2024-11-17: Un-audited Financial Statements
GPHISPAT: (Quarter 1) As per un-audited financial statements of the Company, EPS was Tk. 0.14 for July-September 2024 as against Tk. (0.34) for July-September 2023; NOCFPS was Tk. (1.82) for July-September 2024 as against Tk. 0.18 for July-September 2023. NAV per share was Tk. 52.65 as on September 30, 2024 and Tk. 52.43 as on June 30, 2024. Reasons for deviation in EPS and NOCFPS: Exchange loss in foreign currency transaction decreased by 82.57% in comparison with the corresponding quarter, as a result there is a positive reflection in EPS. Payment to suppliers and others expenses is more than collection against sales, which caused the NOCFPS has been negative in this particulars period.
2024-11-17: Board decision to increase the Authorized Capital
GPHISPAT: The Board of Directors of the company has also decided to increase the Authorized Capital of the company from Tk. 10,000,000,000 (one thousand core) to Tk. 15,000,000,000 (one thousand five hundred core) divided into 1,500,000,000 (one hundred fifty core) Ordinary Shares of Tk. 10.00 each and to amend the relevant clauses of the Memorandum and Articles of Association of the company subject to approval by the shareholders in the AGM and the regulatory authorities.
2024-11-10: Board Meeting
GPHISPAT: The Company has informed that the Board Meeting of the Company will be held on November 14, 2024 at 4:00 PM to consider, among others, un-audited financial statements of the Company for the First Quarter (Q1) period ended September 30, 2024.
2024-11-03: Record Date tomorrow (04.11.2024)
GPHISPAT: Trading of the shares of the Company will remain suspended on its record date i.e., 04.11.2024. Trading of the shares of the Company will resume on 05.11.2024.
2024-10-30: Spot trade from tomorrow (31.10.2024)
GPHISPAT: Trading of the shares of the Company will be allowed only in the Spot Market from 31.10.2024 to 03.11.2024 as the record date of the Company is on 04.11.2024.
2024-10-08: Issuance of Preference Shares up to BDT 5,000 million
GPHISPAT: The Board of Directors of the company has decided to issue Non-Convertible, Cumulative, Redeemable and Non-Participative Preference Shares amounting up to BDT 5,000 million to refinance the existing loans with preference shares subject to approval from Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission (BSEC).
2024-10-08: CB Free
GPHISPAT: Please note that there will be no price limit today 08.10.2024 on the trading of the shares of the Company following its corporate declaration.
2024-10-08: (Cont.) Recommendation of Dividend
GPHISPAT:(cont) from Tk. 0.58 in the previous year. While the operating profit remained the same as last year, the company effectively managed its foreign currency exchange losses. This year, the total loss from foreign currency fluctuations was Tk. 793,196,809.00 compared to Tk. 2,325,074,410.00 in the previous year. As a result, finance costs decreased by Tk. 515,482,205.00, and current tax expenses also dropped by Tk. 66,651,526.00. Consequently, net profit rose by Tk. 590,126,757.00 compared to last year. Payment against suppliers and others during this period is less than the collection from customers, resulting a positive impact at Net Operating Cash Flows Per Share (NOCFPS).(End)
2024-10-08: Recommendation of Dividend
GPHISPAT: The Board of Directors has recommended 10% Cash Dividend (only for General Shareholders except Sponsors and Directors) for the year ended June 30, 2024. The Sponsors and Directors hold 226,247,351 shares out of total 483,883,456 shares of the company and Cash Dividend payable to the General Shareholders is Tk. 257,636,105.00. Date of AGM: 12.12.2024, Time: 3:00 PM, Venue: Digital Platform. Record Date: 04.11.2024. The Company has reported EPS of Tk. 1.77, NAV per share of Tk. 52.43 and NOCFPS of Tk. 9.89 for the year ended June 30, 2024 as against Tk. 0.58, Tk. 53.08 and Tk. 2.94 respectively for the year ended June 30, 2023. Reasons for deviation in EPS and NOCFPS: Earnings Per Share (EPS) has increased to Tk. 1.77(cont.)
2024-09-29: Board Meeting
GPHISPAT: The Company has informed the Board Meeting of the Company will be held on October 07, 2024 at 03:00 PM to consider, among others, audited financial statements of the Company for the year ended June 30, 2024.
2024-09-17: Record Date tomorrow (18.09.2024)
GPHISPAT: Trading of the shares of the Company will remain suspended on its record date i.e., 18.09.2024 for EGM. Trading of the shares of the Company will resume on 19.09.2024.
2024-09-12: Spot trade from 15.09.2024
GPHISPAT: Trading of the shares of the Company will be allowed only in the Spot Market from 15.09.2024 to 17.09.2024 as the record date of the Company is on 18.09.2024 for EGM.
2024-08-25: Regarding Rights Issue of the company (Additional Information)
GPHISPAT: Referring to their news regarding board approval to a proposal for Rights Share Issue & holding EGM, the company has further informed that another Record Date will be fixed for entitlement of Rights Share after getting approval from the Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission.
2024-08-25: CB Free
GPHISPAT: Please note that there will be no price limit today 25.08.2024 on the trading of the shares of the Company following its corporate declaration.
2024-08-25: Cont-Board approval to a proposal for Rights Share Issue & holding EGM
GPHISPAT:(cont) Purpose of Rights Share Issue: To install a new furnace with its newly expansion plant which will enhance the production capacity and also addition of the revenue of Tk. 4,500 million per annum. Date of EGM: October 20, 2024, Time: 03:30 PM, Venue of EGM: Digital Platform and Record Date of the EGM: September 18, 2024.(end)
2024-08-25: Board approval to a proposal for Rights Share Issue & holding EGM
GPHISPAT: The company has informed that the Board of Directors of the company in its meeting held on August 22, 2024 approved a proposal for Rights Share issue in the following particulars: Proposed Rights Shares Issue: 01(one) [R]:03(three) [i.e. 01 (one) Right Share for every 03 (three) ordinary shares held] at an issue price of Tk. 15.00 each (including share premium of Tk. 5.00 each) on paid up capital subject to approval by the shareholders in the EGM and the regulatory authorities. The company will raise a total fund of Tk. 2,419,417,275 through issuing 161,294,485 nos. of Rights share. (cont)
2024-07-07: Share Transmission of Deceased Sponsor among his successors
GPHISPAT: The Company has informed that Mr. Mohammed Abdur Rouf, one of the Sponsors of the company passed away on 11.05.2021. His holding of 14,516,502 shares will be transmitted among his successors according to the Succession Certificate issued by the Honorable Court and approval from BSEC.
2024-06-13: Cash Dividend Disbursement
GPHISPAT: The Company has informed that it has disbursed the Cash Dividend for the year ended June 30, 2023 to the respective shareholders.
2024-05-02: Un-audited Financial Statement
GPHISPAT: (Quarter 3) As per un-audited financial statements of the Company, EPS was Tk. 1.01 for January-March 2024 as against Tk. 1.11 for January-March 2023; EPS was Tk. 1.33 for July 2023-March 2024 as against Tk. (0.65) for July 2022-March 2023. NOCFPS was Tk. 6.76 for July 2023-March 2024 as against Tk. (0.80) for July 2022-March 2023. NAV per share was Tk. 51.90 as on March 31, 2024 and Tk. 53.08 as on June 30, 2023. NOCFPS has been increased as payment against suppliers and others during the period is less than the collection from customers.
2024-04-25: Board Meeting
GPHISPAT: The Company has informed that the Board Meeting of the Company will be held on April 30, 2024 at 04:00 PM to consider, among others, un-audited financial statements of the Company for the Third Quarter (Q3) period ended March 31, 2024.
2024-02-19: Credit Rating
GPHISPAT: Alpha Credit Rating Limited has assigned Surveillance rating of the Company as ''AA-'' in the long term and ''ST-2'' in the short term along with Stable outlook based on audited financial statements as on June 30, 2023 and relevant qualitative information till February 18, 2024.
2024-02-01: Un-audited HY A/Cs
GPHISPAT:(Quarter 2)As per un-audited HY A/Cs of the co., EPS was Tk. 0.66 for Oct-Dec 2023 as against Tk. (0.12) for Oct-Dec 2022; EPS was Tk.0.32 for July-Dec 2023 as against Tk. (1.76) for July-Dec 2022. NOCFPS was Tk. 4.96 for July-Dec 2023 as against Tk. (2.11) for July-Dec 2022. NAV per share was Tk. 50.80 as on Dec 31, 2023 and Tk. 53.08 as on June 30, 2023. Reasons for deviation in EPS and NOCFPS: During this period finance costs have decreased due to decrease in exchange loss in foreign currency transactions for that reason a positive result reflects in EPS in comparison with the previous period. Payment against suppliers and others during this period is less than the collection from customers resulting a positive impact at NOCFPS.
2024-01-28: Board Meeting
GPHISPAT: The Company has informed that a meeting of the Board of Directors will be held on January 31, 2024 at 4:00 PM to consider, among others, un-audited financial statements of the Company for the Second Quarter (Q2) period ended December 31, 2023.
2024-01-14: Bonus Shares Credited
GPHISPAT: The Company has informed that the Bonus Shares of the Company for the year ended on June 30, 2023 have already been credited through CDBL to the respective shareholders' BO Accounts.
2023-12-06: Record Date tomorrow (07.12.2023)
GPHISPAT: Trading of the shares of the Company will remain suspended on its record date i.e., 07.12.2023 for entitlement of Stock dividend. Trading of the shares of the Company will resume on 10.12.2023.
2023-12-04: Spot trade from tomorrow (05.12.2023)
GPHISPAT: Trading of the shares of GPH ispat ltd. will be allowed only in the Spot Market from 05.12.2023 to 06.12.2023 as the record date of the Company is on 07.12.2023 for entitlement of Stock dividend.
2023-11-29: BSEC Consent and Record date for entitlement of Stock Dividend
GPHISPAT: Refer to the earlier news disseminated by CSE on 22.11.2023 regarding record date for entitlement of stock dividend, GPH ispat Limited has further informed that BSEC has accorded its consent for issuance of 5% Stock Dividend for the year ended June 30, 2023. The company has fixed the Record date on 07.12.2023 for entitlement of the aforesaid Bonus Shares.
2023-11-27: Un-audited Financial Statements
GPHISPAT: (Quarter 1) As per un-audited financial statements of the Company, EPS was Tk. (0.36) for July-September 2023 as against Tk. (1.72) for July-September 2022; NOCFPS was Tk. (0.36) for July-September 2023 as against Tk. (10.02) for July-September 2022. NAV per share was Tk. 52.81 as on September 30, 2023 and Tk. 53.08 as on June 30, 2023. Reasons for deviation in EPS and NOCFPS: Due to decrease in sales during this particular period and the negative effect in foreign currency fluctuation, EPS has been shown as negative in figure. Payment against suppliers is more than collection against sales proceed. As a result, NOCFPS has been negative in this particulars period.
2023-11-22: Record Date tomorrow (23.11.2023)
GPHISPAT: Trading of the shares of GPH ispat ltd. will remain suspended on its record date i.e., 23.11.2023. Trading of the shares of the Company will resume on 26.11.2023.
2023-11-22: Regarding record date for entitlement of stock dividend
GPHISPAT: Refer to their earlier news disseminated by CSE on 29.10.2023 regarding Recommendation of dividend, GPH ispat Limited has further informed that they have not received consent from BSEC yet regarding the stock dividend. So, the record date shall be applicable for cash dividend only and for stock dividend they will declare another record date upon getting consent from BSEC.
2023-11-20: Spot trade from tomorrow (21.11.2023)
GPHISPAT: Trading of the shares of GPH ispat ltd. will be allowed only in the Spot Market from 21.11.2023 to 22.11.2023 as the record date of the Company is on 23.11.2023.
2023-11-20: Board Meeting
GPHISPAT: GPH ispat ltd. has informed that the Board Meeting of the Company will be held on November 26, 2023 at 4:15 PM to consider, among others, un-audited financial statements of the Company for the First Quarter (Q1) period ended September 30, 2023.
2023-10-29: CB Free
GPHISPAT: Please note that there will be no price limit today 29.10.2023 on the trading of the shares of the company following its corporate declaration. However, the floor price shall be applicable accordingly.
2023-10-29: Cont2-Recommendation of Dividend
GPHISPAT(cont2):a) Bonus Shares have been recommended with a view to utilizing the retained amount as Capital for the installation of Reheating Furnace under the company's BMRE project. b) Bonus shares have been declared out of accumulated profit. c) Bonus shares have not been declared from capital reserve or revaluation reserve or any unrealized gain or out of profit earned prior to incorporation of the company or through reducing paid-up capital or through doing anything so that the post-dividend retained earnings become negative or a debit balance.(end)
2023-10-29: Cont1-Recommendation of Dividend
GPHISPAT(cont1):Reason of deviation in EPS, NAVPS and NOCFPS: Although net sales and operating profit has been increased but due to significant increase of raw materials prices at international market followed by exchange loss in foreign currency transactions EPS has been decreased than the previous year. NAV has been increased due to the increase of Revolution Reserve. NOCFPS has been increased due to an increase in payment receipt from customer, foreign currency loss and increase in advance income tax payment. Disclosures in regard to recommendation of Stock Dividend or Bonus Shares:(cont2)
2023-10-29: Recommendation of Dividend
GPHISPAT: The Board of Directors has recommended 5% Cash Dividend only for general shareholders other than sponsors and directors, and 5% Stock dividend for the year ended June 30, 2023. The company has also informed that Sponsors and Directors hold 228,640,565 shares of the company and cash dividend payable to general shareholders is Tk. 116,100,411. The stock dividend is subject to the approval of BSEC. Date of AGM: 28.12.2023, Time: 3:00 PM, Venue: Digital Platform. Record date: 23.11.2023. The Company has also reported EPS of Tk. 0.58, NAV per share of Tk. 53.08 and NOCFPS of Tk. (2.10) for the year ended June 30, 2023 as against Tk. 3.42, Tk. 28.79 and Tk. (7.15) respectively for the year ended June 30, 2022.(cont1)
2023-10-19: Board Meeting
GPHISPAT: GPH ispat ltd. has informed that the Board Meeting of the Company will be held on October 28, 2023 at 4:30 PM to consider, among others, audited financial statements of the Company for the year ended June 30, 2023.
2023-09-11: Appointment of Company Secretary
GPHISPAT: GPH ispat ltd. has informed that the Board of Directors has decided to assign Mr. Md. Mosharof Hossain as the Acting Company Secretary of the company in place of Mr. H. M. Ashraf-Uz-Zaman, FCA with immediate effect.
2023-07-02: Cont-Revaluation of Fixed Assets
GPHISPAT(cont):The amount of Fixed Assets has been increased from Tk. 17,362,603,812.00 to Tk. 32,200,412,137.00. Revaluation surplus was Tk. 14,837,808,326.00. They also informed that after revaluation Net Assets Value would be Tk. 24,130,495,635 and NAV per share would be Tk. 52.36. The Company has mentioned that Tk. 3,042,921,409 is estimated as deferred tax which is deducted from the valuation surplus.(end)
2023-07-02: Revaluation of Fixed Assets
GPHISPAT: GPH ispat ltd. has informed that the Board of Directors of the Company has approved the valuation of Fixed Assets as on March 31, 2023. The valuation of fixed assets was performed using the estimated net realizable value method (market approach) and the depreciated replacement cost method (cost approach), adhering to International Valuational Standards (IVS) and BSEC Notification No. SEC/CMRRCD/2009-193/150/Admin dated August 18, 2013. (cont)
2023-05-02: Un-audited Financial Statements
GPHISPAT: (Quarter 3) As per un-audited financial statements of GPH ispat ltd., EPS was Tk. 1.16 for January-March 2023 as against Tk. 1.34 for January-March 2022; EPS was Tk. (0.68) for July 2022-March 2023 as against Tk. 3.39 for July 2021-March 2022. NOCFPS was Tk. (0.84) for July 2022-March 2023 as against Tk. 0.21 for July 2021-March 2022. NAV per share was Tk. 26.12 as on March 31, 2023 and Tk. 28.79 as on June 30, 2022. Reasons of significant deviation in EPS, NAVPS and NOCFPS: EPS and NAVPS have been decreased due to increase of foreign currency conversion rate as well as the shortage of power supply. NOCFPS has been decreased due to payment to suppliers and others is more than collection against sales proceeds.
2023-04-18: Board Meeting
GPHISPAT: GPH ispat ltd. has informed that the Board Meeting of the Company will be held on April 30, 2023 at 4:00 PM to consider, among others, un-audited financial statements of the Company for the Third Quarter (Q3) period ended March 31, 2023.
2023-04-18: Appointment of Independent Director
GPHISPAT: GPH Ispat Ltd. has informed that Board of Directors has appointed Mr. Safiul Alam Khan Chowdhury as Independent Director of the company.
2023-02-15: Credit Rating
GPHISPAT: Alpha Credit Rating Limited (AlphaRating) has rated GPH ispat ltd. as ''AA'' in the long term and ''ST-2'' in the short term along with a stable outlook based on audited financial statements of the Company as on June 30, 2022 and relevant qualitative information up to February 13, 2023.
2023-02-08: Cont-Un-audited HY A/Cs
GPHISPAT: (Quarter 2) (Cont) Reasons for deviation in EPS, NAVPS and NOCFPS: EPS and NAVPS have decreased due to significant increase of foreign currency conversion rate as well as the shortage of power supply which has disrupted production and also effected production costs adversely. Payment to suppliers and others is more than collection against sales proceeds, as a result the NOCFPS is negative in this period. (end)
2023-02-08: Un-audited HY A/Cs
GPHISPAT: (Quarter 2) As per un-audited half yearly accounts of GPH ispat ltd., EPS was Tk. (0.12) for October-December 2022 as against Tk. 1.08 for October-December 2021; EPS was Tk. (1.84) for July-December 2022 as against Tk. 2.06 for July-December 2021. NOCFPS was Tk. (2.21) for July-December 2022 as against Tk. 0.82 for July-December 2021. NAV per share was Tk. 24.95 as on December 31, 2022 and Tk. 28.79 as on June 30, 2022.(Cont)
2023-01-29: Cash Dividend Disbursement
GPHISPAT: GPH Ispat Ltd. has informed that it has disbursed the cash dividend for the year ended on June 30, 2022 to the respective shareholders' Bank Accounts through BEFTN system on January 26, 2023.
2023-01-29: Reschedule of Board Meeting
GPHISPAT: GPH Ispat Limited has informed that the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company will be held on February 07, 2023 at 3:00 PM instead of January 30, 2023 at 4:00 PM to consider, among others, un-audited financial statements of the Company for the Second Quarter (Q2) period ended December 31, 2022.
2023-01-26: Board Meeting
GPHISPAT: GPH ispat ltd. has informed that the Board Meeting of the Company will be held on January 30, 2023 at 4:00 PM to consider, among others, un-audited financial statements of the Company for the Second Quarter (Q2) period ended December 31, 2022.
2023-01-11: Correction-Bonus Shares Credited
GPHISPAT(correction): GPH Ispat Ltd. has informed that the Bonus Shares of the Company for the year ended on June 30, 2022 have already been credited through CDBL to the respective shareholders' BO Accounts on 11 January 2023 (according to CDBL report).
2023-01-11: Bonus Shares Credited
GPHISPAT: GPH Ispat Ltd. has informed that the Bonus Shares of the Company for the year ended on June 30, 2022 have already been credited through CDBL to the respective shareholders' BO Accounts on 09 January 2023.
2022-12-22: Un-audited Financial Statements
GPHISPAT: (Quarter 1) As per un-audited financial statements of GPH ispat ltd., EPS was Tk. (1.82) for July-September 2022 as against Tk. 1.03 for July-September 2021. NOCFPS was Tk. (10.57) for July-September 2022 as against Tk. (1.29) for July-September 2021. NAV per share was Tk. 26.98 as on September 30, 2022 and Tk. 28.79 as on June 30, 2022. Reasons for deviation in EPS, NAVPS and NOCFPS: EPS and NAVPS have been decreased due to significant increase of foreign currency conversion rate as well as shortage of power supply which have disrupted production and also effected production costs adversely. NOCFPS has been negative due to excess payment to suppliers and others than receipts from customer against sales.
2022-12-15: Reschedule of Board Meeting
GPHISPAT: GPH ispat ltd. has informed that the Board Meeting of the Company will now be held on December 21, 2022 at 4:30 PM to consider, among others, un-audited financial statements of the company for the First Quarter (Q1) period ended September 30, 2022.
2022-11-22: Record Date tomorrow (23.11.2022)
GPHISPAT: Trading of the shares of GPH ispat ltd. will remain suspended on its record date i.e., 23.11.2022. Trading of the shares of the Company will resume on 24.11.2022.
2022-11-20: Spot trade from tomorrow (21.11.2022)
GPHISPAT: Trading of the shares of GPH ispat ltd. will be allowed only in the Spot Market from 21.11.2022 to 22.11.2022 as the record date of the Company is on 23.11.2022.
2022-11-13: Postponement of Board Meeting
GPHISPAT: GPH ispat ltd. has further informed that due to unavoidable circumstances the Board Meeting of the Company scheduled to be held on November 13, 2022 at 3:00 PM to consider, among others, un-audited financial statements of the company for the First Quarter (Q1) period ended September 30, 2022 has been postponed. The new date and time will be informed later on.
2022-11-08: CSE's Query Reply
GPHISPAT: In response to CSE's query dated November 07, 2022 regarding news published in online newspaper, GPH Ispat Ltd. has informed that the news published in the online newspaper named sunbd24.com as well as most of the daily newspapers and online news portals of the country regarding the launching ceremony of GPH Quantum B600C-R which is a new brand product in addition of the existing products of the Company. It is mentioned here that as a part of product development, the management of the Company marketed that said new brand product.
2022-11-08: Board Meeting
GPHISPAT: GPH ispat ltd. has informed that the Board Meeting of the Company will be held on November 13, 2022 at 3:00 PM to consider, among others, un-audited financial statements of the company for the First Quarter (Q1) period ended September 30, 2022.
2022-10-31: CB free
GPHISPAT: Please note that there will be no price limit today 31.10.2022 on the trading of the shares of the company following its corporate declaration, however, as per the BSEC Order No. BSEC/CMRRCD/2001-07/39 dated July 28, 2022, the floor price shall be applicable accordingly.
2022-10-31: Cont2-Recommendation of Dividend
GPHISPAT(cont2):b) Bonus shares have been declared out of accumulated profit. c) Bonus shares have not been declared from capital reserve or revaluation reserve or any unrealized gain or out of profit earned prior to incorporation of the company or through reducing paid-up capital or through doing anything so that the post-dividend retained earnings become negative or a debit balance.(end)
2022-10-31: Cont1-Recommendation of Dividend
GPHISPAT(cont1):On the other hand, price of all imported raw materials, international shipping, freight charge has increased due to dull economic conditions after the effect of COVID-19 and the Russia-Ukraine war. NOCFPS decreased due to increase in cash payments to suppliers, operating expenses, administrative expenses, selling & distribution expenses due to price hike in international and local market. Reasons for recommendation of Bonus Shares: a) Bonus Shares have been recommended with a view to utilize the retained amount as capital for the company's manufacturing facility expansion,(cont2)
2022-10-31: Recommendation of Dividend
GPHISPAT: The Board of Directors has recommended 5.50% cash and 5.50% Stock dividend for the year ended June 30, 2022. Date of AGM: 28.12.2022, Time: 3:00 PM, Venue: Digital Platform. Record date: 23.11.2022. The Company has also reported EPS of Tk. 3.42, NAV per share of Tk. 28.79 and NOCFPS of Tk. (7.15) for the year ended June 30, 2022 as against Tk. 4.18, Tk. 29.86 and Tk. (4.05) respectively for the same period of the previous year. Reason of deviation in EPS and NOCFPS: EPS has decreased due to significant increase of exchange loss in foreign currency transactions.(cont1)
2022-10-24: Reschedule of Board Meeting
GPHISPAT: GPH ispat ltd. has further informed that the Board Meeting of the Company will be held on October 30, 2022 at 6:00 PM instead of October 29, 2022 at 5:00 PM to consider, among others, audited financial statements of the Company for the year ended June 30, 2022.
2022-10-23: Board Meeting
GPHISPAT: GPH ispat ltd. has informed that the Board Meeting of the Company will be held on October 29, 2022 at 5:00 PM to consider, among others, audited financial statements of the Company for the year ended June 30, 2022.
2022-04-28: Cont-Un-audited Financial Statements
GPHISPAT: (Quarter 3) (cont) NOCFPS: Collection against sales procced has been more than payment against supplier and others for this period, due to this Net Operating Cash Flows Per Share (NOCFPS) came out in positive result.(end)
2022-04-28: Un-audited Financial Statements
GPHISPAT: (Quarter 3) As per un-audited financial statements of GPH ispat ltd., EPS was Tk. 1.41 for January-March 2022 as against Tk. 1.03 for January-March 2021; EPS was Tk. 3.58 for July 2021-March 2022 as against Tk. 2.63 for July 2020-March 2021. NOCFPS was Tk. 0.22 for July 2021-March 2022 as against Tk. 1.16 for July 2020-March 2021. NAV per share was Tk. 28.94 as on March 31, 2022 and Tk. 29.86 as on June 30, 2021. Reason of deviation in EPS and NOCFPS: EPS: The production capacity of the company has been gradually increased due to completion of its expansion plant, as a result sales capacity has also been increased steadily which shown positive impact in revenue of the company compared with last period's revenue.(cont)
2022-04-21: Board Meeting
GPHISPAT: GPH ispat ltd. has informed that the Board Meeting of the Company will be held on April 27, 2022 at 2:45 PM to consider, among others, un-audited financial statements of the Company for the Third Quarter (Q3) period ended March 31, 2022.
2022-02-14: Credit Rating
GPHISPAT: Alpha Credit Rating Limited (AlphaRating) has rated GPH ispat ltd. as "AA" in the long term and "ST-2" in the short term along with a stable outlook based on audited financial statements of the Company as on June 30, 2021 and relevant qualitative information up to February 13, 2022.
2022-01-30: Cont-Un-audited HY A/Cs
GPHISPAT(cont): EPS: The production capacity of the company has been gradually increased due to completion of its expansion plant, as a result sales capacity has also been increased steadily which shown positive impact in sales/revenue of the company compared with last period's revenue/sales. The sales price per metric ton has also increased compared with last period sales rate per metric ton. NOCFPS: Collection against sales proceed has been more than payment against supplier and others for this period, due to this Net Operating Cash Flows Per Share (NOCFPS) came out in positive result.(end)
2022-01-30: Un-audited HY A/Cs
GPHISPAT: (Quarter 2) As per un-audited half yearly accounts of GPH ispat ltd., EPS was Tk. 1.14 for October-December 2021 as against Tk. 0.97 for October-December 2020; EPS was Tk. 2.17 for July-December 2021 as against Tk. 1.59 for July-December 2020. NOCFPS was Tk. 0.86 for July-December 2021 as against Tk. 3.64 for July-December 2020. NAV per share was Tk. 27.52 as on December 31, 2021 and Tk. 29.86 as on June 30, 2021. The Company has also informed reason of deviation in Earnings Per Share (EPS) and Net Operating Cash Flow Per Share (NOCFPS): (cont)
2022-01-24: Board Meeting
GPHISPAT: GPH ispat ltd. has informed that the Board Meeting of the Company will be held on January 29, 2022 at 3:00 PM to consider, among others, un-audited financial statements of the Company for the Second Quarter (Q2) period ended December 31, 2021.
2022-01-19: Cash Dividend Disbursement
GPHISPAT: GPH Ispat Ltd. has informed that it has disbursed the cash dividend for the year ended on June 30, 2021 to the respective shareholders' Bank Accounts through BEFTN system on January 18, 2022.
2022-01-03: Bonus Shares Credited
GPHISPAT: GPH Ispat Ltd. has informed that the Bonus Shares of the Company for the year ended on June 30, 2021 have already been credited through CDBL to the respective shareholders' BO Accounts.
2021-11-21: Record Date tomorrow (22.11.2021)
GPHISPAT: Trading of the shares of GPH ispat ltd. will remain suspended on its record date i.e., 22.11.2021. Trading of the shares of the Company will resume on 23.11.2021.
2021-11-17: Spot trade from tomorrow (18.11.2021)
GPHISPAT: Trading of the shares of GPH ispat ltd. will be allowed only in the Spot Market from 18.11.2021 to 21.11.2021 as the record date of the Company is on 22.11.2021.
2021-11-15: Cont-Un-audited Financial Statements
GPHISPAT(cont): EPS: The Company marketed its new products of the new expansion plant and during the period volume of sales has been increased, consequently this has affected in EPS. Moreover, the Company has also exported MS Billet to the People's Republic of China from its new expansion plant. The combined effects of all registered a positive impact on EPS and significant deviation has been occurred compared to the corresponding period. NOCFPS: Payment to supplier and others is more than collection against sales proceeds. As a result, the NOCFPS is negative in this period.(end)
2021-11-15: Un-audited Financial Statements
GPHISPAT: (Quarter 1) As per un-audited financial statements of GPH ispat ltd., EPS was Tk. 1.13 for July-September 2021 as against Tk. 0.69 for July-September 2020; NOCFPS was Tk. (1.42) for July-September 2021 as against Tk. 4.32 for July-September 2020. NAV per share was Tk. 31.00 as on September 30, 2021 and Tk. 29.86 as on June 30, 2021. Reason of significant deviation in EPS and NOCFPS:(cont)
2021-11-08: Board Meeting
GPHISPAT: GPH ispat ltd. has informed that the Board Meeting of the Company will be held on November 14, 2021 at 4:00 PM to consider, among others, un-audited financial statements of the Company for the First Quarter (Q1) period ended on September 30, 2021.
2021-10-31: Recommendation of Dividend(Additional Information regarding Record Date)
GPHISPAT: Reference to the news of dividend declaration disseminated by CSE on 31.10.2021, please be informed that approval from BSEC in connection with bonus shares is not applicable for GPH ispat ltd. as per BSEC Notification No. BSEC/CMRRCD/2009-193/23/Admin/123; Dated June 30, 2021. Therefore, Record date for entitlement of 20% Cash and 10% Stock dividend for the year ended on June 30, 2021 will be same i.e. 22.11.2021
2021-10-31: CB Free
GPHISPAT: Please note that there will be no price limit today 31.10.2021 on the trading of the shares of the Company following its corporate declaration.
2021-10-31: Cont-3 Recommendation of Dividend
GPHISPAT: (cont-3) The Company has also informed that i) Bonus Shares have been recommended with a view to utilize the retained amount as capital for the company's manufacturing facility expansion. ii) Bonus shares has declared out of accumulated profit. iii) Bonus shares have not been declared from capital reserve or revaluation reserve or any unrealized gain or out of profit earned prior to incorporation of the company or through reducing paid up capital or through doing anything so that the post-dividend retained earnings become negative or a debit balance.(end)
2021-10-31: Cont-2 Recommendation of Dividend
GPHISPAT: (cont-2) As a result, the market share of the Company has been increased significantly. The combined effects of all above registered a positive impact on EPS and significant deviation has been occurred compared to the corresponding period. NAV: Net Asset Value (NAV) Per Share is increased due to revaluation of assets and incremental net profit in comparing to the reporting period ended on June 30, 2021. NOCFPS: Payment to supplier and others is more than collection against sales proceeds. As a result, the NOCFPS is negative in this year. (cont-3)
2021-10-31: Cont-1 Recommendation of Dividend
GPHISPAT: (cont-1) The Company has also reported EPS of Tk. 4.18, NAV per share of Tk. 29.86 and NOCFPS of Tk. (4.05) for the year ended on June 30, 2021 as against Tk. 0.79, Tk. 17.01 and Tk. (8.10) respectively for the same period of the previous year. Reason of significant deviation in Earnings Per Share (EPS), Net Asset Value (NAV) Per Share and Net Operating Cash Flow Per Share (NOCFPS): EPS: The Company marketed its new products of the new expansion plant and during the year under audit the sales volume has been increased, consequently this has affected in EPS. Moreover, the Company has also exported a significant quantity of MS Billet to the People's Republic of China from its new expansion plant.(cont-2)
2021-10-31: Recommendation of Dividend
GPHISPAT: The Board of Directors has recommended 20% cash and 10% Stock dividend for the year ended on June 30, 2021. Date of AGM: 20.12.2021, Time: 3:00 PM, Venue: Digital Platform. Record date: 22.11.2021 to attend and vote in the AGM as well as will be entitled to get such recommended Cash Dividend only, if approved by the Shareholders in the AGM. The Stock Dividend is subject to approval of shareholders in the AGM and subsequent approval of the BSEC. Another Record date for entitlement of Stock Dividend will be notified later after getting approval from BSEC as per BSEC Notification No. BSEC/CMRRCD/2009-193/23/Admin/123; Dated June 30, 2021. (cont-1)
2021-10-21: Board Meeting
GPHISPAT: GPH ispat ltd. has informed that the Board Meeting of the Company will be held on October 28, 2021 at 5:00 PM to consider, among others, audited financial statements of the Company for the year ended on June 30, 2021.
2021-10-07: Present Status of the company
GPHISPAT: In reply to DSE letter dated October 05, 2021, regarding commercial production of its new expansion plant, GPH Ispat Limited has informed that Present production status of the newly expanded plant: 1. Average MS Billet production is about 60-65% of its rated capacity and it is gradually increasing. 2. Average MS Rod production is about 55-60% of its rated capacity and it is also gradually increasing. 3. Medium Section Products like Steel Beam, Angle, Channel, Flat Bar etc. have not yet started due to COVID-19 pandemic situation.
2021-06-21: Cont-Commercial production of its new expansion plant
GPHISPAT(cont): who are the main technology supplier of the plant which lead to barrier of the completion of commissioning it's all products. According to local technicians, the plant and product are fit to start commercial production of certain items specially MS Rod and MS Billet. The Annual production capacity of the expansion plant is 840,000 M. Ton MS Billet and 640,000 M. Ton MS Rod, Medium Section Product (Steel Beam, Angle, Channel, Flat Bar etc.), but the company has to wait for certain period of time for the full fledge production to yield the said capacity.(end)
2021-06-21: Commercial production of its new expansion plant
GPHISPAT: GPH Ispat Limited has informed that the Board of Directors of the Company has decided to declare the commercial production of its new expansion plant starting from 21.06.2021 after successful commissioning (partially) with the help of local technicians as well as online support of the technology supplier Primetal Technologies Austria GmbH. Due to Pandemic COVID-19 impact, it is not possible to avail on-site support of technicians from Primetal Technologies Austria GmbH,(cont)
2021-06-06: Cont-Revaluation of Fixed Assets
GPHISPAT(cont):The amount of Fixed Assets has been increased from Tk. 3,85,16,77,558.00 to Tk. 8,18,20,60,663.00. Revaluation surplus was Tk. 4,33,03,83,105.00. They also informed that after revaluation Net Assets Value would be Tk. 11,72,42,17,480 and NAV per share would be Tk. 29.52.(end)
2021-06-06: Revaluation of Fixed Assets
GPHISPAT: GPH ispat ltd. has informed that the Board of Directors of the Company has approved the revaluation of Fixed Assets (Land) as on March 31, 2021. The revaluation was performed by renowned Chartered Accountancy firm Ahmed Zaker & Co. The valuation of land was based on estimated net realizable value method (the market approach) and rest of the class of assets was based on depreciated replacement cost method (the cost approach) complying with International Valuation Standards (IVS) and BSEC notification dated 18 August 2013.(cont1)
2021-05-23: Cont-Un-audited Financial Statements (Additional Information)
GPHISPAT (Quarter 3)(cont): Reason of significant deviation in NAV: NAV per share is increased due to incremental Net Profit in comparing to the reporting period ended on March 31, 2021. Reason of significant deviation in NOCFPS: NOCFPS increased due to collection against sales was higher than the payment to supplier and lower investment in working capital. As a result, NOCFPS was positive in comparing with the previous period.(end)
2021-05-23: Un-audited Financial Statements (Additional Information)
GPHISPAT (Quarter 3): GPH ispat ltd. has further informed that the reason of significant deviation in Earning Per Share (EPS): The company marketed its new products from the trail production of the new expansion plant. As a result, the market share of the company has been increased significantly. Moreover, the company started the export of Ms Billet of its new expansion plant which is the new market opportunity for the company. The combined effects of all above registered a positive impact on EPS and significant deviation has been occurred compared to the corresponding period.(cont)
2021-05-23: Un-audited Financial Statement
GPHISPAT: (Quarter 3) As per un-audited financial statements of GPH ispat ltd., EPS was Tk. 1.14 for January-March 2021 as against Tk. 0.12 for January-March 2020; EPS was Tk. 2.89 for July 2020-March 2021 as against Tk. 0.94 for July 2019-March 2020. NOCFPS was Tk. 1.28 for July 2020-March 2021 as against Tk. (4.16) for July 2019-March 2020. NAV per share was Tk. 18.62 as on March 31, 2021 and Tk. 17.01 as on June 30, 2020.
2021-05-16: Board Meeting
GPHISPAT: GPH ispat ltd. has informed that the Board Meeting of the Company will be held on May 22, 2021 at 3:00 PM to consider, among others, un-audited financial statements of the Company for the Third Quarter (Q3) period ended on March 31, 2021.
2021-05-12: Cont-Response to DSE's Query
GPHISPAT(cont):Recently, the news highlighted in media regarding the crisis of medical oxygen and the persons from different corners like media and civil society insist us to invest in the oxygen plant to increase the production capacity that the country could overcome the crisis of medical oxygen in COVID-19 pandemic situation. In that context, one of the members of management of the company spoke to the media regarding the issue and he urged to the government to extend its support without which it would not be possible to implement the public desire during pandemic situation. But the Board of Directors of the company not yet decided regarding the said investment."(end)
2021-05-12: Response to DSE's Query
GPHISPAT: In response to a DSE query dated May 06, 2021 regarding clarification on recent news published in the newspaper to import $5m medical oxygen plant, GPH Ispat Limited has informed that "In this connection we would like to furnish that GPH Ispat Limited is one of the largest oxygen producers in Bangladesh to meet the requirement of its new established steel plant and supplies the additional surplus quantity of oxygen at free of cost to the government and private hospitals for the purpose of corona patient's treatment during the COVID-19 pandemic.(cont)
2021-02-16: Credit Rating
GPHISPAT: Alpha Credit Rating Limited (AlphaRating) has informed that it has assigned rating of GPH ispat ltd. as ''AA'' in the long term and ''ST-2'' in the short term along with a stable outlook based on audited financial statements of the Company as on June 30, 2020 and relevant qualitative information till February 14, 2021.
2021-01-31: Un-audited HY A/Cs
GPHISPAT: (Quarter 2) As per un-audited half yearly accounts of GPH ispat ltd., EPS was Tk. 1.06 for October-December 2020 as against Tk. 0.40 for October-December 2019; EPS was Tk. 1.75 for July-December 2020 as against Tk. 0.82 for July-December 2019. NOCFPS was Tk. 4.01 for July-December 2020 as against Tk. (3.63) for July-December 2019. NAV per share was Tk. 17.51 as on December 31, 2020 and Tk. 17.01 as on June 30, 2020.
2021-01-24: Board Meeting
GPHISPAT: GPH ispat ltd. has informed that the Board Meeting of the Company will be held on January 28, 2021 at 4:00 PM to consider, among others, un-audited financial statements of the Company for the Second Quarter (Q2) period ended on December 31, 2020.
2021-01-21: Cash Dividend Disbursement
GPHISPAT: GPH Ispat Ltd. has informed that it has disbursed the cash dividend for the year ended on June 30, 2020 to the respective shareholders' Bank Accounts through BEFTN system on January 20, 2021.
2021-01-10: Bonus Shares Credited
GPHISPAT: GPH Ispat Ltd. has informed that the Bonus Shares of the Company for the year ended on June 30, 2020 have already been credited through CDBL to the respective shareholders' BO Accounts on January 10, 2021.
2020-11-17: Record Date tomorrow (18.11.2020)
GPHISPAT: Trading of the shares of GPH ispat ltd. will remain suspended on its record date i.e., 18.11.2020. Trading of the shares of the Company will resume on 19.11.2020.
2020-11-15: Spot trade from tomorrow (16.11.2020)
GPHISPAT: Trading of the shares of GPH ispat ltd. will be allowed only in the Spot Market from 16.11.2020 to 17.11.2020 as the record date of the Company is on 18.11.2020.
2020-11-11: Un-audited Financial Statements
GPHISPAT: (Quarter 1) As per un-audited financial statements of GPH ispat ltd., EPS was Tk. 0.73 for July-September 2020 as against Tk. 0.46 for July-September 2019; NOCFPS was Tk. 4.54 for July-September 2020 as against Tk. 1.19 for July-September 2019. NAV per share was Tk. 17.78 as on September 30, 2020 and Tk. 17.01 as on June 30, 2020.
2020-11-05: Board Meeting
GPHISPAT: GPH ispat ltd. has informed that the Board Meeting of the Company will be held on November 10, 2020 at 3:00 PM to consider, among others, un-audited financial statements of the Company for the First Quarter (Q1) period ended on September 30, 2020.
2020-10-28: CB Free
GPHISPAT: Please note that there will be no price limit today 28.10.2020 on the trading of the shares of the Company following its corporate declaration, however, as per the BSEC Order No. BSEC/CMRRCD/2001-07/04 dated March 19, 2020, the floor price shall be applicable accordingly.
2020-10-28: Cont-Recommendation of Dividend
GPHISPAT(cont):The Company has also informed that i) Bonus Shares have been recommended with a view to utilize the retained amount of bonus shares as capital for the company's project development works. ii) Bonus shares is declared out of accumulated profit. iii) Bonus shares have not been declared from capital reserve or revaluation reserve or any unrealized gain or out of profit earned prior to incorporation of the company or through reducing paid up capital or through doing anything so that the post-dividend retained earnings become negative or a debit balance.(end)
2020-10-28: Recommendation of Dividend
GPHISPAT: The Board of Directors has recommended 5% cash and 5% Stock dividend for the year ended on June 30, 2020. Date of AGM: 21.12.2020, Time: 11:30 AM, Venue: Digital Platform. Record date: 18.11.2020. The Company has also reported EPS of Tk. 0.79, NAV per share of Tk. 17.01 and NOCFPS of Tk. (8.10) for the year ended on June 30, 2020 as against Tk. 2.24, Tk. 17.59 and Tk. 1.44 respectively for the same period of the previous year.(cont)
2020-10-19: Board Meeting
GPHISPAT: GPH ispat ltd. has informed that the Board Meeting of the Company will be held on October 27, 2020 at 3:00 PM to consider, among others, audited financial statements of the Company for the year ended on June 30, 2020.
2020-10-14: Export contract
GPHISPAT: GPH ispat ltd. has informed that the Board of Directors has decided to enter into a contract for Export of 25,000 Metric Tons MS billet to the People's Republic of China. The contract value of the said export is about USD 10,175,000 only. This export contract is of Company's usual course of business, which explore the new market for the Company. It is the first time bulk cargo Billet Export from Bangladesh.
2020-09-06: Cont2-Decided to start the Hot Commissioning for trail products and sell
GPHISPAT(cont2)The annual production capacity of the expansion plant is 840,000 M. Ton MS Billet and 640,000 M. Ton MS Rod and Medium Section Products (Steel Bim, Angle, Channel, Flat Bar etc.) which is the additional production capacity with existing capacity. After starting the full commercial production, the annual production capacity will become 1,008,000 M. Ton of MS Billet and 760,000 M. Ton MS Rod and Medium Section Products (Steel Bim, Angle, Channel, Flat Bar etc.).(end)
2020-09-06: Cont1-Decided to start the Hot Commissioning for trail products and sell
GPHISPAT(cont1):As the uncertainties of foreign experts' arrival foreseen, the management of the Company has started the Hot Commissioning recently with the help of plant supplier through online communication. During the Hot Commissioning, production of marketable products is started which is not officially the commercial production of the Company. Before arrival of foreign experts from plant supplier, the management wants to continue to produce trail products and sell those it to market from 07 September, 2020.(cont2)
2020-09-06: Decided to start the Hot Commissioning for trail products and sell
GPHISPAT: GPH ispat ltd.has informed that the Board of Directors of the Company has decided to inform the matter that the Cold Commissioning of its new expansion plant at Masjiddah, Kumira, Sitakunda, Chattogram has completed in 14 January 2020. According to the plant supplier schedule the expected Hot Commissioning supposed to be completed by 30 June 2020. But due to COVID19 pandemic situation prevailing in the world, almost all the foreign experts involved in plant commissioning had left from the project site towards their own country without completion of Hot Commissioning.(cont1)
2020-06-28: Un-audited Financial Statement
GPHISPAT: (Quarter 3) As per un-audited financial statements of GPH ispat ltd., EPS was Tk. 0.12 for January-March 2020 as against Tk. 0.61 for January-March 2019; EPS was Tk. 0.98 for July 2019-March 2020 as against Tk. 1.49 for July 2019-March 2020. NOCFPS was Tk. (4.37) for July 2019-March 2020 as against Tk. 1.13 for July 2018-March 2019. NAV per share was Tk. 17.20 as on March 31, 2020 and Tk. 17.59 as on June 30, 2019.
2020-06-21: Board Meeting
GPHISPAT: GPH ispat ltd. has informed that the Board Meeting of the Company will be held on June 27, 2020 at 11:30 AM to consider, among others, un-audited financial statements of the Company for the Third Quarter (Q3) period ended on March 31, 2020.
2020-01-26: Un-audited HY A/Cs
GPHISPAT: (Quarter 2) As per un-audited half yearly accounts of GPH ispat ltd., EPS was Tk. 0.43 for October-December 2019 as against Tk. 0.42 for October-December 2018; EPS was Tk. 0.86 for July-December 2019 as against Tk. 0.88 for July-December 2018. NOCFPS was Tk. (3.82) for July-December 2019 as against Tk. 1.18 for July-December 2018. NAV per share was Tk. 17.09 as on December 31, 2019 and Tk. 17.59 as on June 30, 2019.
2020-01-23: Cash Dividend Disbursement
GPHISPAT: GPH Ispat Ltd. has informed that it has disbursed the cash dividend for the year ended on June 30, 2019 to the respective shareholders' Bank Accounts through BEFTN System.
2020-01-20: Board Meeting
GPHISPAT: GPH ispat ltd. has informed that the Board Meeting of the Company will will be held on January 25, 2020 at 5:00 PM to consider, among others, un-audited financial statements of the Company for the Second Quarter (Q2) period ended on December 31, 2019.
2020-01-14: Bonus Share Credited
GPHISPAT: GPH ispat ltd. has informed that the Bonus Shares of the Company for the year ended on June 30, 2019 have already been credited through CDBL to the respective shareholders' BO Accounts on January 14, 2020.
2019-12-30: Credit Rating
GPHISPAT: Alpha Credit Rating Limited (AlphaRating) has informed that it has assigned rating of GPH ispat ltd. as ''AA'' in the long term and ''ST-2'' in the short term along with a stable outlook based on audited financial statements of the Company as on June 30, 2019 and relevant qualitative information till December 28, 2019.
2019-11-24: Ex-benefit Price Adjustments
GPHISPAT: Please note that the price of the shares of GPHISPAT is adjusted today following its ex-benefits date to the extent of its corporate benefits; hence the price limit on the scrip will remain as it is today. Therefore, adjusted price of GPHISPAT =Tk. 28.10.
2019-11-20: Record Date tomorrow (21.11.2019)
GPHISPAT: Trading of the shares of GPH ispat ltd. will remain suspended on its record date i.e., 21.11.2019. Trading of the shares of the Company will resume on 24.11.2019.
2019-11-18: Spot trade from tomorrow (19.11.2019)
GPHISPAT: Trading of the shares of GPH ispat ltd. will be allowed only in the Spot Market from 19.11.2019 to 20.11.2019 as the record date of the Company is on 21.11.2019.
2019-11-17: Un-audited Financial Statements
GPHISPAT: (Quarter 1) As per un-audited financial statements of GPH ispat ltd., EPS was Tk. 0.46 for July-September, 2019 as against Tk. 0.49 for July-September, 2018. NOCFPS was Tk. 1.19 for July-September, 2019 as against Tk. 0.92 for July-September, 2018. NAV per share was Tk. 18.03 as on September 30, 2019 and Tk. 17.59 as on June 30, 2019.
2019-11-07: Board Meeting
GPHISPAT: GPH ispat ltd. has informed that the Board Meeting of the Company will be held on November 14, 2019 at 3:00 PM to consider, among others, un-audited financial statements of the Company for the First Quarter (Q1) period ended on September 30, 2019.
2019-10-27: CB free
GPHISPAT: Please note that there will be no price limit today 27 October 2019 on the trading of shares of the Company following its corporate disclosure.
2019-10-27: Cont-Recommendation of Dividend
GPHISPAT: (cont) ii) Bonus shares have been declared out of accumulated profit. iii) Bonus shares have not been declared from capital reserve or revaluation reserve or any unrealized gain or out of profit earned prior to incorporation of the company or through reducing paid up capital or through doing anything so that the post-dividend retained earnings become negative or a debit balance.(end)
2019-10-27: Recommendation of Dividend
GPHISPAT: The Board of Directors has recommended 5% cash and 5% Stock dividend for the year ended on June 30, 2019. Date of AGM: 26.12.2019, Time: 11:00 AM, Venue: City Hall Convention Center, Agrabad Access Road, Chattogram. Record date: 21.11.2019. The Company has also reported EPS of Tk. 2.24, NAV per share of Tk. 17.59 and NOCFPS of Tk. 1.61 for the year ended on June 30, 2019 as against Tk. 2.03 (restated), Tk. 16.87 (restated) and Tk. 0.49 respectively for the same period of the previous year. The Company has also informed that i) Bonus Shares have been recommended with a view to utilize the retained amount of bonus shares as capital for the company's ongoing project expansion.(cont)
2019-10-17: Board Meeting
GPHISPAT: GPH ispat ltd. has informed that the Board Meeting of the Company will be held on October 26, 2019 at 02:00 PM to consider, among others, audited financial statements of the Company for the year ended on June 30, 2019.
2019-06-30: Decision to invest Tk. 6.00 Crore as equity in Star Allied Venture Ltd
GPHISPAT: With reference to their earlier news disseminated by CSE on 16.09.2018 with regard to decision to invest as equity in a Private Limited Company, GPH ispat ltd. has further informed that the Board of Directors of the Company decided to invest Tk. 6.00 Crore as equity in Star Allied Venture Limited against purchase of 50 acres land in Mirershorai Economic Zone, Mirershorai, Chattogram to set up a TBR Tyre Factory. It is mentioned here that Tk. 6.00 crore is the additional amount of equity of earlier Tk. 25.00 lac investment as equity.
2019-06-16: Land Purchase
GPHISPAT: GPH ispat ltd. has informed that the Board of Directors has decided to purchase 8.85 acres land at Mouza: Masjiddah, Upzila: Sitakunda, District: Chattogram, Bangladesh for the purpose of ongoing expansion project necessity at a cost (including the registration cost) of approximately Tk. 73.60 crore only.
2019-01-31: Un-audited HY A/Cs
GPHISPAT: (Quarter 2) As per un-audited half yearly accounts of GPH ispat ltd., EPS was Tk. 0.44 for October-December 2018 as against Tk. 0.42 for October-December 2017; EPS was Tk. 0.93 for July-December 2018 as against Tk. 0.80 for July-December 2017. NOCFPS was Tk. 1.49 for July-December 2018 as against Tk. (0.79) for July-December 2017. NAV per share was Tk. 16.28 as on December 31, 2018 and Tk. 15.35 as on June 30, 2018.
2019-01-22: Board Meeting
GPHISPAT: GPH ispat ltd. has informed that the Board Meeting of the Company will be held on January 30, 2019 at 4:00 PM to consider, among others, un-audited financial statements of the Company for the Second Quarter (Q2) period ended on December 31, 2018.
2019-01-07: Bonus Shares will be available tomorrow
GPHISPAT: GPH ispat ltd. has further informed that the Bonus Shares of the Company for the year ended on June 30, 2018 will be available on respective shareholders' BO Accounts tomorrow January 08, 2019.
2019-01-07: Bonus Shares Credited
GPHISPAT: GPH ispat ltd. has informed that the Bonus Shares of the Company for the year ended on June 30, 2018 have already been credited through CDBL to the respective shareholders' BO Accounts.
2018-12-02: Credit Rating
GPHISPAT: Alpha Credit Rating Limited (AlphaRating) has informed that it has assigned rating of GPH ispat ltd. as "AA" in the long term and "ST-2" in the short term along with a stable outlook based on audited financial statements of the Company as on June 30, 2016 to June 30, 2018 and relevant qualitative information till December 01, 2018.
2018-11-19: Ex-benefit Price Adjustments
GPHISPAT: Please note that the price of the shares of GPHISPAT is adjusted today following its ex-benefits date to the extent of its corporate benefits; hence the price limit on the scrip will remain as it is today. Therefore, adjusted price of GPHISPAT =Tk 34.50.
2018-11-15: Record Date on 18.11.2018
GPHISPAT: Trading of the shares of GPH ispat Ltd. will remain suspended on its record date i.e., 18.11.2018. Trading of the shares of the Company will resume on 19.11.2018.
2018-11-14: Transfer Confirmation
GPHISPAT: Mr. Mohd. Jahangir Alam, one of the Sponsors Directors of GPH ispat Ltd., has further reported that he has completed his transfer of total 2,10,00,000 shares of the Company in the following manner: 70,00,000 shares each to his spouse Mrs. Masuma Begum, daughter Ms. Sadman Syka Sefa and son Mr. Salehin Musfique Sadaf, by way of gift outside the trading system of the Exchange as announced earlier.
2018-11-13: Spot trade from tomorrow (14.11.2018)
GPHISPAT: Trading of the shares of GPH ispat ltd. will be allowed only in the Spot Market from 14.11.2018 to 15.11.2018 as the record date of the Company is on 18.11.2018.
2018-11-13: Un-audited Financial Statements
GPHISPAT: (Quarter 1) As per un-audited financial statements of GPH ispat ltd., EPS was Tk. 0.54 for July-September 2018 as against Tk. 0.42 for July-September 2017; NOCFPS was Tk. 1.17 for July-September 2018 as against Tk. 0.32 for July-September 2017. NAV per share was Tk. 17.41 as on September 30, 2018 and Tk. 16.89 as on June 30, 2018.
2018-11-08: Transfer Intention
GPHISPAT: Mr. Mohd. Jahangir Alam, one of the Sponsors Directors of GPH ispat Ltd., has reported his intention to transfer 2,10,00,000 shares out of his total holding of 9,82,01,250 shares of the Company in the following manner: 70,00,000 shares to his spouse Mrs. Masuma Begum, 70,00,000 shares to his daughter Ms. Sadman Syka Sefa and 70,00,000 shares to his son Mr. Salehin Musfique Sadaf, by way of gift outside the trading system of the Exchange within 30 working days from the date of issuance of approval letter by CSE.
2018-11-07: Board Meeting
GPHISPAT: GPH ispat ltd. has informed that the Board Meeting of the Company will be held on November 12, 2018 at 5:30 PM to consider, among others, un-audited financial statements of the Company for the First Quarter (Q1) period ended on September 30, 2018.
2018-10-28: CB free
GPHISPAT: Please note that there will be no price limit today 28 October 2018 on the trading of shares of GPH Ispat Ltd. following its corporate disclosure.
2018-10-28: Recommendation of Dividend
GPHISPAT: GPH Ispat Ltd. has recommended 10% Stock Dividend for the year ended on June 30, 2018. AGM will be held on 19 December 2018 at 11:00 AM at Chittagong Club Ltd., S.S. Khaled Road, Chittagong. Record Date is on 18 November 2018. The Company has also reported EPS of Tk. 1.97, NAV per share of Tk. 16.89 and NOCFPS of Tk. 1.12 for the year ended on June 30,2018 against Tk. 1.83, Tk. 16.15 and Tk. 3.83 respectively for the same period of the previous year.
2018-10-15: Board Meeting
GPHISPAT: GPH ispat ltd. has informed that the Board Meeting of the Company will be held on October 27, 2018 at 10:00 AM to consider, among others, audited financial statements of the Company for the year ended on June 30, 2018.
2018-09-16: Decided to invest as equity in a Private Limited Company
GPHISPAT: GPH Ispat Ltd. has informed that the Board of Directors has decided to invest as equity in a Private Limited Company namely Star Allied Venture Ltd. GPH Ispat Ltd. will invest as equity for 25,000 Ordinary Shares of Tk. 100.00 each and the total value of investment is Tk. 25,00,000.00. It may be mentioned here that Star Allied Venture Ltd. will form a joint venture company with Yunnan Yongle Overseas Investment Co. Ltd. (a subsidiary of Kunming Iron and Steel Holding Co. Ltd., a state owned company of China Government). The purpose of the formation of this joint venture company is to establish a joint venture investment in Bangladesh with an amount of USD 2.30 Billion.
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