Market Status: Closed
  Wednesday, 26 Mar '25
   11:06:39 (BST)



After the introduction of automated trading system in Bangladesh in 1998, CSE was also the first bourse to introduce Internet Trading services in the country. CSE introduced Internet Trading System on 30th May 2004. CSE upgraded the Internet Trading System with the introduction of Next Generation Trading System (NGTS) on October 20, 2011.

The Internet Trading System of CSE is a real online Internet based trading application which is directly integrated with the main trading engine. Thus the investors' orders hit directly to the matching engine provided the investors have enough stock/cash available in their portfolio. This application supports Multiple Brokers, Supports Direct Dealer Access and Investor Access. It is user-friendly and has configurable User Interfaces, Comprehensive Market Information. It provides both Thick (EXE clients) and Thin Clients (Browser Based), Provides online Cash, Margin, Back office reports to both Dealer and Investor s. This ITS complements the existing ITS of CSE.

For login to the Internet Trading System please click here.