Market Status: Closed
  Saturday, 29 Mar '25
   10:47:47 (BST)

Chittagong, November 23, 2023

The 28th Annual General Meeting (AGM) of Chittagong Stock Exchange PLC (CSE) is held today Thursday November 23, 2023 at 04:00 pm at Conference Hall, CSE Building, 1080 Sk. Mujib Road, Agrabad C/A, Chattogram. Mr. Asif Ibrahim, Chairman of CSE conducted the AGM.


The CSE Board of directors Mr. Abdul Halim Chowdhury, Mr. Monjurul Ahsan Bulbul, Ms. Ishter Mahal, Mr. Mohammad Naquib Uddin Khan, Managing Director (Acting) of CSE Mr. Md. Ghulam Faruque, and Company Secretary Mr. Rajib Saha, FCS were attended in the AGM.


In the AGM CSE Shareholders approved 5% dividend for the year 2022-23. 


The shareholders of CSE also cast the vote to elect 02 (two) shareholder directors. Advocate Mohsanuddin Ahmad Chowdhury, Chairman of the Election Committee conducted the Election.


The Shareholders also elected Mr. Mohammed Akther Parvez Chowdhury, Managing Director of PHP Stocks & Securities Ltd. and Mr. Major (Retd.) Emdadul Islam, Director of B.K.Capital Management Ltd. as directors of the Board of CSE.



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Cell: 01760745736

| November 23, 2023 |