Chittagong, 7 March 2019:
Chittagong Stock Exchange Limited (CSE) has organized a roundtable discussion on “Ring the Bell for Gender Equality”, on the occasion of International Women’s Day 2019 on today 7 March 2019 at CSE Conference Room, CSE, Chittagong. This is the first time CSE has organized this program as a Partner Stock Exchange of the United Nations Sustainable Stock Exchanges Initiative (UN SSE), headquartered in Geneva. Globally, the theme of this year of the event is: “Think equal, build smart, innovate for change”.
The “Ring the Bell for Gender Equality” event series is a partnership of the Sustainable Stock Exchanges Initiative, together with the United Nations Global Compact, UN Women, IFC, Women in ETFs and the World Federation of Exchanges to raise awareness about the opportunities for the private sector to advance gender equality and sustainable development.
The program was presided by the CSE Managing Director Mr. M. Shaifur Rahman Mazumdar FCA, FCMA. Ms. Sabiha Musa, Former MP was the Chief Guest. The discussants were: Begum Mustari Shafi, Eminent Freedom Fighter and Women Leader; Professor Shaheda Islam, Chairman, Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education, Chittagong; Dr. Nazneen Kawshar Chowdhury, Deputy Secretary, Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh and First Secretary of Bangladesh Rubber Board; Ms. Dilruba Ahmed, Principal, Little Jewels School; Ms. Safia Ghazi Rahman, Founder and Principal, Sunshine Grammar School & College; Ms. Abida Sultana, Senior Vice President, Chittagong Women Chamber of Commerce & Industry; Ms. Roksana Akter Chy (Ruhi), Senior Vice President, Chittagong Women Chamber of Commerce & Industry; Dr. Munal Mahbub, Vice President, Chittagong Women Chamber of Commerce & Industry; Ms. Ivy Hasan, Founder- Doll’s House & Former Senior Vice President, Chittagong Women Chamber of Commerce & Industry; Ms. Rekha Alam, Member, Chittagong Women Chamber of Commerce & Industry and Ms. Muniza Bashir, First Vice President, Dhaka Bank Limited.
They discussed on different aspects of Gender Equality and Women Empowerment. There were around 100 women participants in the roundtable discussion.
The Chief Guest Ms. Sabiha Musa, Former MP gave emphasis on the equality of women in every spheres of our lives and she reminded us on the quote of Banghabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman “Sonar Bangla Gorte Sonar Manush Chai”.
CSE MD Mr. M. Shaifur Rahman Mazumdar FCA, FCMA highlighted on creating awareness among the women. He also mentioned about the vital role the Stock Exchanges can play in ensuring Gender Equality among the listed companies. He proposed some declarations and those were adopted by the participants. The declarations were as follows:
- Promote gender equality among your workforce.
- Introduce gender equality standards and support gender-equality themed investment products.
- Provide guidance, training, mentoring, and education to market participants on gender equality and the role of gender diversity in business performance.
- Encourage or require listed companies to publicly report on relevant gender metrics.
- Appoint one Woman Commissioner in the Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission (BSEC).
- Participation of Women in the board of the listed companies as Independent Director.
- Participation of Women as Director in the Board of the Stock Exchanges.
- Participation of Women as Director in the Board of the Brokerage Houses.
- Participation of Women in the top management of Exchanges, Listed Companies, and Brokerage Houses.
- Promote Gender Index.
- Formulate and promote work environment principles for women.
- Formulate and promote principles for ensuring women’s participation.
- Encourage public and private investment for creating awareness on SDGs’ Goal 5-Gender Equality and capacity building.
- Formulate and promote principles to eliminate gender discrimination.
- Proper circulation of all government initiatives on women empowerment and measurement of effectiveness.
- Ensure women participation in stock market principle.
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