2025-03-04: Query Response
SAFKOSPINN: In response to the DSE query dated March 03, 2025, the company has informed that there is no undisclosed price sensitive information of the company for recent unusual price hike and increase in volume of shares.
2025-02-12: Information about suspension of production of the company
SAFKOSPINN: The company has informed that the Board of Directors has decided to close the mills or stop production temporarily to reduce the company's further loss until the situation improves. On that circumstances, the production of the company has been suspended temporarily from February 01, 2025 for a period of 2 (two) months. However, other activities of the mill like schedule maintenance works etc. are kept running as usual. The production will be resumed at the earliest possible time.
2025-02-03: Change in EPS figure for the period October-December 2024
SAFKOSPINN: Refer to their earlier news disseminated by CSE on 02.02.2025 regarding Un-audited HY A/Cs, the company has further informed that the EPS figure for the 2nd quarter i.e., October-December 2024 will be Tk. (0.53) instead of Tk. (4.77). Other information will remain unchanged.
2025-02-02: Un-audited HY A/Cs
SAFKOSPINN: (Quarter 2) As per un-audited half yearly accounts of the Company, EPS was Tk. (4.77) for October-December 2024 as against Tk. (2.56) for October-December 2023; EPS was Tk. (5.30) for July-December 2024 as against Tk. (7.46) for July-December 2023. NOCFPS was Tk. (0.05) for July-December 2024 as against Tk. 0.41 for July-December 2023. NAV per share was Tk. (3.09) as on December 31, 2024 and Tk. 2.99 as on June 30, 2024.
2025-01-26: Board Meeting
SAFKOSPINN: The Company has informed that the Board Meeting will be held on January 30, 2025 at 4:00 PM to consider, among others, un-audited financial statements of the Company for the Second Quarter (Q2) period ended December 31, 2024.
2024-12-08: Qualified Opinion, Emphasis of Matters, Going Concern & Other Matter
SAFKOSPINN: The auditor of the company has given the ''Qualified Opinion'', ''Emphasis of Matters'', ''Material Uncertainty Related to Going Concern'' & ''Other Matter'' in the auditor's report for the year ended June 30, 2024. To view the details please visit: https://www.cse.com.bd/upload_media/SAFKOSPINN_2024.pdf
2024-11-18: Record Date tomorrow (19.11.2024)
SAFKOSPINN: Trading of the shares of the Company will remain suspended on its record date i.e., 19.11.2024. Trading of the shares of the Company will resume on 20.11.2024.
2024-11-17: Un-audited Financial Statements
SAFKOSPINN: (Quarter 1) As per un-audited financial statements of the Company, EPS was Tk. (4.77) for July-September 2024 as against Tk. (4.90) for July-September 2023; NOCFPS was Tk. (0.02) for July-September 2024 as against Tk. (0.08) for July-September 2023. NAV per share was Tk. (1.65) as on September 30, 2024 and Tk. 2.99 as on June 30, 2024.
2024-11-13: Spot trade from tomorrow (14.11.2024)
SAFKOSPINN: Trading of the shares of the Company will be allowed only in the Spot Market from 14.11.2024 to 18.11.2024 as the record date of the Company is on 19.11.2024.
2024-11-12: Board Meeting
SAFKOSPINN: The Company has informed that the Board Meeting of the Company will be held on November 14, 2024 at 4:00 PM to consider, among others, un-audited financial statements of the Company for the First Quarter (Q1) period ended September 30, 2024.
2024-10-29: CB Free
SAFKOSPINN: Please note that there will be no price limit today 29.10.2024 on the trading of the shares of the company following its corporate declaration.
2024-10-29: Recommendation of No Dividend
SAFKOSPINN: The Board of Directors has recommended No Dividend for the year ended June 30, 2024. Date of AGM: 18.12.2024, Time: 11:30 AM, Venue: Hybrid System at Conference Hall of Safko Spinning Mills Ltd., Noyapara, P.O. Saihamnagar, P.S. Madhabpur, Dist. Habiganj. Record Date: 19.11.2024. The Company has also reported EPS of Tk. (12.97), NAV per share of Tk. 2.99 and NOCFPS of Tk. (0.90) for the year ended June 30, 2024 as against Tk. (5.52), Tk. 15.94 and Tk. 0.57 respectively for the year ended June 30, 2023.
2024-10-27: Change of Close Price
SAFKOSPINN: Please note that the close price of the shares of SAFKOSPINN has been reset at current market price prevailing in other exchange's Market. New close price of SAFKOSPINN =Tk. 8.60.
2024-10-21: Board Meeting
SAFKOSPINN: The Company has informed that a Board Meeting will be held on October 28, 2024 at 4:30 PM to consider, among others, audited financial statements of the Company for the year ended June 30, 2024.
2024-07-29: Change of Close Price
SAFKOSPINN: Please note that the close price of the shares of SAFKOSPINN has been reset at current market price prevailing in other exchange's Market. New close price of SAFKOSPINN =Tk. 11.70.
2024-06-12: Regarding opening of mill and resumption of production
SAFKOSPINN: Refer to their earlier news disseminated by CSE on 15.04.2024 regarding extension of suspension of production for further period of 2 months, the company has further informed that the management of the company has taken the decision to open the mill at the earliest after expiry of production suspension on 12.06. 2024.Management has decided to open the mills on 1st July, 2024 and production will be resumed from 7th July 2024.Meanwhile, the production of the mill will remain suspended till 30th June, 2024.
2024-06-03: Change of Close Price
SAFKOSPINN: Please note that the close price of the shares of SAFKOSPINN has been reset at current market price prevailing in other exchange's Market. New close price of SAFKOSPINN =Tk. 11.00.
2024-05-02: Un-audited Financial Statement
SAFKOSPINN: (Quarter 3) As per un-audited financial statements of the Company, EPS was Tk. (3.92) for January-March 2024 as against Tk. (0.55) for January-March 2023; EPS was Tk. (11.38) for July 2023-March 2024 as against Tk. (2.55) for July 2022-March 2023. NOCFPS was Tk. 2.34 for July 2023-March 2024 as against Tk. 1.19 for July 2022-March 2023. NAV per share was Tk. 4.59 as on March 31, 2024 and Tk. 15.94 as on June 30, 2023.
2024-04-25: Board Meeting
SAFKOSPINN: The Company has informed that the Board Meeting of the Company will be held on April 30, 2024 at 04:00 PM to consider, among others, un-audited financial statements of the Company for the Third Quarter (Q3) period ended March 31, 2024.
2024-04-15: Extension of Suspension of Production for further period of 2 Months
SAFKOSPINN: The company has informed that despite concerted efforts, the prevailing situation of Safko Spinning Mills Ltd. has not shown signs of improvement. Consequently, the management has made the decision to extend the suspension of production of Safko Spinning Mills Ltd. for an additional 2 (two) months with effect from 12 April 2024.
2024-02-18: Temporary suspension of production of the company
SAFKOSPINN: The company has informed that the Board of Directors has decided to temporarily suspend the production from 12th February 2024 for a period of two months. However, the other activities of the mills like maintenance works etc. will be kept running as usual.
2024-02-18: Category Change
SAFKOSPINN: The Company has been placed in 'Z' category from existing 'B' category with effect from today i.e., February 18, 2024 as per provision 1(d) of BSEC Order No. SEC/CMRRCD/2009-193/74(R) dated February 15, 2024. As per BSEC Directive No. BSEC/CMRRCD/2009-193/32 dated December 26, 2021; the stock brokers & merchant bankers are requested not to provide loan facilities to their clients against trading of the shares of SAFKOSPINN from 18 February 2024.
2024-02-14: Clarification on recent news published in newspaper
SAFKOSPINN: In response to a CSE query dated 06.02.2024 regarding clarification on recent news published in online newspaper regarding Safko Spinning's Assets put on auction for loan default, the company has informed as follows: ''Over the last year Safko Spinning has encountered significant challenges attributable to various factors, including the unfavorable conditions in the yarn markets, escalating dollar rates, extensive load shedding, exorbitant increases in gas and electricity prices, and unethical import practices related to yarn. These collective issues have profoundly impacted our spinning mill's operations, resulting in substantial financial losses.(cont)
2024-02-14: Cont-Clarification on recent news published in newspaper
SAFKOSPINN(cont):Inspite of our earnest efforts, some payments of Bank Asia have become overdue in recent months. In this respect we have submitted a proposal to the Bank Asia Ltd. for rescheduling of the payment of our liabilities which is yet to be approved by Bank Asia. Meanwhile Bank has started legal procedures against us during this period. However, we have engaged in discussions with competent authority of Bank Asia Ltd for early approved of the rescheduled which is under process now. The have assured once the rescheduling process is completed, the legal action activities will be withdrawn.''(end)
2024-01-31: Un-audited HY A/Cs
SAFKOSPINN: (Quarter 2) As per un-audited half yearly accounts of the company, EPS was Tk. (2.56) for October-December 2023 as against Tk. (1.71) for October-December 2022. EPS was Tk. (7.46) for July-December 2023 as against Tk. (2.00) for July-December 2022. NOCFPS was Tk. 0.41 for July-December 2023 as against Tk. 2.78 for July-December 2022. NAV per share was Tk. 8.50 as on December 31, 2023 and Tk. 15.94 as on June 30, 2023.
2024-01-25: Board Meeting
SAFKOSPINN: The Company has informed that the Board Meeting will be held on January 30, 2024 at 4:30 PM to consider, among others, un-audited financial statements of the Company for the Second Quarter (Q2) period ended December 31, 2023.
2023-12-21: Change of AGM Date and Time
SAFKOSPINN: Refer to the earlier news disseminated by CSE on 30.10.2023 regarding recommendation of dividend, the Company has further informed that due to unavoidable circumstances the AGM of the Company will be held on December 30, 2023 at 3:00 PM virtually instead of earlier declared date December 23, 2023 at 11:00 AM. Other information of the AGM will remain unchanged.
2023-11-23: Qualified Opinion, Matter of Emphasis and Material Uncertainty
SAFKOSPINN: The auditor of the company has given the "Basis for Qualified Opinion, Matter of Emphasis, Material Uncertainty Related to Going Concern and Other Matter" paragraph in the Auditor's Report of the company for the year ended June 30, 2023. To view the details, please visit: https://www.cse.com.bd/upload_media/1_SAFKOSPINN.pdf
2023-11-22: Record Date tomorrow (23.11.2023)
SAFKOSPINN: Trading of the shares of Safko Spinning Mills Ltd. will remain suspended on its record date i.e., 23.11.2023. Trading of the shares of the Company will resume on 26.11.2023.
2023-11-20: Spot trade from tomorrow (21.11.2023)
SAFKOSPINN: Trading of the shares of Safko Spinning Mills Ltd. will be allowed only in the Spot Market from 21.11.2023 to 22.11.2023 as the record date of the Company is on 23.11.2023.
2023-11-15: Un-audited Financial Statements
SAFKOSPINN: (Quarter 1) As per un-audited financial statements of the Company, EPS was Tk. (4.90) for July-September 2023 as against Tk. (0.16) for July-September 2022; NOCFPS was Tk. (0.08) for July-September 2023 as against Tk. 0.52 for July-September 2022. NAV per share was Tk. 11.05 as on September 30, 2023 and Tk. 21.44 as on June 30, 2022.
2023-11-09: Board Meeting
SAFKOSPINN: Safko Spinning Mills Ltd. has informed that the Board Meeting of the Company will be held on November 14, 2023 at 4:30 PM to consider, among others, un-audited financial statements of the Company for the First Quarter (Q1) period ended September 30, 2023.
2023-10-30: CB free
SAFKOSPINN: Please note that there will be no price limit today 30.10.2023 on the trading of the shares of the company following its corporate declaration. However, the floor price shall be applicable accordingly.
2023-10-30: Recommendation of No Dividend
SAFKOSPINN: The Board of Directors has recommended No Dividend for the year ended June 30, 2023. Date of AGM: 23.12.2023, Time: 11:00 AM, Venue: Digital Platform. Record Date: 23.11.2023. The Company has reported EPS of Tk. (5.52), NAV per share of Tk. 15.94 and NOCFPS of Tk. 0.57 for the year ended June 30, 2023 as against Tk. 0.33, Tk. 21.44 and Tk. 2.33 respectively for the year ended June 30, 2022.
2023-10-22: Board Meeting
SAFKOSPINN: Safko Spinning Mills Ltd. has informed that the Board Meeting of the Company will be held on October 29, 2023 at 4:30 PM to consider, among others, audited financial statements of the Company for the year ended June 30, 2023.
2023-05-02: Un-audited Financial Statements
SAFKOSPINN: (Quarter 3) As per the un-audited financial statements of Safko Spinning Mills Ltd., EPS was Tk. (0.55) for January-March 2023 as against Tk. 0.10 for January-March 2022; EPS was Tk. (2.55) for July 2022-March 2023 as against Tk. 0.13 for July 2021-March 2022. NOCFPS was Tk. 1.19 for July 2022-March 2023 as against Tk. 2.18 for July 2021-March 2022. NAV per share was Tk. 18.90 as on March 31, 2023 and Tk. 21.44 as on June 30, 2022.
2023-04-25: Board Meeting
SAFKOSPINN: Safko Spinning Mills Ltd. has informed that the Board Meeting of the Company will be held on April 30, 2023 at 5:00 PM to consider, among others, un-audited financial statements of the Company for the Third Quarter (Q3) period ended March 31, 2023.
2023-02-28: Change of Close Price
SAFKOSPINN: Please note that the close price of the shares of SAFKOSPINN has been reset at current market price prevailing in other exchange. New close price of SAFKOSPINN=Tk. 19.60.
2023-02-08: Change of Close Price
SAFKOSPINN: Please note that the close price of the shares of SAFKOSPINN has been reset at current market price prevailing in other exchange. New close price of SAFKOSPINN =Tk. 22.00.
2023-01-31: Un-audited HY A/Cs
SAFKOSPINN: As per un-audited half-yearly accounts of Safko Spinning Mills Ltd., EPS was Tk. (1.71) for October-December 2022 as against Tk. 0.02 for October-December 2021. EPS was Tk. (2.00) for July-December 2022 as against Tk. 0.04 for July-December 2021. NOCFPS was Tk. 2.78 for July-December 2022 as against Tk. 1.05 for July-December 2021. NAV per share was Tk. 19.25 as on December 31, 2022 and Tk. 21.44 as on June 30, 2022.
2023-01-24: Board Meeting
SAFKOSPINN: Safko Spinning Mills Ltd. has informed that the Board Meeting of the Company will be held on January 30, 2023 at 4:30 PM to consider, among others, un-audited financial statements of the Company for the Second Quarter (Q2) period ended December 31, 2022.
2023-01-19: Change of Close Price
SAFKOSPINN: Please note that the close price of the shares of SAFKOSPINN has been reset at current market price prevailing in other exchange. New close price of SAFKOSPINN=Tk. 24.60.
2023-01-16: BSEC rejected issuance of 1% Stock Dividend
SAFKOSPINN: Refer to their earlier news disseminated by CSE on 30.10.2022 regarding Recommendation of Dividend, Safko Spinnings Mills Ltd. has further informed that the decision regarding raising of paid-up capital through issuance of 1% stock dividend for the year ended June 30, 2022 has been rejected by Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission.
2022-11-24: Cont2-Matter of Emphasis
SAFKOSPINN(cont2):The seller has given the possession of the said land and agreed to register the land after full payment vide agreement dated. 3rd December, 2019. As the company has paid the major purchase consideration and desires for development for future gain, the said advance transferred to investment in property as per IAS 40- Investment Property. Here the payment method was in cash channel."(end)
2022-11-24: Cont1-Matter of Emphasis
SAFKOSPINN(cont1):The company provided us a written explanation regarding the increase in volume of inventories and slow movement of stock. Physical existence with good condition was confirmed after year end; We draw attention to Note- 6: Investment in property. Note- 6 Investment in property: The balance of investment in property was BDT 107,910,000 and was BDT 0 as on June 30, 2022 and as on June 30, 2021 respectively. The company has given advance for land of Tk. 9.9 crore.(cont2)
2022-11-24: Matter of Emphasis
SAFKOSPINN: The auditor of the Safko Spinnings Mills Ltd. has given the "Matter of Emphasis" paragraphs in the Auditor's Report for the year ended 30 June, 2022. "Matter of Emphasis: We draw attention to the following matters, though our opinion is qualified in respect of the same: The volume of inventories is high in comparison to purchase, production capacity, cost of goods sold and turnover as a whole. However, technical status report as on 30 June, 2022 on the quantity, quality and value of inventories has been provided to us done by the management.(cont1)
2022-11-23: Record Date tomorrow (24.11.2022)
SAFKOSPINN: Trading of the shares of Safko Spinning Mills Ltd. will remain suspended on its record date i.e., 24.11.2022. Trading of the shares of the Company will resume on 27.11.2022.
2022-11-21: Spot trade from tomorrow (22.11.2022)
SAFKOSPINN: Trading of the shares of Safko Spinning Mills Ltd. will be allowed only in the Spot Market from 22.11.2022 to 23.11.2022 as the record date of the Company is on 24.11.2022.
2022-11-15: Un-audited Financial Statement
SAFKOSPINN: (Quarter 1) As per the un-audited financial statements of Safko Spinning Mills Ltd., EPS was Tk. (0.16) for July-September 2022 as against Tk. 0.02 for July-September 2021; NOCFPS was Tk. 0.52 for July-September 2022 as against Tk. 0.16 for July-September 2021. NAV per share was Tk. 21.28 as on September 30, 2022 and Tk. 21.44 as on June 30, 2022.
2022-11-09: Board Meeting
SAFKOSPINN: Safko Spinning Mills Ltd. has informed that the Board Meeting of the Company will be held on November 14, 2022 at 4:30 PM to consider, among others, un-audited financial statements of the Company for the First Quarter (Q1) period ended September 30, 2022.
2022-10-30: CB free
SAFKOSPINN: Please note that there will be no price limit today 30.10.2022 on the trading of the shares of the company following its corporate declaration, however, as per the BSEC Order No. BSEC/CMRRCD/2001-07/39 dated July 28, 2022, the floor price shall be applicable accordingly.
2022-10-30: Cont-Recommendation of Dividend
SAFKOSPINN(cont): The Company has informed that the reasons for declaration of Stock Dividend are to raise paid up Capital in order to fulfill the minimum Capital requirement Ref. no. BSEC/SRMIC/2021-208/421(39) dated 09 December, 2021. Stock dividend issued from net profit of current year (Subject to the approval of BSEC). Stock dividend has not been declared from Capital Reserve or Revaluation Reserve or any unrealized gain or out of profit earned prior to incorporation of the company or through reducing Paid up Capital.(end)
2022-10-30: Recommendation of Dividend
SAFKOSPINN: The Board of Directors has recommended 2% Cash and 1% Stock Dividend for the year ended June 30, 2022. The Stock Dividend is subject to the approval of BSEC. Date of AGM: 28.12.2022, Time: 11:00 AM, Venue: Digital Platform. Record Date: 24.11.2022. Another record date for entitlement of Stock Dividend will be notified later after getting approval from BSEC. The Company has reported EPS of Tk. 0.33, NAV per share of Tk. 21.44 and NOCFPS of Tk. 2.33 for the year ended June 30, 2022 as against Tk. 0.23, Tk. 21.44 and Tk. 2.14 respectively for the same period of the previous year.(cont)
2022-10-23: Board Meeting
SAFKOSPINN: Safko Spinning Mills Ltd. has informed that the Board Meeting of the Company will be held on October 27, 2022 at 4:30 PM to consider, among others, audited financial statements of the Company for the year ended June 30, 2022.
2022-04-28: Un-audited Financial Statements
SAFKOSPINN: (Quarter 3) As per the un-audited financial statements of Safko Spinning Mills Ltd., EPS was Tk. 0.10 for January-March 2022 as against Tk. 0.055 for January-March 2021; EPS was Tk. 0.13 for July 2021-March 2022 as against Tk. (4.31) for July 2020-March 2021. NOCFPS was Tk. 2.18 for July 2021-March 2022 as against Tk. 1.79 for July 2020-March 2021. NAV per share was Tk. 21.24 as on March 31, 2022 and Tk. 21.44 as on June 30, 2021.
2022-04-25: Board Meeting
SAFKOSPINN: Safko Spinning Mills Ltd. has informed that the Board Meeting of the Company will be held on April 27, 2022 at 3:30 PM to consider, among others, un-audited financial statements of the Company for the Third Quarter (Q3) period ended March 31, 2022.
2022-01-31: Un-audited HY A/Cs
SAFKOSPINN: (Quarter 2) As per un-audited half yearly accounts of Safko Spinning Mills Ltd., EPS was Tk. 0.02 for October-December 2021 as against Tk. (2.34) for October-December 2020. EPS was Tk. 0.04 for July-December 2021 as against Tk. (4.43) for July-December 2020. NOCFPS was Tk. 1.05 for July-December 2021 as against Tk. 1.21 for July-December 2020. NAV per share was Tk. 21.14 as on December 31, 2021 and Tk. 21.44 as on June 30, 2021.
2022-01-27: Cash Dividend Disbursement
SAFKOSPINN: Safko Spinning Mills Ltd. has informed that it has disbursed the cash dividend for the year ended June 30, 2021 to the respective shareholders.
2022-01-25: Board Meeting
SAFKOSPINN: Safko Spinning Mills Ltd. has informed that the Board Meeting of the Company will be held on January 30, 2022 at 3:30 PM to consider, among others, un-audited financial statements of the Company for the Second Quarter (Q2) period ended December 31, 2021.
2021-11-30: Change of the AGM Venue
SAFKOSPINN: Safko Spinning Mills Ltd. has further informed that the 27th AGM will be held on December 18, 2021 through Digital Platform instead of earlier declared at mill premises of Safko Spinning Mills Ltd. Noyapara, Saihamnagar, Madhabpur, Habiganj. Other information will remain unchanged.
2021-11-21: Record Date tomorrow (22.11.2021)
SAFKOSPINN: Trading of the shares of Safko Spinning Mills Ltd. will remain suspended on its record date i.e., 22.11.2021. Trading of the shares of the Company will resume on 23.11.2021.
2021-11-17: Spot trade from tomorrow (18.11.2021)
SAFKOSPINN: Trading of the shares of Safko Spinning Mills Ltd. will be allowed only in the Spot Market from 18.11.2021 to 21.11.2021 as the record date of the Company is on 22.11.2021.
2021-11-14: Un-audited Financial Statements
SAFKOSPINN: (Quarter 1) As per the un-audited financial statements of Safko Spinning Mills Ltd., EPS was Tk. 0.02 for July-September, 2021 as against Tk. (2.09) for July-September, 2020; NOCFPS was Tk. 0.16 for July-September, 2021 as against Tk. 0.67 for July-September, 2020. NAV per share was Tk. 21.46 as on September 30, 2021 and Tk. 21.44 as on June 30, 2021.
2021-11-09: Board Meeting
SAFKOSPINN: Safko Spinning Mills Ltd. has informed that the Board Meeting of the Company will be held on November 13, 2021 at 1:00 PM to consider, among others, un-audited financial statements of the Company for the First Quarter (Q1) period ended on September 30, 2021.
2021-10-31: Recommendation of Dividend (Additional Information)
SAFKOSPINN: Safko Spinning Mills Ltd. has recommended 5% cash dividend for all shareholders excluding the Sponsors & Directors for the year ended on June 30, 2021. The Company has also informed that the Sponsors/Directors hold 89,94,908 shares out of total 2,99,81,715 shares of the Company and the cash dividend to be payable to the public shareholders 2,09,86,807 shares to be payable dividend Tk. 1,04,93,406.00.
2021-10-31: CB Free
SAFKOSPINN: Please note that there will be no price limit today 31.10.2021 on the trading of the shares of the Company following its corporate declaration.
2021-10-31: Recommendation of Dividend
SAFKOSPINN: The Board of Directors has recommended 5% cash dividend for the year ended on June 30, 2021. Date of AGM: 18.12.2021, Time: 11:30 AM, Venue: At mill premises of Safko Spinning Mills Ltd. Noyapara, Saihamnagar, Madhabpur, Habiganj. Record Date: 22.11.2021. The Company has also reported EPS of Tk. 0.23, NAV per share of Tk. 21.44 and NOCFPS of Tk. 2.14 for the year ended on June 30, 2021 as against Tk. (5.69), Tk. 21.19 and Tk. (1.47) respectively for the same period of the previous year.
2021-10-21: Board Meeting
SAFKOSPINN: Safko Spinning Mills Ltd. has informed that the Board Meeting of the Company will be held on October 28, 2021 at 4:00 PM to consider, among others, audited financial statements of the Company for the year ended on June 30, 2021.
2021-08-17: Query Response
SAFKOSPINN: In response to a DSE query dated August 16, 2021, Safko Spinning Mills Ltd. has informed that there is no undisclosed price sensitive information of the Company for recent unusual price hike and increase in volume of shares.
2021-06-15: Query Response
SAFKOSPINN: In response to a DSE query dated June 15, 2021, Safko Spinning Mills Ltd. has informed that there is no undisclosed price sensitive information of the Company for recent unusual price hike and increase in volume of shares.
2021-05-25: Un-audited Financial Statements
SAFKOSPINN: (Quarter 3) As per the un-audited financial statements of Safko Spinning Mills Ltd., EPS was Tk. 0.055 for January-March 2021 as against Tk. (1.85) for January-March 2020; EPS was Tk. (4.31) for July 2020-March 2021 as against Tk. (3.85) for July 2019-March 2020. NOCFPS was Tk. 1.79 for July 2020-March 2021 as against Tk. 0.61 for July 2019-March 2020. NAV per share was Tk. 16.88 as on March 31, 2021 and Tk. 26.54 as on March 31, 2020.
2021-05-19: Board Meeting
SAFKOSPINN: Safko Spinning Mills Ltd. has informed that the Board Meeting of the Company will be held on May 24, 2021 at 3:30 PM to consider, among others, un-audited financial statements of the Company for the Third Quarter (Q3) period ended on March 31, 2021.
2021-01-31: Un-audited HY A/Cs
SAFKOSPINN: (Quarter 2) As per un-audited half yearly accounts of Safko Spinning Mills Ltd., EPS was Tk. (2.34) for October-December 2020 as against Tk. (0.37) for October-December 2019. EPS was Tk. (4.43) for July-December 2020 as against Tk. (1.99) for July-December 2019. NOCFPS was Tk. 1.21 for July-December 2020 as against Tk. 0.06 for July-December 2019. NAV per share was Tk. 16.76 as on December 31, 2020 and Tk. 28.39 as on December 31, 2019.
2021-01-25: Board Meeting
SAFKOSPINN: Safko Spinning Mills Ltd. has informed that the Board Meeting of the Company will be held on January 30, 2021 at 3:00 PM to consider, among others, un-audited financial statements of the Company for the Second Quarter (Q2) period ended on December 31, 2020.
2021-01-03: Credit Rating
SAFKOSPINN: National Credit Ratings Limited (NCR) has announced the surveillance entity rating of Safko Spinning Mills Ltd.as "BBB+" in the long term and "ST-3" in the short term along with a developing outlook based on audited financial statements of the Company as on June 30, 2020.
2020-11-16: Record Date tomorrow (17.11.2020)
SAFKOSPINN: Trading of the shares of Safko Spinning Mills Ltd. will remain suspended on its record date i.e., 17.11.2020. Trading of the shares of the Company will resume on 18.11.2020.
2020-11-15: Un-audited financial statements
SAFKOSPINN: (Quarter 1) As per the un-audited financial statements of Safko Spinning Mills Ltd., EPS was Tk. (2.09) for July-September 2020 as against Tk. (1.62) for July-September 2019; NOCFPS was Tk. 0.67 for July-September 2020 as against Tk. 0.12 for July-September 2019. NAV per share was Tk. 19.11 as on September 30, 2020 and Tk. 21.19 as on June 30, 2020.
2020-11-12: Spot trade from 15.11.2020
SAFKOSPINN: Trading of the shares of Safko Spinning Mills Ltd. will be allowed only in the Spot Market from 15.11.2020 to 16.11.2020 as the record date of the Company is on 17.11.2020.
2020-11-10: Board Meeting
SAFKOSPINN: Safko Spinning Mills Ltd. has informed that the Board Meeting of the Company will be held on November 14, 2020 at 4:00 PM to consider, among others, un-audited financial statements of the Company for the First Quarter (Q1) period ended on September 30, 2020.
2020-10-29: CB Free
SAFKOSPINN: Please note that there will be no price limit today 29.10.2020 on the trading of the shares of the Company following its corporate declaration, however, as per the BSEC Order No. BSEC/CMRRCD/2001-07/04 dated March 19, 2020, the floor price shall be applicable accordingly.
2020-10-29: Recommendation of No Dividend
SAFKOSPINN: The Board of Directors has recommended No dividend for the year ended on June 30, 2020. Date of AGM: 06.12.2020, Time: 11:30 AM, Venue: Conference Hall of Safko Spinning Mills Ltd. Noyapara, Saihamnagar, Madhabpur, Habiganj. Record Date: 17.11.2020. The Company has also reported EPS of Tk. (5.69), NAV per share of Tk. 21.19 and NOCFPS of Tk. (1.47) for the year ended on June 30, 2020 as against Tk. (0.49), Tk. 17.23 and Tk. 2.29 respectively for the same period of the previous year.
2020-10-22: Board Meeting
SAFKOSPINN: Safko Spinning Mills Ltd. has informed that the Board Meeting of the Company will be held on October 28, 2020 at 4:00 PM to consider, among others, audited financial statements of the Company for the year ended on June 30, 2020.
2020-09-02: Adjustment of Category as per BSEC Order
SAFKOSPINN: Pursuant to the BSEC Order no SEC/CMRRCD/2009-193/08 dated September 1, 2020 regarding re-definition of ''Z'' category companies and subsequent letter of BSEC no SEC/SRMIC/94-231/51-11 dated 01.09.2020 regarding necessary adjustment of category of the company in line with the provisions of Commission's Order, Safko Spinning Mills Ltd. will be placed in ''B'' category from existing ''Z'' category with effect from today 02.09.2020. As per BSEC Directive No. SEC/CMRRCD/2009-193/177 and BSEC Order No. SEC/CMRRCD/2009-193/178 dated October 27, 2015; the stock brokers & merchant bankers are requested not to provide loan facilities to their clients against trading of the shares of SAFKOSPINN up to 30 trading days from 02.09.2020.
2020-07-02: Un-audited Financial Statements
SAFKOSPINN: (Quarter 3) As per the un-audited financial statements of Safko Spinning Mills Ltd., EPS was Tk. (1.85) for January-March 2020 as against Tk. 0.01 for January-March 2019; EPS was Tk. (3.85) for July 2019-March 2020 as against Tk. 0.11 for July 2018-March 2019. NOCFPS was Tk. 0.61 for July 2019-March 2020 as against Tk. 6.18 for July 2018-March 2019. NAV per share was Tk. 26.54 as on March 31, 2020 and Tk. 17.23 as on June 30, 2019.
2020-06-25: BSEC's Time Extension
SAFKOSPINN: BSEC has granted time extension to Safko Spinning Mills Ltd. up to July 05, 2020 for submission of third quarter ended financial statements for the quarter ended on March 31, 2020.
2020-06-24: Board Meeting
SAFKOSPINN: Safko Spinning Mills Ltd. has informed that the Board Meeting of the Company will be held on June 30, 2020 at 3:00 PM to consider, among others, un-audited financial statements of the Company for the Third Quarter (Q3) period ended on March 31, 2020.
2020-02-02: Cont-Un-audited HY A/Cs
SAFKOSPINN: (Quarter 2) (cont) The Company has also informed that EPS was decreased due to decrease of sales price, increase of financial expenses and inclusion of previous years Income Tax has been finalized after assessment from the Tax Authorities. NOCFPS was decreased due to decrease of sales price, increased administrative and marketing expenses. NAV per share was increased due to revaluation of Land and buildings during the period.(end)
2020-02-02: Un-audited HY A/Cs
SAFKOSPINN: (Quarter 2) As per un-audited half yearly accounts of Safko Spinning Mills Ltd., EPS was Tk. (0.37) for October-December 2019 as against Tk. 0.01 for October-December 2018. EPS was Tk. (1.99) for July-December 2019 as against Tk. 0.10 for July-December 2018. NOCFPS was Tk. 0.06 for July-December 2019 as against Tk. 2.35 for July-December 2018. NAV per share was Tk. 28.39 as on December 31, 2019 and Tk. 17.23 as on June 30, 2019. (cont)
2020-01-27: Board Meeting
SAFKOSPINN: Safko Spinning Mills Ltd. has informed that the Board Meeting of the Company will be held on January 30, 2020 at 3:30 PM to consider, among others, un-audited financial statements of the Company for the Second Quarter (Q2) period ended on December 31, 2019.
2019-12-23: Un-audited Financial Statements (additional information)
SAFKOSPINN: (Quarter 1) Safko Spinning Mills Ltd. has also informed that EPS has been reduced significantly due to decreased sales price, increased financial expenses and inclusion of previous years income tax which has been finalized after assessment from the Tax Authorities.
2019-12-23: Un-audited Financial Statements
SAFKOSPINN: (Quarter 1) As per the un-audited financial statements of Safko Spinning Mills Ltd., EPS was Tk. (1.62) for July-September 2019 as against Tk. 0.09 for July-September 2018; NOCFPS was Tk. 0.12 for July-September 2019 as against Tk. 1.23 for July-September 2018. NAV per share was Tk. 15.60 as on September 30, 2019 and Tk. 17.23 as on June 30, 2019.
2019-12-19: Board Meeting
SAFKOSPINN: Safko Spinning Mills Ltd. has informed that the Board Meeting of the Company will be held on December 22, 2019 at 3:30 PM to consider, among others, un-audited financial statements of the Company for the First Quarter (Q1) period ended on September 30, 2019.
2019-12-11: Auditor's Opinion
SAFKOSPINN: The auditor of Safko Spinning Mills Ltd. has given the following qualified opinion in the audit report of the Company for the year ended on 30 June 2019: ''Basis for Qualified Opinion: 01. As per BSEC notification SEC/CMRRCD/2006-159/admin/02/10 dated September 10, 2006 requires permission of share holders (at AGM/EGM) to provide loan to an entity of close family members of directors of the company. But the said permission has not been provided to us. 02. The entity made revaluation of assets on September 2012, but as per IAS 16, para 34 revaluation should be made with a frequency of 3 to 5 years, which is non-compliance of the said standards.''
2019-12-10: Record Date tomorrow (11.12.2019)
SAFKOSPINN: Trading of the shares of Safko Spinning Mills Ltd. will remain suspended on its record date i.e., 11.12.2019. Trading of the shares of the Company will resume on 12.12.2019.
2019-11-27: Spot trade from tomorrow (28.11.2019)
SAFKOSPINN: Trading of the shares of Safko Spinning Mills Ltd. will be allowed only in the Spot Market from 28.11.2019 to 10.12.2019 as the record date of the Company is on 11.12.2019.
2019-11-24: Category change
SAFKOSPINN: Please note that Safko Spinning Mills Ltd. will be placed in ''Z'' category from existing ''B'' category with effect from 25 November 2019 as the Company has recommended No dividend for the year ended on June 30, 2019. As per SEC Directive No. SEC/CMRRCD/2001-43/169 dated October 01, 2009; the stock brokers & merchant bankers are requested not to provide loan facilities to their clients against trading of the shares of SAFKOSPINN from 25 November 2019.
2019-11-24: CB Free
SAFKOSPINN: Please note that there will be no price limit today 24 November 2019 on the trading of shares of the Company following its corporate disclosure.
2019-11-24: Recommendation of No Dividend
SAFKOSPINN: The Board of Directors has recommended No dividend for the year ended on June 30, 2019. Date of AGM: 26.12.2019, Time: 11:30 AM, Venue: Conference Hall of Safko Spinning Mills Ltd. Noyapara, Saihamnagar, Madhabpur, Habiganj. Record Date: 11.12.2019. The Company has also reported EPS of Tk. (0.49), NAV per share of Tk. 17.23 and NOCFPS of Tk. 2.29 for the year ended on June 30, 2019 as against Tk. 0.41 (restated), Tk. 17.67 (restated) and Tk. 3.30 (restated) respectively for the same period of the previous year.
2019-11-14: BSEC's Time Extension
SAFKOSPINN: BSEC has granted time extension to Safko Spinning Mills Ltd. up tp November 28, 2019 for completion of the audit of the financial statements for the year ended on June 30, 2019 and submission of the same.
2019-11-14: Reschedule of Board Meeting
SAFKOSPINN: Safko Spinning Mills Ltd. has further informed that the Board Meeting of the Company will now be held on November 21, 2019 at 4:30 PM to consider, among others, audited financial statements of the Company for the year ended on June 30, 2019.
2019-10-28: Postponement of Board Meeting
SAFKOSPINN: Safko Spinning Mills Ltd. has further informed that, due to certain unavoidable circumstances, the Board Meeting of the Company scheduled to be held on October 27, 2019 at 4:30 PM, to consider, among others, audited financial statements of the Company for the year ended on June 30, 2019, has been postponed. New date and time of the meeting will be notified later on.
2019-10-20: Board Meeting
SAFKOSPINN: Safko Spinning Mills Ltd. has informed that the Board Meeting of the Company will be held on October 27, 2019 at 4:30 PM to consider, among others, audited financial statements of the Company for the year ended on June 30, 2019.
2019-01-31: Un-audited HY A/Cs
SAFKOSPINN: (Quarter 2) As per un-audited half yearly accounts of Safko Spinning Mills Ltd., EPS was Tk. 0.01 for October-December 2018 as against Tk. 0.12 for October-December 2017. EPS was Tk. 0.10 for July-December 2018 as against Tk. 0.28 for July-December 2017. NOCFPS was Tk. 2.35 for July-December 2018 as against Tk. 2.55 for July-December 2017. NAV per share was Tk. 17.77 as on December 31, 2018 and Tk. 18.20 as on June 30, 2018. The Company has also informed that due to the effect of increased finance cost EPS was decreased.
2019-01-27: Board Meeting
SAFKOSPINN: Safko Spinning Mills Ltd. has informed that the Board Meeting of the Company will be held on January 30, 2019 at 3:30 PM to consider, among others, un-audited financial statements of the Company for the Second Quarter (Q2) period ended on December 31, 2018.
2019-01-01: Bonus Share Credited
SAFKOSPINN: Safko Spinning Mills Ltd Limited has informed that the Bonus Shares of the Company for the year ended on June 30, 2018 have already been credited through CDBL to the respective shareholders' BO A/Cs on December 27, 2018.
2018-11-19: Ex-benefit Price Adjustments
SAFKOSPINN: Please note that the price of the shares of SAFKOSPINN is adjusted today following its ex-benefits date to the extent of its corporate benefits; hence the price limit on the scrip will remain as it is today. Therefore, adjusted price of SAFKOSPINN =Tk 16.50.
2018-11-15: Record Date on 18.11.2018
SAFKOSPINN: Trading of the shares of Safko Spinning Mills Ltd. will remain suspended on its record date i.e., 18.11.2018. Trading of the shares of the Company will resume on 19.11.2018.
2018-11-15: Un-audited Financial Statements
SAFKOSPINN: (Quarter 1) As per the un-audited financial statements of Safko Spinning Mills Ltd., EPS was Tk. 0.09 for July-September, 2018 as against Tk. 0.12 for July-September, 2017; NOCFPS was Tk. 1.23 for July-September, 2018 as against Tk. 0.77 for July-September, 2017. NAV per share was Tk. 18.30 as on September 30, 2018 and Tk. 18.20 as on June 30, 2018.
2018-11-13: Spot trade from tomorrow (14.11.2018)
SAFKOSPINN: Trading of the shares of Safko Spinning Mills Ltd. will be allowed only in the Spot Market from 14.11.2018 to 15.11.2018 as the record date of the Company is on 18.11.2018.
2018-11-08: Board Meeting
SAFKOSPINN: Safko Spinning Mills Ltd. has informed that the Board Meeting of the Company will be held on on November 14, 2018 at 4:00 PM to consider, among others, un-audited financial statements of the Company for the First Quarter (Q1) period ended on September 30, 2018.
2018-10-29: CB free
SAFKOSPINN: Please note that there will be no price limit today 29 October 2018 on the trading of shares of the Company following its corporate disclosure.
2018-10-29: Recommendation of Dividend
SAFKOSPINN: The Board of Directors has recommended 3% stock dividend for the year ended on June 30, 2018. Date of AGM: 05.12.2018, Time: 11:30 AM, Venue: Conference Hall of Safko Spinning Mills Ltd. Noyapara, Saihamnagar, Madhabpur, Habiganj. Record Date: 18.11.2018. The Company has also reported EPS of Tk. 0.42, NAV per share of Tk. 18.20 and NOCFPS of Tk. 3.40 for the year ended on June 30, 2018 as against Tk. 0.38, Tk. 18.49 and Tk. 2.09 respectively for the same period of the previous year.
2018-10-21: Board Meeting
SAFKOSPINN: Safko Spinning Mills Ltd. has informed that the Board Meeting of the Company will be held on October 28, 2018 at 5:00 PM to consider, among others, audited financial statements of the Company for the year ended on June 30, 2018.
2018-09-23: Query Response
SAFKOSPINN: In response to a DSE query dated September 20, 2018, Safko Spinning Mills Ltd. has informed that there is no undisclosed price sensitive information of the Company for recent unusual price hike of shares.
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