June 30, 2021 compared to the previous corresponding period are as: i) EPS decreased mainly due to increase in Provision for investments. ii) ii) NOCFPS increased mainly due to increase in cash flows from operating assets and liabilities compared to the previous period.(end)
2021-07-29: Un-audited HY A/Cs
EXIMBANK:(Quarter 2) As per un-audited half yearly accounts of EXIM Bank Ltd., Consolidated EPS was Tk. 0.84 for April-June 2021 as against Tk. 0.96 for April-June 2020; Consolidated EPS was Tk. 0.89 for January-June 2021 as against Tk. 1.00 for January-June 2020. Consolidated NOCFPS was Tk. (7.46) for January-June 2021 as against Tk. (14.52) for January-June 2020. Consolidated NAV per share was Tk. 22.55 as on June 30, 2021 and Tk. 21.67 as on June 30, 2020.(cont)
2021-07-25: Board Meeting
EXIMBANK: Exim Bank Limited has informed that the Board Meeting of the Company will be held on July 28, 2021 at 3:00 PM to consider, among others, un-audited financial statements of the Company for the Second Quarter (Q2) period ended on June 30, 2021.
2021-07-15: Transfer intention
EXIMBANK: Lt. Col. (Retd) Serajul Islam, one of the Independent Directors of EXIM Bank Limited, has reported his intention to transfer his entire holding of 8,01,209 shares of the Company to his Daughter Miss Nafesa Islam, by way of gift outside the trading system of the Exchange within next 30 working days from the date of issuance of approval letter by DSE.
2021-06-09: Credit Rating
EXIMBANK: Credit Rating Information and Services Limited (CRISL) has rated EXIM Bank Limited as ''AA-'' in the long term and ''ST-2'' in the short term along with a Stable outlook based on audited financial statements of the Company up to December 31, 2020, also unaudited financials up to March 31, 2021 and other relevant quantitative as well as qualitative information up to the date of rating declaration.
2021-06-03: Record Date on 06.06.2021
EXIMBANK: Trading of the shares of Exim Bank Limited will remain suspended on its record date i.e., 06.06.2021. Trading of the shares of the Company will resume on 07.06.2021.
2021-06-01: Spot trade from tomorrow (02.06.2021)
EXIMBANK: Trading of the shares of Exim Bank Limited will be allowed only in the Spot Market from 02.06.2021 to 03.06.2021 as the record date of the Company is on 06.06.2021.
2021-05-31: Approval of BSEC for issuance of Mudaraba Subordinate Bond
EXIMBANK: Refer to their earlier news disseminated by CSE on 21.12.2020; EXIM Bank Ltd. the company has informed that BSEC has accorded its approval to the bank for issuance of non-convertible, unsecured, floating rate Mudaraba Subordinated Bond (4th issue) amounting to Tk. 500.00 Crore only (face value Tk. 1.00 crore, Lot-01), for the period of 7 years as a process of inclusion in Tier-II capital through private placement as per provisions of the BSEC (Private Placement of Debt Securities) Rules, 2012.
2021-05-23: Un-audited Financial Statement
EXIMBANK: (Quarter 1) As per the un-audited financial statements of Exim Bank Limited, Consolidated EPS was Tk. 0.05 for January-March 2021 as against Tk. 0.04 for January-March 2020. Consolidated NOCFPS was Tk. (1.19) for January-March 2021 as against Tk. (5.02) for January-March 2020. Consolidated NAV per share was Tk. 21.71 as on March 31, 2021 and Tk. 20.71 as on March 31, 2020.
2021-05-17: Board Meeting
EXIMBANK: Exim Bank Limited has informed that the Board Meeting of the Company will be held on May 20, 2021 at 2:00 PM to consider, among others, un-audited financial statements of the Company for the First Quarter (Q1) period ended on March 31, 2021.
2021-05-11: CB Free
EXIMBANK: Please note that there will be no price limit today 11.05.2021 on the trading of the shares of the Company following its corporate declaration, however, as per the BSEC Order No. BSEC/CMRRCD/2001-07/04 dated March 19, 2020, the floor price shall be applicable accordingly.
2021-05-11: Cont-Recommendation of Dividend
EXIMBANK(cont): Reasons for declaration of stock dividend: a) The Stock dividend was declared out of accumulated profit. b) The Stock dividend was not declared from capital reserve or revaluation reserve or any unrealized gain or out of profit earned prior to incorporation of the Company or through reducing paid up capital or through doing anything so that the post dividend retained earnings become negative or a debit balance. c) The retained amount of profit will be utilized to strengthen the capital base of the Company to support business growth.(end)
2021-05-11: Recommendation of Dividend
EXIMBANK: The Board of Directors has recommended 7.50% cash and 2.50% stock dividend for the year ended on December 31, 2020. Date of AGM: 29.06.2021, Time: 11:00 AM, Venue: Digital Platform. Record date: 06.06.2021. The Company has also reported Consolidated EPS of Tk. 1.99, Consolidated NAV per share of Tk. 21.66 and Consolidated NOCFPS of Tk. 3.52 for the year ended on December 31, 2020 as against Tk. 1.69, Tk. 20.67 and Tk. 11.37 respectively for the same period of the previous year.(cont)
2021-05-03: Board Meeting
EXIMBANK: Exim Bank Limited has informed that the Board Meeting of the Company will be held on May 9, 2021 at 2:00 PM to consider, among others, audited financial statements of the Company for the year ended on December 31, 2020.
2021-03-22: BSEC's Consent for issuance of Mudaraba Perpetual Bond
EXIMBANK: Refer to their earlier news disseminated by CSE on 30.09.2020 and 26.01.2021 regarding Issuance of Perpetual Bond, EXIM Bank Ltd. has further informed that BSEC has accorded consent for issuance of unsecured, floating rate, contingent-convertible, Basel-III compliant, EXIM Bank Mudaraba Perpetual Bond (1st issue) for Tk. 600.00 Crore only (face value Tk. 10.00 lac, Lot-01) as a process of inclusion in additional Tier-1 (AT-1) Capital through private placement as per provisions of the Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission (Private Placement of Debt Securities) Rules, 2012.The consent has been accorded subject to the condition that the company shall comply with the relevant laws and regulatory requirements.
2021-02-14: Record Date tomorrow (15.02.2021)
EXIMBANK: Trading of the shares of Exim Bank Limited will remain suspended on its record date i.e., 15.02.2021 for EGM. Trading of the shares of the Company will resume on 16.02.2021.
2021-02-10: Spot trade from tomorrow (11.02.2021)
EXIMBANK: Trading of the shares of Exim Bank Limited will be allowed only in the Spot Market from 11.02.2021 to 14.02.2021 as the record date of the Company is on 15.02.2021 for EGM.
2021-01-26: Cont-(correction)Information on Conversion of Perpetual Bond
EXIMBANK: (cont) stay below the level for 3 (Three) consecutive quarters subject to the approval of Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission as well as the approval of the Shareholders in the 10th Extra Ordinary General Meeting (EGM). The Board of Directors, has also taken the following decision regarding amendment to relevant articles of Articles of Association of the Company to amend Article No. 65 regarding notice period of AGM and Article No. 94 regarding minimum and maximum number of Directors subject to the approval of regulatory authorities and Shareholders of the Company in the EGM. Date of EGM: 09.03.2021, Time: 11:00 AM, Venue: Digital Platform. Record date: 15.02.2021.(end)
2021-01-26: Information on Conversion of Perpetual Bond
EXIMBANK: Refer to their earlier news disseminated by CSE on 30.09.2020 regarding Decision to issue Mudaraba Perpetual Bond, EXIM Bank Ltd. has further informed that the Company had applied to Bangladesh Bank and Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission for approval to issue Mudaraba Perpetual Bond (Additional Tier I Capital) for BDT 600.00 crore only. Bangladesh Bank has approved the proposal with Conditional Convertibility feature. The Board of Directors has unanimously approved the Conditional Convertibility feature of Mudaraba Perpetual Bond of BDT 600.00 Crore only into common shares, if the Company's consolidated CET-1 falls below Bangladesh Bank's requirement (presently 4.50%) and (cont)
2020-12-21: Issuance of Mudaraba Subordinated Bond
EXIMBANK: EXIM Bank Ltd. has informed that the Board of Directors of the Bank has accorded its approval for issuance of Mudaraba Subordinated Bond (4th Issue) for Tk. 500.00 crore only as a process of inclusion in Tier-II capital as "Subordinated debt", for a period of 7 years through private placement subject to the approval of the Regulatory Authorities and compliance of all formalities in this respect.
2020-11-23: Cont-Adoption of Audited Financials for the period ended on 30.09.2020
EXIMBANK (cont): Consolidated EPS was Tk. 1.43 for January-September 2020 as against Tk. 0.44 for January-September 2019. Consolidated NOCFPS was Tk. (9.84) for January-September 2020 as against Tk. 11.13 for January-September 2019. Consolidated NAV per share was Tk. 21.10 as of September 30, 2020 and Tk. 19.42 as on September 30, 2019. (end)
2020-11-23: Adoption of Audited Financials for the period ended on 30.09.2020
EXIMBANK: EXIM Bank Limited has further informed that the Board of Directors of the Bank has considered/adopted the Audited Financial Statements of the Bank for the period ended on September 30, 2020 in connection with formalities for the issuance of Mudaraba Perpetual Bond for Tk. 600.00 crore. All the figures for the period ended on September 30, 2020 remain unchanged as reported in their earlier disclosure in the unaudited Q3 financials. (Cont)
2020-10-28: Cont-Un-audited Financial Statement
EXIMBANK: (Quarter 3) (cont)The Company also inform that the EPS increased mainly due to decrease in investment provision and provision for diminution in value of shares and NOCFPS decreased mainly due to decrease in cash flows from operating assets and liabilities compared to the previous period.(end)
2020-10-28: Un-audited Financial Statement
EXIMBANK: (Quarter 3) As per the un-audited financial statements of Exim Bank Limited, Consolidated EPS was Tk. 0.43 for July-September 2020 as against Tk. (0.12) for July-September, 2019; Consolidated EPS was Tk. 1.43 for January-September 2020 as against Tk. 0.44 for January-September 2019. Consolidated NOCFPS was Tk. (9.84) for January-September 2020 as against Tk. 11.13 for January-September 2019. Consolidated NAV per share was Tk. 21.10 as of September 30, 2020 and Tk. 19.42 as on September 30, 2019.(cont)
2020-10-21: Board Meeting
EXIMBANK: Exim Bank Limited has informed that the Board Meeting of the Company will be held on October 27, 2020 at 3:30 PM to consider, among others, un-audited financial statements of the Company for the Third Quarter (Q3) period ended on September 30, 2020.
2020-10-06: Cash Dividend Disbursement
EXIMBANK: EXIM Bank Ltd. has informed that Cash Dividend for the year ended on December 31, 2019 has been disbursed to the respective shareholders' Bank accounts through EFTN system.
2020-09-30: Decision to issue Mudaraba Perpetual Bond
EXIMBANK: Exim Bank Limited has informed that the Board of Directors of the Bank has decided to issuance of Mudaraba Perpetual Bond for BDT 600.00 crore only as a process of inclusion in Additional Tier-1 (AT-1) capital through private placement subject to approval of Regulatory Authorities and compliance of all formalities in this respect.
2020-07-28: (Cont) Un-audited HY A/Cs
EXIMBANK:(Quarter 2) (cont)compared to the previous corresponding period are as under: i) EPS increased mainly due to decrease in Provision for investments, and ii) NOCFPS decreased mainly due to decrease in cash flows from operating assets and liabilities and increase in redemption of debt instruments compared to the previous period.(end)
2020-07-28: Un-audited HY A/Cs
EXIMBANK:(Quarter 2) As per un-audited half yearly accounts of EXIM Bank Ltd., Consolidated EPS was Tk. 0.96 for April-June 2020 as against Tk. 0.31 for April-June 2019; Consolidated EPS was Tk. 1.00 for January-June 2020 as against Tk. 0.56 for January-June 2019. Consolidated NOCFPS was Tk. (14.52) for January-June 2020 as against Tk. 4.36 for January-June 2019. Consolidated NAV per share was Tk. 21.67 as on June 30, 2020 and Tk. 20.54 as on June 30, 2019. The Company also informed that the reasons for significant deviation in EPS and NOCFPS at un-audited Financial Statements for the period ended on June 30, 2020 (cont).
2020-07-22: Board Meeting
EXIMBANK: Exim Bank Limited has informed that the Board Meeting of the Company will be held on July 27, 2020 at 3:30 PM to consider, among others, un-audited financial statements of the Company for the Second Quarter (Q2) period ended on June 30, 2020.
2020-06-28: Credit Rating
EXIMBANK: Credit Rating Information and Services Limited (CRISL) has rated EXIM Bank Limited as "AA-" in the long term and "ST - 2" in the short term along with a developing outlook based on audited financial statements of the Company up to December 31, 2019 and other relevant quantitative as well as qualitative information up to the date of rating declaration.
2020-06-24: Record Date tomorrow 25.06.2020
EXIMBANK: Trading of the shares of EXIM Bank Limited will remain suspended on its record date i.e., 25.06.2020. Trading of the shares of the Company will resume on 28.06.2020.
2020-06-23: Cont-Un-audited Financial Statements
EXIMBANK: (Quarter 1) (cont) The Company has also informed reasons for significant deviation in EPS and NOCFPS at un-audited Financial statements of the Company for the period ended on March 31, 2020 compared to the previous corresponding period are as under: i) Earnings per Share (EPS) decreased mainly due to decrease in operating income and increase in Provisions for diminution in value of shares. ii) Net operating Cash Flow per share (NOCFPS) decreased mainly due to increase of investments compared to the previous period.(end)
2020-06-23: Un-audited Financial Statements
EXIMBANK: (Quarter 1) As per the un-audited financial statements of Exim Bank Limited, Consolidated EPS was Tk. 0.04 for January-March 2020 as against Tk. 0.25 for January-March 2019. Consolidated NOCFPS was Tk. (5.02) for January-March 2020 as against Tk. (4.00) for January-March 2019. Consolidated NAV per share was Tk. 20.71 as on March 31, 2020 and Tk. 20.23 as on March 31, 2019. (cont)
2020-06-22: Spot trade from tomorrow (23.06.2020)
EXIMBANK: Trading of the shares of Exim Bank Limited will be allowed only in the Spot Market from 23.06.2020 to 24.06.2020 as the record date of the Company is on 25.06.2020.
2020-06-17: Board Meeting
EXIMBANK: Exim Bank Limited has informed that the Board Meeting of the Company will be held on June 22, 2020 at 3:00 PM to consider, among others, un-audited financial statements of the Company for the First Quarter (Q1) period ended on March 31, 2020.
2020-06-01: CB Free
EXIMBANK: Please note that there will be no price limit today 01 June 2020 on the trading of shares of the Company following its corporate declaration, however, as per the BSEC Order No. BSEC/CMRRCD/2001-07/04 dated March 19, 2020, the floor price shall be applicable accordingly.
2020-06-01: Recommendation of Dividend
EXIMBANK: The Board of Directors has recommended 10% cash dividend for the year ended on December 31, 2019. Date of AGM: 25.08.2020, Time: 11:00 AM, Venue: Digital Platform as per BSEC order. Record Date: 25.06.2020. The Company has also reported Consolidated EPS of Tk. 1.69, Consolidated NAV per share of Tk. 20.67 and Consolidated NOCFPS of Tk. 11.37 for the year ended on December 31, 2019 as against Tk. 1.65, Tk. 19.98 and Tk. (4.37) respectively for the same period of the previous year.
2020-05-31: Board Meeting
EXIMBANK: Exim Bank Limited has informed that the Board Meeting of the Company will be held on 31 May 2020 at 3:30 PM to consider, among others, audited financial statements of the Company for the year ended on December 31, 2019.
2019-10-27: Un-audited Financial Statement (Additional Information)
EXIMBANK: (Quarter 3) Exim Bank Limited has further informed that Reasons for significant deviation in EPS and NOCFPS at un-audited Financial Statements for the period ended on 30 September 2019 compared to the previous corresponding period are as 1) Earnings Per Share (EPS) increased mainly due to increase in operating income and decrease in Provisions for diminution in value of shares, and 2) Net Operating Cash Flow Per Share (NOCFPS) increased mainly due to increase in cash flows from operating assets and liabilities compared to the previous period.
2019-10-27: Un-audited Financial Statement
EXIMBANK: (Quarter 3) As per the un-audited financial statements of Exim Bank Limited, Consolidated EPS was Tk. (0.12) for July-September 2019 as against Tk. (0.02) for July-September, 2018; Consolidated EPS was Tk. 0.44 for January-September 2019 as against Tk. 0.11 for January-September 2018. Consolidated NOCFPS was Tk. 11.13 for January-September 2019 as against Tk. (8.79) for January-September 2018. Consolidated NAV per share was Tk. 19.42 as of September 30, 2019 and Tk. 18.44 as on September 30, 2018.
2019-10-21: Board Meeting
EXIMBANK: Exim Bank Limited has informed that the Board Meeting of the Company will be held on October 24, 2019 at 3:30 PM to consider, among others, un-audited financial statements of the Company for the Third Quarter (Q3) period ended on September 30, 2019.
2019-09-29: Sale Confirmation
EXIMBANK: Mr. Mazakat Harun, one of the Sponsors of Exim Bank Limited, has further reported that he has completed his sale of 25,00,000 shares of the Company at prevailing market price through Stock Exchange as per declaration disseminated on 27.08.2019.
2019-08-27: Sale Intention
EXIMBANK: Mr. Mazakat Harun, one of the Sponsors of Exim Bank Limited, has reported his intention to sell 25,00,000 shares out of his total holding of 1,35,96,116 shares of the Company at prevailing market price (in the Public Market) through Stock Exchange (DSE) within next 30 working days.
2019-08-27: Sale Confirmation
EXIMBANK: Mr. Mazakat Harun, one of the Sponsors of Exim Bank Limited, has further reported that he has completed his sale of 25,00,000 shares of the Company at prevailing market price through Stock Exchange as per declaration disseminated on 16.07.2019.
2019-07-28: Un-audited HY A/Cs
EXIMBANK:(Quarter 2) As per un-audited half yearly accounts of EXIM Bank Ltd., Consolidated EPS was Tk. 0.31 for April-June 2019 as against Tk. 0.47 for April-June 2018; Consolidated EPS was Tk. 0.56 for January-June 2019 as against Tk. 0.13 for January-June 2018. Consolidated NOCFPS was Tk. 4.36 for January-June 2019 as against Tk. (7.86) for January-June 2018. Consolidated NAV per share was Tk. 20.54 as on June 30, 2019 and Tk. 19.71 as on June 30, 2018.
2019-07-24: Cash Dividend Disbursement
EXIMBANK: EXIM Bank Ltd. has informed that Cash Dividend for the year ended on December 31, 2018 has been disbursed to the respective shareholders' Bank accounts through EFTN system.
2019-07-22: Board Meeting
EXIMBANK: Exim Bank Limited has informed that the Board Meeting of the Company will be held on July 25, 2019 at 3:30 PM to consider, among others, un-audited financial statements of the Company for the Second Quarter (Q2) period ended on June 30, 2019.
2019-07-18: Sale Confirmation
EXIMBANK: Mr. Mazakat Harun, one of the Sponsors of Exim Bank Limited, has further reported that he has completed his sale of 25,00,000 shares of the Company at prevailing market price through Stock Exchange as per declaration disseminated on 13.06.2019.
2019-07-16: Sale Intention
EXIMBANK: Mr. Mazakat Harun, one of the Sponsors of Exim Bank Limited, has reported his intention to sell 25,00,000 shares out of his total holding of 1,60,96,116 shares of the Company at prevailing market price (in the Public Market) through Stock Exchange (DSE) within next 30 working days.
2019-06-13: Sale Intention
EXIMBANK: Mr. Mazakat Harun, one of the Sponsors of Exim Bank Limited, has reported his intention to sell 25,00,000 shares out of his total holding of 1,85,96,116 shares of the Company at prevailing market price (in the Public Market) through Stock Exchange (DSE) within next 30 working days.
2019-05-23: Credit Rating
EXIMBANK: Credit Rating Information and Services Ltd. (CRISL) has informed that the Rating Committee of CRISL has assigned the rating to EXIM Bank Ltd. as ''AA-'' in the long term and ''ST-2'' in the short term along with a stable outlook in consideration of its audited financials up to 31 December 2018, also unaudited financials up to 31 March 2019 and other relevant quantitative as well as qualitative information up to the date of rating declaration.
2019-05-19: Record Date tomorrow (20.05.2019)
EXIMBANK: Trading of the shares of Exim Bank Limited will remain suspended on its record date i.e., 20.05.2019. Trading of the shares of the Company will resume on 21.05.2019.
2019-05-16: Sale Intention
EXIMBANK: Mr. Mazakat Harun, one of the Sponsors of Exim Bank Limited, has reported his intention to sell 25,00,000 shares out of his total holding of 2,10,96,116 shares of the Company at prevailing market price (in the Public Market) through Stock Exchange (DSE) within next 30 working days.
2019-05-15: Spot trade from tomorrow (16.05.2019)
EXIMBANK: Trading of the shares of Exim Bank Limited will be allowed only in the Spot Market from 16.05.2019 to 19.05.2019 as the record date of the Company is on 20.05.2019.
2019-05-13: Un-audited Financial Statement
EXIMBANK: (Quarter 1) As per the un-audited financial statements of Exim Bank Limited, Consolidated EPS was Tk. 0.25 for January-March 2019 as against Tk. (0.34) for January-March 2018. Consolidated NOCFPS was Tk. (4.00) for January-March 2019 as against Tk. (7.91) for January-March 2018. Consolidated NAV per share was Tk. 20.23 as on March 31, 2019 and Tk. 19.24 as on March 31, 2018.
2018-12-27: Cont-Adoption of Audited Financials for the period ended on 30.09.2018
EXIMBANK(cont): Consolidated EPS was Tk. 0.11 for January-September, 2018 as against Tk. 1.24 for January-September, 2017. Consolidated NOCFPS was Tk. (8.79) for January-September, 2018 as against Tk. (4.43) for January-September, 2017. Consolidated NAV per share was Tk. 18.44 as on September 30, 2018 and Tk. 18.49 as on September 30, 2017.(end)
2018-12-27: Adoption of Audited Financials for the period ended on 30.09.2018
EXIMBANK: EXIM Bank Limited has further informed that the Board of Directors of the Bank has considered/adopted the Audited Financial Statements of the Company for the period ended on September 30, 2018 in connection with formalities for the issuance of Mudaraba Subordinated Bond for Tk. 600.00 crore. All the figures for the period ended on September 30, 2018 remain unchanged as reported in their earlier disclosure in the unaudited Q3 financials.(cont)
2018-12-19: Board Meeting
EXIMBANK: EXIM Bank Limited has informed that the Board Meeting of the Company will be held on December 26, 2018 at 3:30 PM to consider, among others, audited financial statements of the Company for the Third Quarter (Q3) period ended on September 30, 2018 and It will be placed for consideration/adoption in connection with formalities for issuance of mudaraba subordinated bond for Tk. 600.00 crore.
2018-11-05: Sale Confirmation
EXIMBANK: Mr. Md. Nur Hussain, one of the Sponsors of Exim Bank Limited, has further reported that he has completed his sale of 1,30,00,000 Shares of the Company at prevailing market price through Stock Exchange as announced earlier.
2018-10-28: Sale Intention
EXIMBANK: Mr. Md. Nur Hussain, one of the Sponsors of Exim Bank Limited, has reported his intention to sell 1,30,00,000 shares out of his total holding of 1,71,40,592 shares of the Company at prevailing market price through Stock Exchange within October 31, 2018.
2018-10-28: Un-audited Financial Statement
EXIMBANK: (Quarter 3) As per the un-audited financial statements of Exim Bank Limited, Consolidated EPS was Tk. (0.02) for July-September, 2018 as against Tk. 0.80 for July-September, 2017; Consolidated EPS was Tk. 0.11 for January-September, 2018 as against Tk. 1.24 for January-September, 2017. Consolidated NOCFPS was Tk. (8.79) for January-September, 2018 as against Tk. (4.43) for January-September, 2017. Consolidated NAV per share was Tk. 18.44 as of September 30, 2018 and Tk. 18.49 as on September 30, 2017.
2018-10-22: Board Meeting
EXIMBANK: Exim Bank Limited has informed that the Board Meeting of the Company will be held on October 25, 2018 at 3:00 PM to consider, among others, un-audited financial statements of the Company for the Third Quarter (Q3) period ended on September 30, 2018.
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