Market Status: Closed
  Saturday, 29 Mar '25
   10:02:19 (BST)

July 5, 2021, Dhaka:


Investors can safely and reliably do stock trading through CSE's Internet Trading Service (ITS) and mobile application "CHITRA".


During the pandemic of Covid-19, and prolonged lockdown, investors in the country can comfortably do stock trading digitally through or after being registered by the CSE stock broker. The mobile application "CHITRA" can be downloaded free from google play store  


Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission (BSEC) vide its directive on 30th June, 2021 instructed both exchanges to promote digital platform so as to enable investors to do trade from their home instead of physical presence at the respective brokers’ offices.


"CSE's state of art ITS facility and android mobile application 'CHITRA' are proven uninterrupted trading facilities for the investors. These digital channels can ensure faster and real time online trading facility."


Any investor can find all information regarding Internet Trading Service of CSE from its website



For Details



Cell: 01760745736





| July 05, 2021 |