Market Status: Closed
  Saturday, 22 Feb '25
   09:42:39 (BST)

Three CSE executives and six executives of CSE top brokers - Lanka Bangla Securities, Multi Securities, BRAC EPL Stock Brokerage, Be Rich & Kabir Securities have successfully completed their visit to Malaysia. The five days tour was organized and sponsored by CSE which was included a knowledge sharing visit to the Bursa Malaysia and top-level Brokerage houses in Kualulumpur. The team was cordially hosted by the Malaysian Exchange on the 5th of April where they received elucidated & practical information on general trading operation, settlement, Brokerage services, Corporate Strategy and most importantly on the SME operation in Malaysia. On the following day, the team have had a learning session on the Islamic Market maneuver. The cooperation from the Bursa management was enormous which assisted the visiting team to fetch an intense learning on Capital Market and brilliant memory from Malaysia.

| April 10, 2018 |